Yuri Kasparyan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Guitarist, Movie Group 2021



Virtuoso guitarist Yuri Kasparyan is well familiar to lovers of Russian rock. Having only a music school behind the shoulders, it is considered one of the best bass guitarists of modernity. At the very beginning, the career came to the "Cinema" group and remained in it to the death of Viktor Tsoi, replenishing the discography of the project with bright hits.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Kasparyan's biography began in Simferopol, where his mother rested in 1963. It was here that the future musician appeared on June 24. Boy's parents did not have a relationship to creativity. Dmitry Rafalesch's father worked as an entomologist, mother Irina Solomonovna worked by a biologist. Family lived in Leningrad.

Since childhood, the boy stretched to music. At the age of 7, he entered the music school and began to study the game on the cello. Over time, he became interested in the work of foreign rock bands and began to play a guitar. This official musical education was completed. In the future, the profession of the profession, the musician has fastened in practice.

Personal life

Personal life The musician does not hide, but does not advertise. It is known that he is married twice. For the first time, in the youth, in 1987 - on Joanna Stinger. History has kept the photo of the wedding. You can rightly say: they have brought them together. Joanna is american actress, singer, public figure and producer. She was very passionate about Russian rock and contributed to his popularization outside the USSR. In fact, the woman was the first producer for the group "Cinema" in the West. Despite this, after 4 years of sampling, the spouses divorced.
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In 2004, a free artist Natalia Nazarova (Turcik) became his wife's wife's wife. There is no official information about Kasparyan's children, but on some fan forums they write that he has an adult daughter. As far as the truth corresponds to and who is a mother's mother, is not known.

Not so long ago, in one of the interview, the Contractor admitted that he did not lead pages in popular social networks, stressing that there were many accounts under his name, but the musician had nothing to do with them. Now the guitarist communicates with fans through "Instagram" by posting archival photos and videos.


In the late 80s, the future celebrity in the company of friends played the rock and roll guitar and country rock. In 1983, the musician from their company Maxim Colosov was invited by the bass guitarist to the "Cinema" group. Kasparyan began to visit rehearsals, and then joined the team himself.

After some time, he became another and like-minded Viktor Tsoi. In his youth, his game did not reach the desired level, but Tsoi always defended the guitarist from dissatisfaction with other musicians. He resonantly believed that the main thing was human qualities that the performer was at height, and professionalism would come. And, as the time has shown, he was not mistaken. In the Kasparian group he played all the years of its existence, until 1990.

During this time, 8 albums were recorded by the team: "46", "Night", "Head of Kamchatka", "This is not love", "blood group", "Star named Sun", "French album", "black album" (was Improved and recorded by musicians after the death of Viktor Tsoi). In 1985, Kasparyan began playing a group of "pop mechanics", the founder of which Sergey Kurekhin is. It also played musicians from the Aquarium, Avian, Auktsyon and others.

In 1987, when Tsoi left for the shooting of the film "Needle", Kasparyan, together with George Guryanov and other musicians, "Cinema", and the "new composers" came up with the project "Start". Songs were recorded not in the studio. On the album there is a mark that they all represent a rehearsal material. In 2015, the record was renovated, finalized and released. The CD version release took place in 2016.

At the troubled time of the beginning of the 90s, when many creative people rushed to search for a certain philosophical stone and tried to invent the "square wheel", Kasparyan did not stay aside and left the stage for a while. He was engaged in esoteric and philosophy, artistic creativity. During these years, the guitarist collaborated with Art Groups (then he met the future godfather Sergey de Rokamblives), participated in conceptual projects, experimented with a combination of musical directions. In 1996, he recorded the solo album "Dragon Klyuchi".

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At the same years, Casparyan crossed with Vyacheslav Butusov. Together with him and de Rokamblock in 1997, a disk with the pretentious name "illegitimate Algimik Dr. Faust - Pernation Snake" is recorded.

With the same buds and a musician from the Kino group, Igor Tikhomirov Kasparyan since 1999 for 2 years he worked on the Star Padl project. This entailed an unhealthy stir in the press. In particular, they wrote that the team "Cinema" will soon be reborn with a new vocalist (implied in this role Butusov).

The musicians themselves openly denied this option for the development of events. As a result, the album turned out to be distributed. In it, some compositions refer to jazz improvisations, and others, for example, to Funka. One composition is "Hamburg" - even refer to chanson, but in the original, and not the Russian understanding of this word.

In 2001, Kasparyan and Vyacheslav Butusov created a group "Yu-Peter" and began to actively tour. In addition to the founders, the Keyman Oleg Sakmarov and the drummer Evgeny Kulakov played the team. The repertoire included the author's compositions and songs of the "Cinema" and "Nautilus". Already in 2003, the first disk "Name of Rivers" was released. It includes 11 compositions. An anniversary concert in honor of the 15th anniversary group played in the Moscow "Crocus City Hall". And in 2017 the team ceased to exist.

At the 20th anniversary of the death of Viktor Tsoi, a great concert took place, in which groups performed cauls on the songs of the musician. The pauses sounded symphonic options for compositions performed by the Globalis orchestra. In 2010, Kasparyan became one of the authors and founders of the "Symphonic Cinema" project. Its essence is that the favorite compositions, sung by once Viktor Tsoem, sounded performed by the orchestra.

Symphonic versions of the compositions were written by Igor Widowin for the festival "20 years without cinema". They were warmly met by the public. The project today has no analogues in the world of Russian rock. Fit "Symphonic Cinema" Alexander Tsoi - Son Victor Tsoi. The premiere of the concert took place in the anniversary birthday of the legendary musician.

After the premiere concert, the program was represented in the cities of Russia and the neighboring countries. Everywhere gathered the full halls. Yuri Dmitrievich was able to perform with the presidential orchestra. Apotheosis can be called performance in the Great Hall of Philharmonic. Casparyan's guitar combined with the State Hermitage Orchestra under the control of the conductor Fabio Mastrangelo gave a stunning effect. The eternal hits of the "Cinema" group sounded, who sang the audience in the hall, in particular, "we are waiting for change."

To the 55th anniversary of Viktor Tsoi Kasparyan, together with the Kukryniks group, they recorded a writ of song with a "black album" "We are with you." Earlier, the team has already performed some compositions from the "Cinema" repertoire. In 2017, FanCe-disco-group "Chic Project" was born. Her founder became Yuri Kasparyan. The idea appeared on one of the rehearsals of the project "Symphonic Cinema". The grain fell on fertile soil, because in the 80s, the participants in the "Cinema" group were inspired by the works of the American group "Chic", playing fan-disco.

In 2019, Yuri Dmitrievich, together with Alexander Tsoem, became the guest of the Evening Urgant program. The musician with the producer presented the announcement of the concert "Blood Group" project "Symphonic Cinema". During the conversation, the Contractor told the public interesting facts from the history of the "Cinema" group, and also shared an opinion on the film from Cyril Serebrennikov "Summer" in 2018 and told how famous guitar solo was created.

The guitarist with irony noted that the picture turned out to be good, but he could not watch the tape, in which "everything is wrong, not about that," to the end. Urgant admitted that music written by Casparyan 30 years ago, it sounds modern and fashionable. Also, the TV host received the opportunity to play on the legendary guitar Yuri Dmitrievich, with whom he did not part since working in the team.

The tool caused a real delight in Ivan - throwing sarcasm inherent in him, he sincerely enjoyed the moment and fulfilled the beginning of a hea "blood group". In the same year, a tribute concert was held in the Kremlin Palace dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Album "Star named Sun.".

Yuri Kasparyan now

Back in 2019, there was information that the movie "Cinema" will reunite in a new project. Especially for him, the musicians who played in the team at different times were united and started rehearsals. In 2020, the information was confirmed - concerts were scheduled for autumn. However, due to the epidemic of coronavirus infection, the organizers had to postpone the events.

In the summer, Yuri Dmitrievich, together with Alexander Tsoem, again visited the Studio "Evening Urgant". This time they joined the bass guitarist "Cinema" Igor Tikhomirov. In an interview, the guests told about the concept of upcoming speeches, how Victor Tsoi's voice records were digitizing - especially for this, the originals were sent to London, to the recording studio.

On August 15 in St. Petersburg at night, the courtyard bridge was divided into music, composed by the leader of the film group. The event was timed to the 30th anniversary of the Musician death. Especially for this memorable performance of Kasparyan, together with the Symphony Orchestra, created the original processing of songs "Calm Night" and "Summer will end."

In the same year, the "Cinema" musicians released a new clip on the song "Try to sing with me." In the video, the team fans heard the recording of Viktor Tsoi, as well as the members of the team of the gold composition of the team - Yuri Kasparyan, Alexander Titov and Igor Tikhomirov. Frames of the director Sergei Lysenko "End of Vacation" were used in the video, created in 1986. Especially for these filming, the musicians came to Ukraine.

In 2020, an announcement of the release of the film Alexey Teacher "Tsoi" appeared in the press. In the process of preparing the picture, it became known that the design of the director and the use of the Musician name in the title of the project did not like the son of the leader "Cinema", Alexander. A young man made a protest in social networks, and also wrote a letter to the President of Russia Vladimir Putin with a request to prevent the name of the family name to be dedicated. "

In appeals to the audience, Alexander stressed that he expressed not only his own opinion about the work of the teacher, but also the opinions of his father's friends - Natalia Otlogova, Yuri Kasparyan and Igor Tikhomirov.


With a group "Cinema":

  • 1982 - "45"
  • 1983 - "46"
  • 1984 - "Head of Kamchatka"
  • 1985 - "This is not love"
  • 1986 - "Night"
  • 1988 - "Blood Group"
  • 1989 - "Star named Sun"
  • 1990 - "Cinema" ("Black Album")


  • 1996 - "Dragon Keys"
  • 1997 - "Illegitimate Algimik Dr. Faust - Pernation Snake"

With a group "Yu-Peter":

  • 2003 - "River Name"
  • 2004 - "biography"
  • 2008 - "Bogomol"
  • 2010 - "Flowers and Terni"
  • 2015 - "Gudgore"

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