Boris Egorov - biography, photo, personal life of cosmonaut



Boris Egorov destined to become the 13th astronaut. The number is considered unpleasant in many areas, including in astronautics, but the choice was not given to him. The first doctor in orbit, Egorov made a brilliant career and made a lot of scientific discoveries, but to call him a biography of the story of the balovna fate difficult: a favorite thing was falling apart in perestroika, due to a lack of money, and from life he went out in 57 years.

Childhood and youth

Future cosmonaut was born in Moscow on November 26, 1937. The boy was named after the Father - the famous surgeon, the director of the Burdenko Institute. Boris Egorov Sr. was a real luminary and pride of Soviet medicine, but he did not get a relationship with the only son.

Boris Egorov in youth

When the youngest Boris turned 14, his mother died, and some time after this tragic event, his father led a new woman to the house. Son found it with betrayal. Later, in student years, he stopped communicating with his father.

His mother was also a doctor, and Boris confidently set off at the footsteps of the parents. In the Junior Medical Institute, the young man was carried away by the trendy direction - to study the influence of cosmic conditions on human health. Then, in this direction, medicine did only the first steps, and it was flattering to him to become a pioneer. Egorov graduated from the 1st Moscow Medical Institute and plunged into research.


Considering the specific nature of the work, it, together with other volunteers, was obliged to pass the special preparation, the same as the military pass - after all, the cosmonaut, who needs a doctor's help can land in a hard-to-reach area, then a specialist needs to be able to jump with parachute and treat in the field. The first combat duty of Egorov took place during the flight of Gagarin, April 12, 1961. The young doctor then as part of the group waited for astronaut in Siberia, but at that time the help was not required.

Boris Egorov and Yuri Gagarin

A year later, set a set in a group of doctors, which will go into space themselves to conduct research on board. Boris Borisovich knew that he had a little chance - since childhood he was near, but the young man was not going to give up quickly. When the first application was rejected, he went to the head of the laboratory asking for him to be paid at the highest level. There they noticed the persistent candidate and added his name to the cherished list.

For 1963, a flight was planned at the Multi-site Skidrost, whose crew wanted to equip 3 by specialists - scientists, pilot and doctor. Prior to that, only single ships sent to space, and the task is to put in the two more people turned out to be difficult. I had to partially remove the equipment and abandon the scafflers.

Portrait Boris Egorova

The pilot in the group was chosen quickly - there were 20 applicants, and everyone was distinguished by heroic health. It turned out more difficult with scientists and doctors - among them physically strong people were significantly less.

In 1964, Egorova, who had many advantages to other candidates, was allowed to prepare for the other candidates: by that time he wrote 10 medicine and was preparing for the protection of the dissertation. Moreover, it is important, he was younger than the rest, and, in addition, he had no problems with health.

Boris Egorov - biography, photo, personal life of cosmonaut 13678_4

Flight took place on October 12, 1964. Boris Borisovich later called this day the happiest in life. Space expedition lasted 1 day 17 minutes 3 seconds, and the crew managed to fulfill all the tasks, including the necessary medical experiments.

At the return of astronauts, expected surprise - while the crew was in space, in the Soviet Union changed the Secretary-General. So in the path they were accomplished by Khrushchev, and I had to report on the completion of the mission already had Brezhnev.

Cosmonaut Boris Egorov

For the flight, Egorov assigned the title Hero of the Soviet Union. After that, he did not have been in space and devoted himself entirely to the study of medical and biological problems. In 1967, Boris Borisovich defended his dissertation, and in 1984 he became the founder of the research institute of biomedical technologies.

When problems with financing began due to restructuring, the scientist decided to do business. According to him, entrepreneurship was given to him much harder than space expeditions. It was hard and physically, and morally. The tension undermined the health of Egorov and led to a heart disease, which later became the cause of death.

Personal life

Boris Egorov had a bright and attractive appearance and looked like a kinherman, and the glory of the cosmonaut and did it at all incredibly popular. He walked with a temperamental and ardent man, and rumors about his stormy personal life have always been the focus of the secular chronicles.

Boris Egorov and Eleanor Mordrekina and son Boris

Officially, he was married 4 times. For the first time, the cosmonaut concluded marriage in student years with the fellowship Eleonor Mordrekina. They had a son who was called Boris in honor of the Family tradition, but their youthful love was faded quickly, and the union broke up.

The second time Egorov married the famous actress Natalia Fateeva. The bright pair was in the center of attention of the media, their joint photos often appeared in printed publications. In 1969 they had a daughter Natasha.

Natalia Fateeva and Boris Egorov

Marriage gave a crack in 1971. Natalia Kustinskaya became the new chief of Boris Borisovich. At that time she was married, but Egorov knew how to care beautifully and could conquer her love. Together they spent 20 years. There were no common children with a couple, but Boris adopted Dmitry, the son of the actress from the previous marriage, and gave him his surname.

In 1991, the spouses divorced - the wife told that the cause was the treason of her husband, which she did not forgive. The astronaut attributed a romantic relationship with TV host Valentina Leontyeva, but they did not end the wedding.

Natalia Kustinskaya and Boris Egorov

Almost immediately after the divorce from the Koustinskaya Egorov married the 4th time. Tatyana Vuraki worked as a dentist's doctor, her daughter and son grew from the past marriage. With the new spouse he lived until the end of his days.

Cosmonaut was a big car lover. He became one of the first Soviet owners of foreign cars - Buick Electra cars. Friends remember that Egorov was an excellent driver and preferred a quick ride. At 40, he surprised close to new hobby - motocross, and even motorcycles for racing collected themselves.


In recent years, the heart was disturbed by Boris Borisovich more and more. Doctors insisted on serious treatment, but he was constantly urgent, and he was postponing hospitalization. On September 12, 1994, the famous cosmonaut passed away. The cause of death was an extensive heart attack.

Boris Egorov is buried next to his father in Moscow at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

In honor of the cosmonaut, a crater on the back of the moon and an asteroid at number 8450. The name Boris Borisovich Egorova carries the street in the city of Kamyshin in the Volgograd region. It is located next to the street named after Konstantin Feoktistov, his Space Flight Partner.

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