Georgy Martynyuk - biography, photos, movies, personal life, cause of death



George Martynyuk glorified the role of Major Znamensky in the famous Soviet detective "The investigation is conducted by experts." He was the leading actor of the theater on a small armor and embodied a lot of dramatic and comic images, but the role of law enforcement officer "stuck" to him so hard that the audience sometimes refused to perceive him in the role of thieves and other criminal elements.

Childhood and youth

Georgy Yakovlevich Martynov was born in the city of Chkalov (now Orenburg) on ​​March 3, 1940. His father was an official, and his mother worked in a veterinary laboratory. Parents dreamed that the Son would become a doctor, but George had other plans: he visited the drama and dreamed of a career of the film actor. There was no TV in the house, and the theatrical productions of the boy listened to the radio that he did not prevent him in paints to present future speeches and delight of the public.

Georgy Martynyuk in youth

Contrary to the desire of relatives, after school, he went to Moscow to enter Gitis and, despite the huge contest, both tour was from the first time. This is not the only formation of Martynyuk - later he became a student of the State Institute of Theatrical Art and in 1962 he successfully finished it.

Study time has become difficult for George. The dream profession was fascinating, but life in the capital turned out to be difficult - there was not enough money. Together with fellow students, he was deposited by Mosfilm in the hope of at least a small role, but did not offer anything better to participate in the crowd.


Martynyuk played a lot in the training of the theater, and one of them is the graduation performance of Peter Fomenko "Wires of White Nights" - brought him good luck. The director of the Orenburg theater learned about the success of a talented countryman and began to actively call back, promising an apartment and tempting career prospects, but here was the other offer from the head of the Moscow Dramaater of Andrei Goncharov, and Martynyuk decided to stay in the capital.

George Martynyuk in the theater

The acting range Georgia Yakovlevich was huge - he was able to and comic, and dramatic characters. He played Timohu in the "golden carriage" Leonov, Minor, in the "Varkar" Gorky, Vennedikta Erofeev, Borovensk, in the "Puchin" of Ostrovsky, in the production of "Moscow-Petushki".


Debut George Yakovlevich in the movie took place in 1963. Prior to that, he also played small passing roles in episodes of several films, but the "silence" directed by Vladimir Basova became his first serious work. He performed the role of Constantine Shiparelikova, a friend of the main character, and was able to work with famous actors Mikhail Ulyanov and Lidia Smirnova.

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After a year, Basov invited Martynyuk to another painting "Blizzard", where Hisar Colonel Burmin became his hero. In 1965, the actor fell to the Film Festival in Cannes - the film with his participation "lived - there was an old man with an old woman" entered the program of the competition.

In 1971, an event took place, which became a turning point in the creative biography of the actor: he passed the samples for the role of Znamensky in the detective TV series Vyacheslav Brovkin "The investigation is conducted by experts."

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Initially, the project was conceived as a series of telecons. He saw the light thanks to the Interior Minister Nikolai Nikolokov, who conceived to use the potential of television to create a positive image of the Soviet militia. The first 5 films of the series filmed in just a year - it was very fast. The process was controlled by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to prepare actors were taken to the incident along with real policemen and even allowed on searches and interrogations.

The film acquired incredible popularity: the streets were empty when the next series of "experts" began on TV. All-Union popularity collapsed on the actor, which, however, prevented his further career and closed the road to the movies: his face was too recognizable. Subsequently, he also played other interesting characters, for example, Major Luzhin in the picture "And the dawns here is quiet," but for most viewers the actor remained Pal Fal with Znamensky.

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This role was reflected in his theater career: when in one of the productions he got the role of "thief in law", sitting in prison, the audience the whole first act perplexed and laughed - so unusual to see the "famous investigator" on the Narah.

In the 1990s, problems with financing began in Russian cinema. The actor agreed on any role, starred in advertising and thanks to this managed to survive the period of lack of money and oblivion. Gradually, the work in the theater and cinema returned to him. In an interview in late years, he complained that there was little, but his filmography was as many as 53 paintings - a considerable result for the one who was considered an actor of the same role.

Personal life

In his youth, Martynyuk was very popular, and the fans pursued him on his heels, gave gifts and flowers, asked to sign a photo. He himself blew up such close attention and could not arrange a personal life for a long time. For the first time, Georgy Yakovlevich married in 1965 on the actress Valentine Markova, which, however, did not save him from persistent fans.

George Martynyuk and his wife Niele Pranovna

Once, when he could not get to his home because of them, he even had to call for his wife. Valentina gave him the daughter of Elizabeth, but the spouses could not stand the test of glory and parted.

The second marriage was more successful - Nieule Pranovna became his muse and support for the rest of his life. They met in the hospital, where the woman worked as a doctor, and the actor was treated from radiculitis. There were no common children with a couple, but the daughter of the chief of the chief Tatiana Martynyuk took as his own and very happy grandchildren from her - Vitaly and Vladimir.

George Martynyuk with grandchildren

In 1985, the tragedy happened in the family. The older daughter of the actor, 20-year-old Elizabeth, committed suicide. According to rumors, the reason was unhappy love. Georgy Yakovlevich deeply worried her death and until the end of his life did not recover from the loss.


Friends recall that after suicide Lisa, the actor began to slowly pass. Fate caused another blow - Tatiana's adoptive daughter fell ill with cancer. Fortunately, the girl conducted a successful operation, and she was able to defeat the disease, but soon after that, the oncological diagnosis was already put by Georgia Yakovlevich. For several years he fought with lung cancer. The disease gradually retranged the position and eventually became the cause of death.

Grave George Martynyuk

Georgy Martynyuk died on February 14, 2014. Music Sviridov played at the funeral, and the funeral passed in the church, where Alexander Pushkin was married. The grave of the artist - at the Troyekov cemetery in Moscow.


  • 1962 - "Your threshold"
  • 1963 - "Silence"
  • 1964 - "Lived - there were an old man with an old woman"
  • 1964 - "Misel"
  • 1968 - "Shield and Sword"
  • 1971-1982 - "The investigation is conducted by experts"
  • 1972 - "Vera, Hope, Love"
  • 1972 - "My Sons Day"
  • 1972 - "And dawns here are quiet"
  • 1973 - "Man from the side"
  • 1976 - "City from morning to midnight"
  • 1977 - "Lunes today and tomorrow"
  • 1979 - "Varvara"
  • 1984 - "The first equestrian"
  • 1985 - "Listen in compartments"
  • 1986 - "equals four France"
  • 2000-2008 - "Secrets of Palace Dobor"
  • 2004 - "Narrow Bridge"

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