Elena Beroeva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress, "Instagram" 2021



A worthy competition of the family acting clan of Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky, Urgant, Boyarovsky, Efremovsky, Urganti is confidently constantly constitutes the Bourovo dynasty, from which theater and cinema seems to be associated with almost all its members. When mentioning this famous name, the young generation is a charming star of the Turkish Gambit, and those who are older - the Honored Artist of the Soviet Union Vadim Beroev and Forest Reviews about the Faina Ranevskaya, as well as his daughter Elena.

Childhood and youth

Elena Boreva, the fruit of the love of the love of "Major of the Vortex" and "telephone" Elvira (Ella) of Brunovskaya, was born in Moscow on January 30, 1958. Future spouses were familiar with Hitis, where the 17-year-old student instantly lost his head from the beauty, who was older than him for a year, and sought attention and reciprocity a long time.

As a result, when it succeeded, a passionate novel that led to the wedding celebration. The name born soon the baby chose fellow students in exchange for a presented stroller. Although the child's houses always called differently - Leles, Lyalya or Leesha.

Parents who served later side by side in the same theater and on the radio station, have always been devoted to the chosen profession, did not like to relax, so the grandmother was engaged in education until school. Maybe because of this, Mother, unlike his father, did not want the only daughter to go to their footsteps.

Some of the bright memories of childhood and adolescence - the Gypsy, who took the girl for his father's companion and pushed out that those would be happy together; Saleswomen who were collected by crowds as soon as they entered the store; Girlfriends kissing the TV screen when Beroev-senior appeared there.

"I was an angel. Angel! This mom was joking, calling me an evil Ossetian because of nationality. In fact, I was a wonderful child, "Elena recalled in one interview.

The family reigned a friendly and cozy atmosphere, often passed poetic and musical evenings, where the poems and melodies of the guitar and piano sounded. However, a hot mixture of nationalities (Vadim Borisovich was half Ossetian, half-Pole, and Mom's ancestors were the Germans) let him know about themselves: when Elena turned 7 years old, his parents divorced. The girl was worried about the care of his father, but his death was even a big blow to her in 1972. Highed the star of the thrust screen to the alcohol, as well as the pneumonia on the background of overwork and cold. He did not see his grandchildren.

Nevertheless, life took its own. Elena, since childhood, the love of art, he already acted as a teenager in the performances, and in the last time he entered the guitis. Although I tried to get into the "pike" exclusively because of a warm attitude towards Jan Arlazorov.

Theater and films

The Mossoveta Theater is the second house of the actresses, where she "lives" since 1981. Now, congratulating the daughter of Vadim Beroeva with anniversaries, colleagues on the shop are called her keeper of traditions and invariably add words of gratitude for the talent and loyalty to the native scene. In the Arsenal of Artists - a lot of performances in which he invariably introduces "paradoxicality, eccentricity, elegance and intelligence" due to its appearance on the stage.

At the beginning of the creative biography, Elena was lucky to play with Faini Georgievna Ranevskaya ("Next - silence"), even rehearse the legend in the apartment, please her boys and learn how to adversely with the love of Orlova.

Among the work of the actress - the roles in the performance of the "Turbaza", "Mass on Virgin", "the doors are clapped", "factory girl", "Kin, or Genius and Purity". She gave and gives himself a theater without a balance. Spectators who have not yet had time to get acquainted with the game of the artist live, can find accessible on the network movies and enjoy the versatility of executable roles - from factory girls to mannequins. In 2015, the pigs of the characters were replenished with the Griboedovsky Countess of the Toguhukhovskaya.

In 2005, the other issues of the program about the life and the last days of the idols of the Soviet and Russian audience came to the screens. In the documentary film, Elena's daughter, as well as Tatyana Bestaeva, Gennady Bortnikov, Vsevolod Shilovsky shared the secrets of the biography and career of the stars of the 70s Vadim Beroeva.

Personal life

Behind the shoulders of the actress - a couple of unsuccessful attempts of family relationships in youth. And, as it was called, both occurred with chosen chiefs who gave a woman on the boy. With the future husband of Vadim Mikheenko (he, Dima Kerusov), the father of Egor Beroev, the meeting occurred by chance. The young man came out on the street and simply offered to stroll through the boulevards of Moscow. Promenade ended in love and a wedding. However, idylls between the newlyweds did not come, the personal life was not glued, mutual understanding was becoming less and less. And soon, Elvira Pavlovna began to speak out against the Union. Not passed years, as the divorce followed.

In 2014, the biological father of Egor Bourieva gave a detailed interview with some publications and sites, the main idea of ​​which came down to the prosecution of the Son in the reluctance to communicate, as well as apologin for the past. The public and journalists agreed that this is a clever paid PR-move of a little-known poet and writer. By the way, if you believe the media, he was married to 9 times. Himself "Erast Fandorin" from the comments of the current situation was then abstained. Today, Egor, judging by his photo in "Instagram", supports friendship with her father and often seemed to him.

Elena Beroeva and Vadim Mikheenko

The next civilian marriage also existed not long, because the son of Dmitry brought up the 3rd spouse Yuri Cherkasov, in the literal and figurative sense, which is beloved in his hands. With it, the long-awaited calm and female happiness came, despite the fact that there are no common children.

"My mother somehow confessed to him:" Yura, I love you more than my daughter. " Can you imagine the mother-in-law to tell the son-in-law? "," The artist was surprised.

Reflecting on his personal life, the actress once said that he was married to Vadim for the third time, but only for Vadim Roger. She did not succeed.

In 2020, Elena Vadimovna experienced a heavy loss: On November 15, her husband Yuri Cherkasov died. He is known mainly to his work in the theater. Mossovet. Among his roles are the warring in the rock opera "Jesus Christ - Superstar", Falanes from the production of "Village Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants", Tolik from the "Reserve". In the cinema, he also managed to shine his talent in the projects "Mosgaz", "Russian Terror", "Taxi driver", "Charm of Evil", "Fors Major" and others.

Another year earlier the actor congratulated with the assignment of the title of the Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. But even then he and loved ones knew about the ailment. Until the last Yuri Vyacheslavovich struggled for life. Oncology has become the cause of the death of the theatrical figure. To eat Cherkasov, the Temple of Martyrs Flora and Lavra on the hook was chosen. Civilian Panir took place in the building of the theater. The grave is located on the Mitinsky cemetery.

Elena Beroeva now

Elena Vadimovna perfectly copes with the roles proposed in the theater. Mossovet. Now the actress is occupied in the "grief from the mind" and "Reserve", and also spends a lot of time with the most important for her, loving mother and grandmother, Egor, Milda and granddaughter. In no case, it does not give advice on the personal relationship of relatives, beating about how to understand her own mother-in-law and tacty.

Beroev supports warm relations with Irina Alferova. At the same time, the mother-in-law of Egor is sure that the granddaughter looks like to go, and the latter assures that the opposite. Unfortunately, due to the intense schedules of the family, the family members are often not obtained. But in honor - large holidays with mandatory gifts and endless conversations for a large table.

But the appearance in the cinema does not have to brag - the filmography has not been replenished for a long time.


  • 1983 - "Sasha"
  • 1993 - "Ornithm, or through breeze"
  • 1999 - "Reserve"


  • "Turbaza"
  • "OBEZH"
  • "Mass on the Virgin"
  • "Bee"
  • "Next - silence"
  • "Premiere"
  • "Doors clap"
  • "Factory Girl"
  • "Sasha"
  • "Ornithm, or through breeze"
  • "Cafe" Prevert "
  • "Kin, or genius and accurability"
  • "Woe from Wit"
  • "Reserve"

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