Igor Svyatoslavich - biography, photo, board, personal life, in art



Igor Svyatoslavich is an ambiguous figure in ancient Russian policy. A number of researchers consider it a legendary ruler and a brilliant commander. Opponents talk about the opposite: he did not play a key role for the state, and the last hike was at all the failure. Be that as it may, Igor will forever remain in the memory of the people. The biography of a man is shrouded in secrets.

Childhood and youth

Prince Novgorod-Seversky was born on April 2, 1151. Father was Svyatoslav Olgovich, one of the participants of the internecine war in ancient Russia. As for the mother, then it is impossible to definitely talk about her personality.

Novgorod-Seversky from the gums

Svyatoslav was married twice. The first spouse is the daughter of Aepea Gerginevich. It is known only that she accepted Christianity, and the clergy made her Anna. However, there was no scandal here. The fact is that the woman has already married before that, but soon widowed. Then a meeting took place with Prince Chernigov.

Archbishop of the city of Novgorod Nifont refused to give a blessing and wenst a couple due to the fact that after the death of her husband Anna passed a little time. The ruler did not bother it at all, and he turned to another clergyman who gave consent to marriage. Woman had a Polovetsky root.

Igor Svyatoslavich - biography, photo, board, personal life, in art 13656_2

The second wife of Svyatoslav became a girl, most likely what is happening from Novgorod boyars. Possible name - Catherine. It is believed that Svyatoslav was unlikely to leave her to the first wife, because Anna was 50 years old, and most likely she did not give birth to a child. In the appearance of Igor himself, the Polovtsy Damn was not visible.

Already from the early years, Igor understood that military campaigns would mean. At the age of 7, for the first time he went with his father to ensure the defense of Izaslav Davidovich when sunrise on the throne of Kiev. He came the boy with a cousin uncle.

Taking Kiev by princes during the inter part of 1169. First campaign of Igor Svyatoslavich

The first serious hike took place in 1169, when Igor was 17 years old. Under the edge of Andrei Bogolyubsky, the armed army entered the capital. Within three days, the Kievans were witnessing robberies and destruction. The victory of the future prince and associates was unconditional.

After a couple of years, in 1171, the young man organized a raid in the Polovetsky territory. Then the battle of Russian troops was held with the army of Khan Kobyak near the Worsley River. And again the battle ended the victory in favor of Igor. Scientists considered his competent warlord based on this event. After 11 years, when the man turned 30 (in 1180), he inherited him the Novgorod-Severskiy Principality. And from this moment began the Board of one of the most mysterious princes of the history of ancient Russia. He strengthened on the throne for 18 years.

Governing body

The 12th century in Russian archives is characterized as a period of war with the Polovytsky troops. Rus then weakened due to internecake between princes. And Polovtsy are the enemies number one for the Slavs. The most vulnerable was the Chernihiv principality, because it was closest to the enemy territories, in the south of the state. There nomads have been particularly often.

Prince Igor Svyatoslavich

You could more or less correct the situation with the help of the hiring of Polovtsy. Warriors were used as an additional force to solve internecine conflicts. Igor Svyatoslavich treated the Union. He and his cousin united the armies and agreed with nomads (for an additional force). By this composition, they moved to Smolensk lands, where Rostislavichi was contacted.

It is worth saying that the first years of the reign of the new prince was distinguished by the world and tranquility. Everything was good until 1184. The era of civil workers gradually faded, and the neighboring rulers thought about the truce. They agreed to collect troops into a single army. And such a composition was planned to attack the Earth of Polovtsy. The movement was headed by Rurik Ovruchsky and Svyatoslav Kiev. The role of Igor was that he would go with Vladimir Pereyaslavsky, as if they said today, to exploration into the enemy's rear.

Monument Igor Svyatoslavich in Novgorod-Seversky

Not without conflict. The Novgorod-Seversky prince did not like that Vladimir went ahead of him. Otherwise, this meant that first of all followed the older and wise ruler. Pereyaslavsky this claim insulted. And instead of agreeing to agree and solve the issues in a peaceful way, Vladimir recalled warriors and went to ownership of Igor for looting. But Igor himself did not return to possession, but continued. The result was impressed - a broken Polovtaya Army in Hyria, an association with relatives from the genus Olgovichi to apply the next strike.

An important event was the battle on the Eagle River. Most of the enemies are killed, and 14 Polovtsy Khanov were captured. However, there was little warhead. Prince distinguished ambition. He envy neighbor Svyatoslav Kiev. During this period of time, the plan of the most graceful campaign was ripe.

Igor Svyatoslavich hinged seal

In the spring of 1185, Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich returned to his lands to collect the army, training and directly war with Polovtsy. It was assumed that everything would happen on the banks of Don. The main mistake and the reason for the defeat of Igor became an excessive rush and the desire to break out the rest of the princes. From the assistants from Prince there were only close parents - Vsevolod Kursky, Svyatoslav Rylsky, Vladimir Putivlsky, as well as Kovui (the nomads dependent on Chernigov, who lived on the banks of the Dnieper).

Scientists have long aroused among themselves about the true ruler purposes. Some argued that first of all he wanted to revive the Tmutarakan principality located on Tamani. Others believed that Igor was guided by personal motives - enrichment and recognition among other ancient Russian princes. But the opinions of researchers converge in one - the regiment went to the Seversky Don.

Map of Igor Svyatoslavich

Igor Svyatoslavich and his regiment fell into the center of Polovtsy lands. There was no warm reception - all tribes living on the territory were united against Rusich. Then the prince thoroughly prepared and reformed his own army - the Archers united in a separate regiment, which before that was not in the Old Russian army.

First, everything was excellent. The first battle ended for the Slavs victory and prey. Although the eve of the strange event was the lunar eclipse. In Slavic culture, it is considered a bad sign, and it should be saved: not planning important cases, for example.

Camping Prince Igor Svyatoslavich

Therefore, Igor began to doubt whether to go. But comrades objected and convinced that nothing bad would happen. The ruler listened to people. Indeed, the start for Russians is good. They finally made sure that everything was going according to plan, and went further. It turned out that confidence in their own power led to defeat.

The fight that ended for the prince and the shelf with complete defeat, occurred at the Kayali River. There was a huge Polovetsk army, who exceeded the Slavs in terms of differentness. The enemies surrounded the princely army. The trap slammed, and the man realized that he was to blame for everything.

Igor Svyatoslavich - biography, photo, board, personal life, in art 13656_9

He was too arrogant, went with the army alone, exposed danger. The consequences were deprecated: a broken army, prison of the prince and the nearest associates, including the son of Vladimir. Polovtsy did not remain in debt: they went to Russia, where the village robbed, and then burned. Also Pal Ryov. The commander managed to escape, but he left Vladimir in captivity. The young man himself appeared to his father in a few years, being married to a young half fellow.

Personal life

In the personal life of a man everything has happened. Igor Svyatoslavich's wife - Eposhinya Yaroslavna, the daughter of the ruler of Galicia Yaroslav Orel.

In marriage, six children were born: five sons (Vladimir, Oleg, Svyatoslav, Roman and Rostislav) and a daughter who married Davyd Olgovich and born three boys. The name of a woman is unknown.


In 1198, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich died. Before his death, Prince Chernigov was appointed successor, and Igor Svyatoslavich became. Rules in these lands for three years. The Novogorod-Seversky Prince in 50 years died.

Savior Preobrazhensky Cathedral in Chernigov, in which Igor Svyatoslavich is buried

The cause of the death of the ruler is not described in any chronicle.


  • Picture of Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsova "After going to Igor Svyatoslavich with Polovtsy."
  • The literary work written by an unknown author of the "Word about Igor's regiment", which today is included in the school curriculum. The sixth centuries of the artifact was kept in monastic libraries. Announced only in the 18th century. Literary critics believe that the events described a person educated who participated in the events of that campaign.
  • The poem served as the basis for the creation of Alexander Borodin Ballet "Prince Igor".

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