Mikhail Yanshin - biography, photo, personal life, movies



The acting fate of Mikhail Yanshina, without exaggeration, successful. Were in his creative biography of the role in the theater and in the cinema, directing work. His voice tells the characters of dozens of Soviet cartoons. But in the personal life of the actor everything was not so simple and not immediately.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Mikhailovich Yarshin was born on October 20 (November 2, in the New Style) of 1902 in the city of Yukhnov, Smolensk province. Father - Bank employee, Mom - housewife. Over time, the family moved to Moscow.

Full Mikhail Yarshin

Yansenina often bought a subscription to the theater, the Son on the performances went with them. The brightest impression of childhood, as an artist confessed later, was the game of Ivan Moskvin in the play "Tsar Fedor John". The boy struck his softness and interior purity.

"It was all as icon-painted," he said in the future.

At the age of 7, he entered the Olkhov School, then in 1916 - to the Moscow Commissioner technical. Together with Mikhail, Vladimir Batalov studied (Father of the famous Soviet actor Alexei Batalov), which played an important role in the life of Yanshina.

Mikhail Yanshin in youth

It was he, following his own dream, persuaded the comrade to submit documents to the School of the Second Studio MCAT. In 1922, a contest in the studio was 1000 people in place. And Yanshin came. And after two years, he is enrolled in the Torope of Mkat.

A thin young man with a laughing face attracted the attention of the interlocutors with a shrill look of smart eyes. In 1924, Mikhail first went on the scene of Mkhat in a secondary role in the play "Tsar Fedor John".


Fame came to Yanishin in 1926 after the play on the play Mikhail Bulgakov "Turbine Days". He played the 19-year-old Laro, who arrived from Zhytomyr to turbine. On October 5, 1926, premiere took place. In my youth, everything matters. Success to the young artist predicted Kumir - Ivan Mikhailovich Moskvin, who said:

"You will play the premiere, and the next morning you will become famous as no one."
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Words turned out to be prophetic. From the first appearance of the lariat, loved both the heroes of the Bulgakov play and the auditorium. The performance was on the scene of Mkhat 998 times and only 8 times, Yanishin did not go to the scene due to the disease. The remaining productions were played with his participation and always successfully.

Masche Yanshin played more than 50 diverse roles. Artist from God, he knew how to reincarnate and give away the image. All his appearance changed and inner state. If it was necessary to play an old man, he immediately became an old man.

Mikhail Yanshin on stage

5 years rehearsed the performance of the Bulgakov "Moliere", which became Stanislavsky, and released Nemirovich-Danchenko. Played 7 times. The article "True" appeared an article that destroyed Bulgakov and the performance. As it became known later, it was printed on the personal director of Stalin.

Staying the faithful Mkat, Yanshin collaborated with other theaters. I installed performances in the Moscow Music Hall, the Central Theater of the Red Army, the Satire Theater. 5 years was the artist of the Moscow Theater of the Central Committee of the Trade Union of the Workers Furniture and Music Industry of the USSR.

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In 1937, Yanshina appointed the main director of the "Roman" theater. 4 years worked in the Gypsy theater with artists who came straight from the device. Often these were small or illiterate people. They brought songs and dances. Yanshin recalled that they had a lot of sincere and chaste, present, which is lost in the scenic versions.

In 1969, Yanshin played in the play "Nakhladnik" Vasily Semenovich Kuzovkin. The role was complicated, but he managed to present it triumphantly.

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In 1950, Mikhail Yishshin became the main director of the Theater named after Stanislavsky. Here he worked for 13 years, while not leaving Maschat. Here I put "Griboedov", "Seika", "Naddannik" and other performances. Working at the Stanislavsky Theater, Yarshin opened the actor Evgenia Leonov. He saw in the shye young man of the future favorite of the public. Leonov, like the teacher, debuted as Laro.

Yanshin, one of the few Korieneev Theater, accepted and supported the progressive changes, which brought a new head of Oleg Efremov to MCAT.


The actor's filmography is almost as extensive as the number of roles in the theater, and if you take here and cartoons in which he voiced the characters, it is much more.

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In 1928, Mikhail Yarshin starred in the first film "Katorga" as a telegraphist. After that, it appeared: "Auditor", "Last Tabor", "Wedding", "Twelfth Night", "Big Change". In 1937, Yanshin received the Order of the Hall Sign.

During the war, he starred in two films: "The first equestrian" and "combat film collector №7". After the war, he was awarded the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War." One of the bright calls critics the role of the trustee of the godly institutions of zealwoman in the film "Auditor" of 1952.

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14 years after the first success in the play of the "Days of Turbine Days", Yanshin played in the comedy of the "School of Crossing" in the comedy. The film is a satir for the 18th century English society. In 1970, Mikhail Mikhailovich starred in the first child film "As we were looking for a quiet."

A separate line in the work of Mikhail Yanshina is working with "Soyuzmultfilm". The artist put his hand to the voice acting of cartoons, which goes to dozens. Soviet children are familiar with his voice, because he voiced the clock in the cartoon "Thychochka", the king in the "Vovka in the Ridge Kingdom", the bull in the "Goat, who considered to ten" and many other favorite characters.

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In 1960, a color musical film fairy tale "Morozko" was released on the screens. Mikhail Yanshina was invited to voice the old Borovichka, who played Galina Borisov.

The last film play - "Solo for the Watch Watch" (O. Pardon). After reading the play for the first time, Janshin saw the potential in it. The performance and the film were successful. For this work, the artist was awarded the State Prize.

Personal life

Personal life of the actor is directly related to the theater. At the time of the first success, Mikhail Jan. was 24 years old. Together with Glory, love came. His chosen was his most beautiful student Mkhat, the daughter of the actor of a silent movie Witold Polonsky - Veronica. According to the photo of that time and today it is clear what the girl attracted the attention of a young artist.

Mikhail Yanshin and Veronica Polonskaya

At that time, Veronica was 18 years old. Young people were crowned in the church. The newlyweds were Mikhail Bulgakov. And after 3 years, Veronica Polonskaya fell in love with Vladimir Mayakovsky. It was she who was with him in the morning when the poet released a bullet in his heart. The Roman's novel, Yanshin, learned from the newspaper. Of course, marriage, as a union of loving people, ceased to exist. Official divorce was issued in 1933.

Mikhail Yanshin and Lyal Black

A year later, Yanishin married the second time. In the past, a woman is known in Moscow as the first actress of the Gypsy theater. The film "Last Tabor" brought her nationwide glory.

This marriage also collapsed. The artist fell in love with the Mkhatov actor Nikolai Khmelev. In 1942, Yanshin and Kiselev (Lyala Black) divorced. What is noteworthy, Mikhail Mikhailovich retained friendly relations with his ex-wife and even became the godfather of her son, born in marriage with Khmelev.

Mikhail Yanshin and Nonna Meyer

Yanshin really loved Lyalya. After the death of Hmelev helped her and even returned performances with its participation in the repertoire. After some time, former spouses tried to restore the relationship, but nothing came out.

Working at the Stanislavsky Theater, Yanshin put the play "Seagull", in which Masha played his future third wife Nonna Meyer. This marriage gave the artist to peace and necessary care. Despite the 20-year-old difference, the spouses were truly happy.


Yarshin played the cinema and on stage until the last days. In addition, in 1975, his audio book "People's Artist of the USSR Mikhail Mikhailovich Yishshin appeared on the radio.

Mogila Mikhail Yanshina

The latest performance for the actor was the production of "three sisters". In the role of Chebutykina Yanshin for the last time went on the scene of Mkat.

Soon Mikhail Yinshin sick seriously. Even in the hospital read new plays and scripts that brought from the theater. Death came on July 17, 1976. Buried him with honors at the Novodevichy Cemetery. The grave of the actor is located on the site N7.


  • 1930 - "Comet"
  • 1933 - "Outside"
  • 1934 - "Lieutenant Kizh"
  • 1935 - "Last Tabor"
  • 1944 - "Wedding"
  • 1946 - "Stone Flower"
  • 1950 - "Secret Mission"
  • 1952 - "Auditor"
  • 1954 - "Swedish match"
  • 1954 - "We met somewhere ..."
  • 1955 - "Twelfth Night"
  • 1959 - "On the eve"
  • 1960 - "Revenge"
  • 1971 - "Telegram"
  • 1973 - "big change"
  • 1974 - "Solo for Watch with Boot"

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