Ia Arepina - biography, photo, personal life, movies



For his life, actress Iia Arepina did not receive almost a single kinonagrada. After filming in the "Captain daughter" she had a chance to become a deserved artist, but the woman refused this honorary title. Most viewers know her by film 50s - early 60s. And, no matter how sad the further creative fate of the actress, it will be remembered by this, as in these films - young, beautiful, clear-eyed blonde.

Childhood and youth

Iia Alekseevna Arepina was born on July 2, 1930 in Ardatov Mordovian Autonomous Region (now - Republic of Mordovia). Father actress recalled as an educated, comprehensively developed man who loved to read, played musical instruments - guitar and balalaica. He and Nare the girl with an unusual name of Iia - translated from the ancient Greek it means "flower" or "violet". Mother Arepina, like many peasants who lived in the first third of the 20th century, was not a diploma.

Actress Iia Arepina

The girl since childhood dreamed of becoming an artist. In an interview, Iia Alekseevna told how in 3-4 years opposed guests with children's songs. During his studies at the School, Arepin was engaged in the drama, she tried not to miss a single film from those who were shown in the cinema of their native city. To buy a cherished ticket for a session, the girl traded the dill - no extra money in the family was not, therefore, the volley-noilies had to mined funds for entertainment on their own.

When the Second World War began, a large-scale family of Arepin had to be not easy. Little ia went to the forest along with his sisters, he fed her grass, berries - in a word, everyone that was in food. In the hungry 40th forest with its natural gifts was a real savior, and the love for him actress retained throughout his life.

Ia Arepina in youth

After graduating from school, Arepina decided to fulfill a long-time dream and entered the theatrical. She sent the necessary documents to all metropolitan universities, but only VGIK responded. Ovetered lucky, I collected a suitcase (on the inside of his covers, Audrey Hepburn photos and love of Orlova were concerned and went to conquer Moscow.

In the youth, Iia Alekseevna was low, fragile blonde. Such she appeared before the admission committee - ridiculous dressed and combed. The final "stroke" in the image of the applicant was black eyebrows, densely drawn with a pencil. When the girl began with the expression to read the monologue of the main hero of the novel Maxim Mother Gorky "Mother", the Commission was not kept from laughter. The Masters Vasily Vanin Vanokov and Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Belokurov took an unusual contender in place.

Ia Arepina in youth

It was good-natured to shake over a modest provincial and while studying at the Institute. Not knowing that the classes can be obtained by tram, Arepina every day walking a whole kilometer. In Vgika, the girl nicknamed "the directness number one". Under the "number two" girlfriend AI, the future deserved artist of the RSFSR Nina Krachkovskaya.

At the professional scene, the actress has already been released in student years - she got the role of Snow Maiden in the play on the eponymous play of Alexander Ostrovsky and Shurki in the production of "Egor Bulychev and others" in Gorky. In 1954, studies in Vgika was finished, after the release, the girl settled in the Camera Actrake Studio (now - the state theater of the film actor). There she served until 1985.


Alekseevna Alekseevna filmography includes 30 works. In the 50s, the actress was in demand, she was entrusted by the main roles in the films "Big Family" (1954), "Girl from Mayak" (1956), "Red Leaves" (1958), "Special Approach" (1959). Special success in the audience and the professional community used the role of Masha Mironovaya in the filmization of the "Captain Daughter" Alexander Pushkin.

Iya Arepina in the film

In the 60s, Arepine became a person of non-grad. During the filming of the new picture, the artist refused the director who descended to see her with his mistress. The conflict ended with the dismissal of the AI ​​and the stigm of the scandalist. From this time, the creative biography of the actress went to the decline, most often to see it could be in episodes. The tiny roles of Jia Alekseevna received in the films "Kalina Red" (1973), "on the threshold" (1986), "Do not forget to look back" (1988).

Iya Arepina in the film

In the 90s and at the beginning of zero Arepina, they were offered to be filmed in commercials, but the actress invariably responded with refusal and redirected employers to their colleagues. Iia Alekseevna has long hatched the idea of ​​teaching the acting skill of children, but these plans were not implemented.

Personal life

The first love for AI came in 1954 on the set of the painting "Steppe Zori". There, the fate brought her with the operator Julia Kun, who later showed himself as director and screenwriter. Shortly after the acquaintance, young people went to the registry office, then their firstborn appeared on the world. Son gave a name in honor of the Father. However, the marriage did not last long: explosive, impulsive creative nature together did not get along. The son of Coon and Arepina Julius became a journalist-an international.

Iya Arepina and Julius Kun

The second chief of the artist was the translator-synchronist Vadim Milstein. Together the couple lived for 6 years. Both passionately dreamed of children, but I could not get pregnant. Little little in the family began to be discord, and the spouses decided to part. AREPINA believed that the guilt of adversity in his personal life was of difficult character: the actress experienced too strong feelings to their men and demanded the same in response. However, this was not for everyone.

Ia Arepina in 1995

In 1968, Lada Arepina was born. With her father, the actress met in his native Ardatov. The new partner of the AI ​​was much younger, an affair with him quickly duck, but a woman did not want a long relationship. Premenhenev, she broke up with a young man and gave birth to her daughter in Lada. With her and grandson Artem actress and spent the rest of his days.


Iia Alekseevna died on July 24, 2003. The cause of death became an attack of asthma - the actress has suffered from this disease for many years. Captivity in the profession, conflict with the son of Julia and the inability to communicate with his two children has adversely affected the health of Arepina. Once at night she became bad. Not wanting to wake daughter and grandson, Jia independently went to another drug room, but did not react.

Grave Ai Arepina

The actress rests on the Nikolo Arkhangelsk cemetery in Moscow. Arepine wanted to be cremated, and the dust were buried in Ardatov or dispelled over the sea. Relatives II Alekseevna decided that it would be better if the admirers of her talent would be able to visit the grave of her beloved artist. On the tombstone, the quotation from the poem Lermontov "MTSYRY":

"Let him in paradise, in the holy translated edge

Your spirit will find a shelter.

The suffering sleeps in the cold eternal silence ... "


  • 1953 - "Steppe Zori"
  • 1954 - "Big Family"
  • 1956 - "Girl with Lighthouse"
  • 1957 - "All more expensive"
  • 1958 - "Captain's Daughter"
  • 1958 - "Special Approach"
  • 1959 - "Gloomy Wangur"
  • 1961 - "After Bala"
  • 1965 - "War and Peace"
  • 1967 - "The incident whom no one noticed"
  • 1973 - "Kalina Red"
  • 1976 - "Here my pier"
  • 1979 - "Something with the phone"
  • 1982 - "Peckers"
  • 1988 - "Do not forget to look back"
  • 1992 - "Running on the sunny side"

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