Patti Smith - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



A woman in rock music is a strong and excellent phenomenon. But more power attaches the fact if it personifies the personality and creativity of punk culture and is considered an icon of the genre. All this can be said about Patti Smith - a strong, talented and stunning singer with an interesting biography.

Childhood and youth

Patricia Lee Smith was born on December 30, 1946 in Chicago. Location to vocals moved to her inheritance from Mother Beverly Smith, working as a singer and waitress. Father Grant Smith belonged to the working unit and worked at the factory. Three more children were brought up in the family. Chicago Smiths lived until 1949. Then they moved to the small Philadelphian town of Woudbari.

Singer Patty Smith

The singer admits that in school years she had difficulty. She did not have mutual understanding with classmates. Therefore, communication with peers girl preferred reading books and listening to music. Favorite poet for Patty was the Frenchman Artyre Rembo, and the performer - Jimmy Hendrix. In his youth, he became interested in the culture of hipsters and studied the literary works of this direction.

After graduating from school, the girl entered the glansor. But with her studies did nothing. Patty learned about the fact that pregnant. The child was born and was given to adoption. Now she had other goals - to get a job, accumulate money and conquer New York. This was achieved already in 1967.

Patti Smith in youth

In this city, the performer found a job in a bookstore. It was here that a meeting with Robert Marttorp was held. They had love relationships, despite the unconventional sexual orientation of the photographer. After a couple of years, Patty went to Paris, where he lived for two years, earning a living by ideas and learning the visual arts.

Upon returning to New York, he continued to live with Marttorp. At the same time, Smith lined up his career in drama and poetry: participated in the productions of Sam Shepard, worked on poems. And then a fateful acquaintance with Lenny Keem took place. After talking about music, they decided to create a joint project. Patty read poems, and Lenny played the guitar. Such a tandem was very successful: the couple noticed.


The duet gradually strengthened his place on stage. First, session musicians were invited to play the keys. In the spring of 1974, Richard Sol was joined to Smith and Kei. Not without the help of Rob Mupluttorpa trio released his first song (before this was worked out by Caverits) "Electric Lady". To record Patty invited the second guitarist Tom Veline, with which she then consisted in relationships.

Patti Smith and Robert MapplTorp

Gradually, the band became greater. After successful concerts, a bassist Aivan Krbre came to it, and in February 1975 - Ji Daeterty as a drummer. In the same year the first album of the team was released - "Horses". Not only was the composition that the composition was met with a huge delight, she also provided musicians two Tours on the United States and European countries. A year later, the second album was released - Radio Ethiopia, the sound differing from the first rigidity of the tools.

In 1977, Patty Smith as a result of falling from the scene broke two vertebra. For the year she left the world of music, but used a break to create a new poetic collection "Babel". Upon returning the singer recorded the third album - "EASTER".

The 1979th was full of events for a woman. She released the new Wave plate, in which the main song was "BECAUSE THE NIGHT", and Dancing Barefoot entered the top of the greatest songs in 2004. I got acquainted with Frederick Smith, playing guitar in the MS5 group. They had a relationship, and the performer devoted to the man "Frederic". However, difficult times have come for the collective of Patty. On the subculture of Pankov, interest fugged. And in 1980 the Group announced a decay. The vocalist itself disappeared from the horizon until 1996.

After 16 years, Smith returned from Detroit to New York. There she began to perform with verses again and decided to reunite the team "Patty Smith Group". But before this, Patty and Bob Dylan organized a joint tour.

Patty Smith on stage

On the team instead of the deceased Richard, Soul (whose death singer, Oliver Ray came. With him and Jeff, the Buckley recorded two albums, radically different from each other - "Gone Again" and "Peace and Noise". The first radiated optimistic notes, and the second reflected the mood because of the death of William Berrowza and Allen Ginzberg.

In 2006-2007 many important events occurred. At first, the CBGB club closed, which began the formation of the singer in youth. Near living people suddenly began to interfere with music. In the native walls of "Patty Smith Groupe" staged a three-hour concert. On March 12, 2007, the woman received her award in the Hall of Glory Rock and Roll and dedicated her spouse.

Personal life

The name of the father's father, whom Patty gave birth during his college study is unknown.

Fred Sonic Smith became big love. They got married March 1, 1980. Together they were engaged in creativity, but their songs were not intended for mass culture. Everything was fine in the family - strong relationships, two children. But suddenly the husband died of heart failure in 1994.

Patty Smith and her husband Frederick Smith

The singer suffered a lot of losses: Richard Soul, Robert Mappletorp, spouse Frederick Smith and the younger brother Todd. She took her 2 years to come to themselves and start living again. For this, the performer and returned to the scene.

All experiences of the personal life of Patty displaced in other types of creativity. In 2008, the biographical film "Dream of Life" came out, and in 2010, the book "just children" dedicated to Mopletorpe. In 2011, Smith began to write "train M". Memoirs were published 5 years later.

Patty Smith now

In 2018, the singer opposes his group. Now the fans with interest are watching the woman's attempts to conduct a profile in "Instagram". A couple of months she tried to take a photo.

Smith Patti in 2018

Smith admits that she likes to develop modern technologies on their own. The performer is constantly posting the video - work on songs, congratulations to friends and loved ones, fighting household problems.


  • 1975 - "HORSES"
  • 1976 - "Radio Ethiopia"
  • 1978 - "EASTER"
  • 1979 - "Wave"
  • 1988 - "DREAM OF LIFE"
  • 1996 - "Gone Again"
  • 1997 - "Peace and Noise"
  • 2000 - "GUNG HO"
  • 2004 - "Trampin '"
  • 2007 - "Twelve"
  • 2012 - "Banga"

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