Andrei Novoselov - biography, photos, figure skating, personal life, news 2021



Sporting press calls Andrei Novoselov a promising figure skater. Returning from France, the athlete again began to represent the native country in the international arena and seeks to demonstrate the experience and skills acquired abroad.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Novoselov's biography is interesting because the simple guy from the provincial Russian city managed to achieve large sports heights. The Russian spoke for France, defending the country's honor in sports competitions abroad.

Figyrian Andrey Novoselov

Andrei was born on November 24, 1989 in Perm. The tendency to figure skating woke up early: already at 4 years old, the boy began to attend training. Pursuing at home, in the Palace of Sports "Orlock", he mastered the basics of the selected direction for single speeches.

After some time, Novoselov moved to Moscow and fell under the custody of the trainer Esdyushor MFP Marina Selitsky. Soon it became clear that the high height of the young man - an obstacle to individual work, so he continued to prepare, interacting with the partner.

Figure skating

The transition to a paired discharge, which took place in 2006, returned Andrei to Perm. Here he began his classes with the first colleague of Sabina Imaikina. The coaches of young athletes became Valery and Valentine bauk. In the partnership with Imaichina in 2008, the skater 2 times received a silver reward in the Grand Prix Tournaments, held in the Czech Republic and England. The events were assessed by talented young skaters. Then, at the national championship of Novoselov, became the owner of a bronze medal.

Tatyana Danilova and Andrei Novoselov

In 2009, it was possible to return to Moscow, and Andrei took advantage of her, but he worked with another partner, Tatyana Danilova. His new coach was Natalia Pavlova. In such cooperation in 2010, the athlete managed to conquer silver medals on the Country Cup competitions in Tver.

A similar award, the skater received as part of the Kazan National Cup and in Croatia on Golden Spin of Zagreb. In a duet with Danilova Novoselov worked for a short time. In 2011, the couple stopped playing together.

Andrey Novoselov and Tatyana Novik

The figure skater changed the already familiar ice palace "Dream" on a sports complex called "Inspiration". During this period of time, the athlete's mentor was Inna Utkin. According to her recommendations, Andrei began to cooperate with Tatiana Novik, and Nina Moser was the head coach of the figure skateman.

Figurestones quickly found a common language and started fruitful work. Success did not make himself wait: at the stages of the National Cup of Russia, they won the 2nd and 3rd place. Already in 2012, the duo demonstrated a great result at the Nestle Nesquik Cup International Competition in Toruni.

Andrey Novoselov and Daria Popova

Gradually, the result went on a decline, the couple did not achieve the desired indicators and stopped working together. In the summer of 2014, Andrei took an invitation to speak, presenting France. His partner became Daria Popov, also representing the interests of this country. Two young people won silver medals in the country championship. Despite the successful training and victory, the duet soon collapsed. In 2015, Andrei went on ice, accompanied by French Lola Esbrat.

From 2007 to 2013, Andrei Novoselov was a member of the national team of Russia and represented the country in curve competitions. In the fall of Novoselov and Esbrat planned to perform at the tournament in Germany, but did not receive tolerance, so the debut moved to the winter of 2016.

Andrey Novoselov and Lola Esbrat

In January, they welcomed the public Nestle Nesquik Cup in Poland, won the 3rd place. The figure skaters received a similar award in the framework of the annual Cup of Bavaria. The results shown by the duet made it possible to demonstrate the necessary technical minimum for speaking on the competitions of the World Championship in the United States of America.

Then followed the Championship for the Tyrol Cup, conducted in Innsbruck, where the pair showed not the best results, taking the last place. At the World Championship in Boston, Novoselov and Esbrat was lucky to get into the participants of an arbitrary program. In the same 2016, the couple spoke at the championship, struggling for the Trophy of Northern Rhine Festophalia and received a silver medal.

Andrei Novoselov and Lola Esbrat on ice

Such a prize went to them for the performance within the French championship held in Cannes. The usual Nestle Nesquik Cup brought the 5th place to the piggy bank of the athletes. Already at the end of January, they made their debut at the Championship in Ostrava among other European skaters. The pair regularly improved the previous achievements in different programs and demonstrated the potential.

In the spring of 2017, Novoselova's duet and Esbrat represented France at the World Championships in Helsinki, but did not make his way into the final. In the fall, figure skaters performed at competitions for the Cup of the city in Nice and entered the top 5 of the strongest participants in the contest. They followed the home stage of the Grand Prix and one of the last places.

Andrei Novoselov and Ksenia Pillars

A week later, the duet was incredibly close to prizes on the city tournament Tallinn. At the Championship in Nante, the athletes won the main award, becoming champions. Confidence gave and entrance to the 10 best participants in the continental championship in Moscow.

Suddenly, for everyone by the end of the season, the couple broke up, and Andrei Novoselov returned to his homeland, to Russia. Now he represents domestic figure skating and consists in a duet with a Russian athlete.

Personal life

It seems that sport takes all thoughts and free time Andrei Novoselov. It will not be listed among the famous skaters of Russia and for a long time did not get under the gazes of domestic media and journalists. Therefore, the personal life of a man remains under the curtain of secrecy. Novoselov rarely gives interviews and does not apply whether he has a wife and children.

Andrey Novoselov

Personal account athlete in "Instagram" have to look for a long time, but the search does not end with success. Fans of figure skateman are content with speeches and training laid out on the Internet.

It is known that Andrei Russian citizenship. Free time loves to spend with friends, it is not indifferent to cars. Figure is interested in football and movies.

Andrei Novoselov Now

Returning to Russia, Andrei Novoselov did not stay without a partner. In the autumn of 2018, in an interview with Journalists, Ksenia Pillars announced the start of cooperation with the athlete.

Andrey Novoselov in 2018

After completing the paired work with Fedor Klimov, the figure skater was in search of a partner. Klimov graduated from a sports career, and Ksenia decided to realize his potential in a new duet. Now Andrei Novoselov and Ksenia Pillars are trained together, planning future speeches.


  • 2009 - Bronze Prize Series of Russia
  • 2008 - Silver winner of the Junior Grand Prix in the Czech Republic
  • 2008 - Silver winner of the Junior Grand Prix in the UK
  • 2010 - Silver winner of the Russian Cup final
  • 2010 - Silver medalist of the international tournament GOLDEN SPIN OF ZAGREB
  • 2010 - Silver winner of the Russian Cup stage
  • 2011 - silver winner of the Russian Cup stage
  • 2011 - Bronze medalist of the Cup stage in Russia
  • 2012 - Golden medalist of the international tournament NESTLE NESQUIK CUP

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