Ariadna Efron - biography, photo, personal life, books, Marina Tsvetaeva



Following a given rarecoma name, under the heroine of the myths of ancient Greece, Ariadna Efron shed the light to unknown for a long time the facts and removed from the labyrinth of the lovers of the readers of the diaries about their own life and their famous mother. Her children's memories, destroyed in the letters and suggestions, are striking the depth and firmness of the launched trifles, as if created their child, and who had lived a sage.

Childhood and youth

On September 18, 1912, on a new style, the future great poetess - then another 20-year-old - Marina Tsvetaeva and a publicist and a Jew by Nationality, Sergey Efron, for the first time became parents. To call the daughter exactly that mother decided - in contrast to her husband who loved Russian women's names, taking and realizing all responsibility for choosing.

Ariadna Efron and Marina Tsvetaeva

From an early age, the girl learned to read, write and keep the impressions of each day in a simple notebook, as well as to compose poems included later in Psyche. In the Moscow House grew among the magic fairy tales of Perra and favorite works of grandmother - Pianists Mary Maine.

When Sergey left a volunteer to fight against the red, the wife remained with two children in his hands to fight hunger and survive, and Alya (so called her close) lost her childhood and quickly adultel. They visited literary evenings, read the block and balmont, who was divided into the circle, with which the last saved potatoes were divided.

Ariadna Efron in childhood

Diseases, though they did not leave the girl - fever, behind her, but did not take the usas. By the time of departure abroad, Marina had only she - 3-year-old Irina died in a shelter.

In 1922, the Efron family connected in Berlin, then moved to Czechoslovakia. Books out loud and improvised performances in the evenings, teaching good manners and the truth as an immutable law - all this was present on an ongoing basis in the life of the girl.

Career and creativity

In 1922, the gymnasium, where Alya came, armed with the knowledge of the Latin alphabet, prayer, Russian language and a little mathematics. In her walls received nickname Pushkin and mastered the subtleties of collective coexistence. In an educational institution was not long, because "knowledge was given bad." Marina decided to personally enjoy the formation of her daughter, which became truly brilliant without paper confirmation - polyglot, a deep connoisseur of literature, art and history.

Ariadna Efron in youth

Paris happened later, where all the homemade as they could have been used for food, the head of the scholarship, his companion - poems, and Ariadne masted journalism in four publications, translations, knitting and sewing soft toys. In parallel, the skill of drawing in two collections is, one of them - the Louvre.

In 1937, Alya returns to his homeland, for her - Sergey Yakovlevich. The main reason for the decision, of course, in relation to the Soviet Union is any, but it seemed to be a paradise, attributed to the novels of the mother and, in general, broken communication between relatives.

Ariadna Efron during arrest

The end of the summer of 1939 became the end of the will of the younger Tsvetaeva - arrest, Lubyanka, accusation of espionage, torture, who had a testimony against the father, reference. Refusing a "knocking", in the war was on the forestryovale. An inevitable death again bypassed the party - helped her friend and rescued a civil husband. Liberation occurred in 8 years - Alya moved to the homeland of Sergei Yesenin, where she taught the schedule for 200 rubles. It came back in 1949 and sent to Siberia forever.

After the exhaust labor, the Efron translated into the club - decorate wall newsnets, slogans, to respond for theatrical and cultural life. Pasternak's letters saved not only morally, but also materially - he expelled the means allowed Ariadne and her main friend Ade Federolf-Shkodina to acquire a small house for living. Stay in the link left corn, spiritual wounds and watercolors.

Ariadna Efron and Hell Federolf-Shkodina

Rehabilitation has also come unexpectedly, as well as accusations - in 1955, a long-awaited return to Moscow occurred, and after 7 years - membership in the Union of Writers. Transfers of favorite foreign figures of literature, the creation of poetic works, the publication of the writings of Marina Tsvetaeva - Following the declared physical freedom, it came and creative.

Personal life

In 1937, Alou and Samuel Gurevich combined the place of work - the publisher. Or rather, the buffet in the institution, where the man got straight from the meeting about his behavior, and she looked after work to drink Mors. The read and poured colleague was sad at the table, and to raise the mood, the girl put an orange in front of him and disappeared.

Another meeting has become permanent, young people enjoyed each other's society, walked a lot and talked. About the personal life and wife of the beloved Ariadne knew, but decided to wait anywhere. Her family, who returned from the emigration, Samuel fell in the soul and soon became one of his loved ones.

Ariadna Efron and Samuel Gurevich

His full optimism and support for postal reports found their addressee in all places of serving the sentence, he requested her translation to a more sparing camp, came to Ryazan. Of course, they knew about it "upstairs", threatened with an exception from the party. A man helped his native unique woman. However, one of the meetings with it, which changed after the second conclusion, it became clear - to be together is not possible.

"With a former husband (unfortunately," former ", because nothing is always under the moon, and even more so - the husbands!) He met warmly and in a friendly, but not about how to think about how to think about, he was on his work and on party The lines are associated with Moscow, and I - etc. When I meet with him - on average every two months, when I am in Moscow, it is very cute and a little sad ... ", - so reads her record.

After the execution of Gurevich in 1951, the official wife married the second time, and the named remained widow until the end of his life.


Based on the facts of the tragic biography of Ariadna Tsvetaeva, it seems that death had to overtake it at every moment of existence - in childhood, infected with typhus, in his youth, when it became aware of the disease, during interrogation and subsequent beats, in a free car, carrying prisoners Stage, in two camps.

Ariadna Efron.

But every time he retreated before unusual kindness, giving the opportunity to escape, survive and fulfill the presenter - to leave the books of letters ("And the soul is not sinking ..."), stories and sketches ("My winter snow"), "Memories of the daughter" of the Great Mother Key quotes of which have long become aphorisms.

The custodian of the archives and the talented translator died in the hospital of the city of Taruce Summer in the morning of July 26, 1975. Cause of death: Extensive heart attack. The heart responded to every nearby without parsing, stopped at the 63rd year of life. The fit was preceded by unbearable pain, but she did not pay attention to them, hoping that they would pass, and continued to do the economy, without being distracted by trifles.

The grave of Ariadna Efron

He was buried at the local cemetery, on a grave stone without a photo at the hill just a few words - the full name of the deceased and two dates. The latter of the family of Tsvetaeva left the younger sister of poetess - Anastasia Ivanovna.

The memory of Ale lives to this day. Modern publicist Dmitry Bykov dedicated her a lecture, calling the ideal and the "coming Russian dream," and in 2018 the collection came out about a previously unpublished correspondence with the girlfriend Lydia to teach.


"Poets write not for poets, sculptures are not for sculptors; And the musicians do not create musicians; That everything is true for many people, for the sake of their thirst for creatible, as to the urgent. "" Before you have the right to love poetry, you need to love the poet itself. "" For the above-mentioned arithmetic rules for the time being, a encrypted higher mathematician remains. " Anyone who laughs above the other, is a fool or scoundrel, most often - both. "


  • 1982 - "Letters from the link. Ariadna Efron B. Pasternaku »
  • 1989 - "About Marina Tsvetaeva: Memories of the daughter"
  • 1996 - "And the soul is not sinking. Letters 1942-1975. Memories"
  • 2003 - "Figure. Watercolor. Engraving"
  • 2004 - "Life is an animal striped. Letters to Olga Ivinskaya and Irina Emelyanova (1955-1975) "
  • 2005 - "My winter snow. Memories, stories, letters, poems, drawings "
  • 2008 - "The history of life, the history of the soul" in 3 volumes
  • 2009 - No Love Without Poetry: The Memoirs of Marina Tsvetaeva`s ​​Daught
  • 2013 - "Childhood Book: Ariadna Efron Diaries, 1919-1921"
  • 2018 - "Non-Literary Friendship: Letters to Lydia Bat"

In collaboration with A. Federolf

  • 1996 - "Miroedih. Next to aley "
  • 2006 - "Ensuring Work"
  • 2010 - "And life goes like Yenisei ...". Next to aley "

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