Svarog - Biography of the Slavic God, name, image


Character History

For the modern population of Russia, Slavic traditions and cultures are remnants, since the violent planting of Christian ideals brought other foundations and canons to the life of the Russian people. Despite this, folk beliefs and legends remind themselves, forcing young people to be interested in roots.

History of origin

Svarog was in the divine pantheon of the Slavs along with Velez and Perun. This is the god of fire and a family hearth, patronized for a blacksmith. Svarog - the god-owner, he had the honor to create a sacred fire. Some believe that Svarog is the father of Dazhbog, the God of Heaven, others claim that he is the patron saint of the sun. The character had an incommensurable force and was famous for military merits.


In Slovakia, he is known as Rarog, in Etruscia - like Vel Hotness. Finns called him Ilmarinen, and the Romans of the volcano. Translated from Sanskrit The value of the name of the deity is decrypted as "light" or "heaven", and the suffix, which the name ends allows you to see the blacksmith in God.

We carry people knowledge, mythological character invented blacksmith tools and taught people to work with copper and iron. He is owned by the Slavs with the first laws that promote monogamy. The descendant of the ancient gods of Sittratrat and Crut, Svarog became the ruler of light and ether, and also managed fire. The role of the Divine in Pantheon is comparable to the place of Zeus on Olympus. Svarog works with hands, creating material and refusing to use magical abilities.


Slavs believed that in places where the worship was worshiping, metal products should be standing and the constant presence of fire is necessary. Therefore, the forges became suitable locations for the chanting of God, who introduced the Slavs to the Iron Institute.

Women's idols looked inconspicuous. These were big unwitted stones with a picture of a fire symbol.

Svarog in Slavic mythology

The pagans asked God for a rich yield, high-quality fruits and shoots of sown grains and seeds. People considered Svoraga the Creator. According to legend, he taught people to make foods from milk, so the idols of God often left cottage cheese and cheese. Such food was considered sacred.

God Svarog - Art

The word "juggling" is present in Russian due to these beliefs. Under this verb implies the opportunity to create anything, having minimal knowledge and resources, and therefore with Divine Providence.

Svarog works hard with your hands, so simple work is associated with creation. He gave fire so that people could escape from cold and hunger, heating housing and prepared food. Iron worms of labor and combat weapons are also gifts of powerful God. Myths say that he presented to the Slavs of the Yurm and Plow for Pahoto, Cequis, the Palce and Sword for the assignment of attacks. Slavs got the opportunity to extract food and defend their native land.

Symbol of Svary

Slavs used charms associated with the weld to protect themselves and their home. Among popular symbols - Cheregon. This image resembling a swastika, in the center of which is rhombus. The rectangular sign is supplemented with rays lines. Under the clue, it is obvious that schematic figures in its basis resemble a plow.

The second symbol is the star of the Svary - a sign with a large magic force. This is a square woven with ellipses whose ends are pointed.


People perceived Svaroga as benefactor, because thanks to him they knew what he was warm and life could master the work, received new knowledge and resources to protect their property. Svarog is considered an impersonation of creative strength and warrior of light. He was depicted in the form of a chief warrior during periods of wars. The appearance of the deity was complemented by burgundy armor and sword. He looked like a blacksmith, stubbornly worker, but ready to oppose the enemy at any time.

By patronizing the truth, will and knowledge, Svarog created the commandments to preserve heat and life, allowing to understand the foundations of the universe. The heat of the forge in the form of fire justice Kalas Those whose heart was not clean.


The bird was helped by the bird of an alkonost, the messenger of the gods - passed the will of the Waughty to people. Animal Svarog - Fiery Wear, in which God himself sometimes appeared.

The immutable symbol of the Creator was the hammer, from the blow of which sparks were evicted about the stone, which later became the gods. Hence the expression "Spark of God". According to legend, the spark of the Svary's Molt, who fell per person, gave that talent.

God loved those who looked like him in temperament and character warehouse. He patronized hardworking and active people in justice. A word of the word with the hard power of will and the tempered character, a few and practical, could count on the support of Svary.

God welw with a hammer

Researchers of Slavic mythology issued a cycle of books about the deities of the Pantheon of our ancestors. They argue that Svarog was God, to which they were treated in difficult life situations when magical assistance is needed. It was resorted by making conspiracies on a generous harvest or recovery from severe illness to return a close man from a difficult hike and righteous trial. With it, they took damage, added courage and strength, strengthened family bonds.

Slavs, creating charms, knitted nodules and, turning to the weld, launched a naison. They helped eliminate conspiracles and negative thoughts, clean the karma, find love and create a family, clear consciousness from temptations and fears.


Legends associated with the Slavic Divine Pantheon are not as popular as Greek myths. Russian authors are inspired by the secrets of pagan legends, including Alexander Bushkov. The writer created a cycle of books, united by the name "Svarog". The work of "Sous Sails" is particularly popular with the public.

Writer Alexander Buschkov

Today, Svaroga as filmmaking is minimized in fairy tales and documentaries. There is no full-fledged film about this hero, but the Internet is full of rumors about the prospects for filming a full-length ribbon on the book of Alexander Bushkova. The writer presented a new wave of inspiration to fans of pagan Slavic mythology.

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