Esop - biography, photos, personal life of the Greek poet



The creativity of Ezopa left a significant trail in the literary world, and his aphorisms were well-known, remaining relevant today. In antiquity, no doubt was expressed in the historicity of the image, but Martin Luther in the XVI century for the first time put this fact questioned.

The biography of Ezopa is legendary, and its origin is shrouded in secrets. According to some information, he lived near the middle of the VI century to the Nativity of Christ. He allegedly had a small growth in a slave from Frigia, had sharp features of the face and hump.

ESOP on an old engraving

Despite such external features, Esop had an amazing gift of words, a sharp mind and talent to create fables. What kind of family there was a future fabulist - it is not known, there is also no information about parents. His homeland is sometimes called small Asia, which sounds plausible due to the nature of the name.

According to one of the versions of the life of Ezopa, the first owner decided to sell a chatty and useless slave of unknown nationality. He was acquired by Xanf from Samos, whom Ezop struck in witty answers. Never ancient Greek philosopher regretted the acquisition, because thanks to the cunning and inventive slave, Xanf remained in the memory of generations, because the legend has a lot of jokes and wisers.

Slave Ezop serving the owners

A legend is common about how Ksanf ordered Esopa to acquire for the scheduled holiday "all the best" that is in the world. And the slave brought some languages ​​of various cooking methods and explained the surprised owner that the best is a language, because they establish laws and treaties, express wise thoughts.

Xanp thought and the next day asked Ezop to buy "all the worst". And the slave brought languages ​​again, proving that there is nothing worse: they are cheating, they begin quarrels and conflicts. The owner, though he glanced the situation, but he recognized the right point of Ezop.

Portrait of Ezopa

Once, after the magnificent festival, Xanf bragly stated that he could drink the sea. In the morning of the next day, the owner of Ezopa with horror recalled his own promise. But the slave saved him from Shame, advising putting a condition: so that the opponent blocked the rivers flowing into the sea, because Xanf did not promise them to drink more. So the philosopher came out of the difficult situation and escaped humiliation.

Ezop once again asked Xanf to give him will, but he did not want to let go of a wise slave. Everything changed when a strange event happened - the eagle during the meeting of the council grabbed the state seal and let her go for the sinus, and Ezopa was asked to clarify the incident.

Esop and rooster

At the request, he reacted peculiar: said that he was not allowed to advise free people, but if he was fired, could do it. When the people agreed, Ezop explained that the eagle is a royal bird, which means the king decided to conquer the city.

Upset residents sent former slave to the king for reconciliation. The ruler liked Ezop, he made him an adviser and came down with the inhabitants of the city. The legend says that after that the sage went to the Babylonian and Egyptian kingdom, met with sages and wrote a lot of interesting Bassen.


Ezop was glorified not only by quotes and parables, he is considered the first Basinista, because it was Ezop that became a source of this genre. Basney call a short poetic story with instructive content. The characters are different animals and plants, in the actions of which are visible and ridiculed the vices of a person. This hidden subtext works are called Esopov.

Esop and animals from his bass

Before our time, there were books from ancient Greece, containing short fables, whose authorship was attributed to Ezopu. Today's readers know these works in the processing of Jean de Lafontien, Ivan Krylov, Gulak-Artyomovsky and other basinists.

It is estimated that in the work of the Greek poet involved about 80 animals and 30 gods, mythical images and representatives of various professions.

Illustration to Basna Ezop

Ezop has an interesting fable about a cunning donkey: Once the animal passed the river with a cargo in the form of bags with salt. But the village could not resist on the harp's bridge and fell: the salt was dissolved, and it became easier to go. The village was delighted and the next time fell already deliberately, but the cargo was wool, which swallowed from the water, and duck drowned. The moral of this fable says that the ill-conceived trick is destructive.

Such folk wisdom, common sense and hopes for justice expressed in witty form, made the work of Ezopa immortal.

Personal life

There are several references, which say that the beloved Ezopa was from Thrace and was in slavery at Jaadon. According to Herodotus, in one of the versions of the legend from Rhodopis and Ezopa there was a secret love intrigue.

Esop and Rhodope

In an unidentified period, the lives of Rhodopis acquired a kind of tale about Cinderella. In one of the variations that Strabo retells when Rhodopeis bathed, the eagle kidnapped the sandal of the girl. At this time, the king made the court on the outdoors, and the eagle, a grain over his head, threw his knees sandalwood. The amazed king ordered his subject to go to search for a girl who lost their shoes. And, according to the legend, when they found it, Rhodopis became the wife of the king.


The death of Ezop's overall in Delphi, the legend of this time is restored by Herodoto and Aristofhan, combining with late testimonies.

Bust Ezopa

It is believed that, being in Delphi, Ezop his glooming caused anger of several citizens who decided to punish him. For this, the dolphins kidnapped the golden thickets from the temple utensils and put it in the roadside of Ezop, until he saw. The wisers searched, discovered the loss and, like a sidestrus, scored stones.

After many years, they found the innocence of the Basinista, and the descendants of his killers paid the virgin, for receiving whose grandson of that Jaadmon, who was considered the first Mr. Ezop.


Gratitude is a sign of the nobility of the soul. He's talking that Chilon asked Ezop: "What is Zeus?". Ezop replied: "Makes high low, and low high". If a person is taken for two cases, directly opposing each other, one of them will certainly fail to him. His person is given his business, and every case - his time. Incidental treasure for people - The ability to work.


  • "Wolf and lamb"
  • "Fox and grapes"
  • "Dragonfly and ant"
  • "Frog and Vol"
  • "Peasant and Snake"
  • "Pig and Lioness"
  • "Fisherman and Fish"
  • "Lion and mouse"
  • "Raven and Fox"
  • "Beetle and ant"

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