Svetlana Morgunova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Speaker, News 2021



The star of the Soviet television, which the audience is remembered and loves at least three generations. Luxurious Teediva, being on the other side of the screen, gave people joy and positive: many years led by the people of Blue Spark, pop concerts and entertainment programs.

Svetlana Morgunova was not only one of the first "goddesses of Praim-Time," she managed to become truly a popular favorite thanks to high professionalism and impeccable reputation.

Childhood and youth

Svetlana Mikhailovna was born on March 6, 1940. In a few interviews, the artist does not mention this biography period. It is not difficult to guess that childhood spent in the military and postwar years was not easy. But the youth, which came to the period of thaw, was filled with romantic Gresses about the cinema. The girl then lived on Arbat, next to the Wakhtangov Theater, and often went to performances, falling in love with the magic world of the theater.

Once Svetlana saw an announcement that the most famous director Yuri Zavadsky was set in the youth group of the Mossovet Theater, and decided to try happiness.

"The competition was crazy. Take Matters - Lyubov Orlova, Vera Maretskaya, Rostislav Kostat. I am proud of what he did, "says Morgunov.

However, fate made an unexpected turn. The girl again saw advertising about the set, this time it was about school speakers. Acceptance of Yuri Levitan himself. He became for Morgunovaya "godfather" in the profession. The acting school was left behind, and the horizons of the new career were opened ahead.


Svetlana came to Central Television in 1961. And in 1962 her first exit as a leading concert on the scene of the small hall of the Conservatory. Already working by the speaker, Morgunov entered the university at the Faculty of Philology, the practice was held at the School of Working Youth.

In the first years, the announcer conducted issues of the "Time" information program. Every day, in her reading, TV viewers learned about the program. And from the end of the 60s Svetlana Mikhailovna became a permanent TV presenter of the New Year's "Blue Light", which collected the whole country from the screens.

In the 1970s, Morgunova lived in Japan - she passed there practice. At first, led entertainment transmission, and then heganized the Japanese Russian language in the format of televisers.

70-80s have become culminating career: In addition to working on TV, Svetlana Mikhailovna leads the main festive concerts of the country in the Kremlin Palace, the column hall of the House of Unions and other prestigious sites. Solo performances of such matres, like Muslim Magomayev, Joseph Kobzon, Lev Leshchenko, Gennady Khazanov and many others.

"I was lucky, I had happiness to communicate with such talented people like Arno Babajanyan, Mark Fradkin, Evgeny Dolmatovsky, Mikhail Matusovsky, Yuri Glyaev. This list can be continued and continued, "the presenter is recognized.

Dome and acting lessons were not passed: the artist participated in filming. In 1965, he starred in the picture "In the first hour", in 1972 - in the film "For Everything in Answer".

The announcer continued to work after retirement. Esters still led to "Ostankino", which became a hometown. Conducted concerts, creative evenings, presentations. The telestile was often invited to become a TV show.

Svetlana Mikhailovna admits that it is a little sad for youth and old times, when the requirements for the announcement work were very high. Now, according to her, the plank decreased noticeably.

For merit in the field of culture in 1978, Svetlana Morgunova awarded the title "Honored Artist of the RSFSR", in 2000, the announcer became the People's Artist of Russia, and in 2011 he was awarded the Honorary "Order of Friendship" "For great merits in the development of domestic broadcasting and many years of fruitful activity".

Personal life

There was a lot of rumors about the personal life of the tele-club, which is not surprising: Morgunova was one of the first beauties on the Soviet TV, which was decorated with famous magazines. The style icon imitated millions of women: copied the hairstyle, makeup, the manner to dress.

Persistent rumors tied her romantic bonds and the famous singer Muslim Magomayev. After many years, Morgunov dispelled this myth.

"I often led his concerts. And mutual sympathy existed. We were friends with the Muslim and his wife Tamara Sinyava. As for the novels, no, I do not admit this in work, "Svetlana Mikhailovna admitted.

The woman was married twice. The first husband is the father of the son of Maxim - died, the second marriage collapsed. For the third time, a woman did not try to create a family. He lived with his son and mom, which for a strict temper a joke called "home general".

Morgunova's moms did not become in 2007. For Svetlana, her departure became a terrible blow. Saved the work and care of the Son. The day, when Maxim was born, the TV presenter considers the happiest in life, proud of what is for him authority both in life and in the profession.

"I am a happy mother, because with me a real man. If a woman wants to like men, first of all, I must like your sons, "she believes.

Maxim Morgunov, like mom, works on television. He graduated from the Historical and Philology Department of the University of Friendship of Peoples named after Patrice Lumumba. Since 2003, its author's program "Military case" has been released on the NTV channel. Maxim is married, whether he has children - it is unknown.

Svetlana Morgunova now

In the summer of 2018, the network has flooded the news that Svetlana Morgunova is experiencing not the best period in life, suffers from depression and loneliness, abuses alcohol. Online edition Daily Storm published refutation of information itself. The announcer complained about poor well-being, without specifying the cause of the disease."I'm fine", "she convinced journalists.

In September, Svetlana Morgunova appeared at the funeral of Joseph Kobzon. With the legend of the Soviet pop, they were associated with warm relationships: more than once, the artists went on tour, the Teediva held dozens of concerts of Matra. In addition, she could not help help a close girlfriend - Nelly Kobzon.

Eyewitnesses who saw the 78-year-old TV presenter at the farewell ceremony report that the woman was very raised and with difficulty moves without any assistance.

In the 2020th Svetlana Mikhailovna challenged the new tragedy: her son Maxim died from Coronavirus. He was 52 years old.


  • "Blue light"
  • "Time"
  • "Program Guide"

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