Maria Zubareva - biography, photos, personal life, movies, roles



There are no clear criteria for determining the talent, it is non-fulfillment of neither time or age or circumstances. Even living a relatively short life on Earth, truly gifted personality is remembered forever, and their names do not go into oblivion. "The most Russian" poet Sergey Yesenin, "Brother of all Russia" Sergey Bodrov-Jr. and asterisk of Soviet cinema Maria Zubareva only reached a 30-year-old line and left, leaving behind a noticeable trace in history, art and hearts of devotees.

Childhood and youth

Parents of the future actress were representatives of the creative Moscow intelligentsia: Mom worked on television, father was acting as an acting career and writing books for small readers. They, knowing the complexity of the servants of the temple of Melpomen, performed categorically against such a profession at the only daughter, which appeared on the light of the winter day on February 24, 1962.

Actress Maria Zubarev

The fears were not accidental: the lack of roles and, therefore, livelihoods, not always high and most respectful relations between colleagues and director, and, finally, special conditions for young actipers coming on a lot of popularity.

At first, the girl obediently followed the parent instructions, diligently studied at school, giving a special preference to the Mathematics-Queen of Science, participating in the Olympics and ranking first places. And he played at the cottage in the improvised plays belonged to Peru head of the family.

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In high school, it became interested in the work of the correspondent, graduated from the school of a young journalist and, who own foreign languages, was preparing for admission to the appropriate university. But everything changed the case in the face of the friends of the teachers of the famous "Pikes", where Masha, thanks to the natural abilities and the guests, did not work after 2 months.


"Mordashka", already the 6th cinematic work with Dmitry Harayan and Leia Ahacedzhakova, made Zubarev a truly recognizable and popular. Prior to this, in a sense of even an innovative comedy about an attempt to marry for the calculation, Maria appeared in the image of the bride of one of the main actors in the "return of the future" and agronomist in the drama about the difficulties of labor in the collective farm "in Rasolotice".

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In 1990, Leonid Filatov tried himself as a director, creating a ribbon based on real events about the life of theater on Tagank after the expulsion of his leader. The acting of the "Sukina Children", not without the participation of Mary, gathered the most powerful, and rewards after the corresponding: nomination for "Nika" and 2 Prizes of the "Kinotavaur".

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After 3 years in Russia, they removed the first multi-line picture of the love triangle, which originated in the Kuznets family, worried about the turning point with the appearance of Couturier Swedov. Here her thesis-teacher is a key figure of melodrama telling about the trifles of life.

And when the performer did not, the scenario was redone: instead of the intended connection with her husband, the heroine dies in a car accident. But on this presence of the Zubareva, the project did not stop: the character was further mentioned in the development of the plot. That was a peculiar tribute to the memory early asked actress. Filmography, unfortunately, poorly, but memorable.

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Before you get to television screens, Maria served in the Pushkin's Drama Theater, where he was remembered again the role of the same name in Blaze, and collaborated with Roman Viktyuk in M. Butterfly". As Roman Grigorievich himself noted later, this production turned out to be fatal and tragic even for 3 theater workers who were friends among themselves.

Personal life

Colleagues on the workshop in one voice noticed that with the growing popularity of Maria Vladimirovna, nothing special for himself required, I didn't dream about glory, I absolutely did not suffer from

"I wanted to be just a happy woman, have a lot of children and become a good mother."
Maria Zubareva and Boris Kiner

Schukinsky school presented a talented beauty-student two husbands. Already in the first year of study, she was briefed with the mind of Boris Keener, who burst into the beloved by the musical works of his own essay. Young people decided to play a wedding, hurt her daughter and divorced soon. It is known that Anna graduated from the Philfak of the Moscow State University and far from parent professions.

The second family relationships with a classmate Igor Shawrack, who had long been loved by a girl, patiently waiting for his own hour and who took the child chosen as a native, lasted a relatively long. And in the end, they stopped on the soil of constant disagreements.

Maria Zubareva and Igor Shavlak

The third marriage, which began with a chance meeting and passionate novel, grew into strong mutual feelings, crossed the previous unsuccessful experience. Personal life has improved, a happy couple has twins Roma and Lisa. After childbirth, the actress planned to return to the interrupted shooting, but conceived a terrible incurable diagnosis declared by doctors.


The disease progressed, without leaving the chance of a prosperous outcome. Native and loved ones did not leave the favorite until the last hour. The exception was only familiar men. To them, Zubareva categorically banned her, wanting to remember all the same soul of the company, healthy, young and cheerful.

Maria Zubareva

Mary did not become at the end of autumn, November 23, 1993. The cause of death is cancer. A lot of colleagues and fans came to the funeral, as their "sunny bunny" always helped the faithful advice, drove in difficult situations, ended the parties and conquered the endless number of exciting stories. At the same time, it was not seen in any backstage intrigue or dirty gossip.

After the death, the care of the babies took upon themselves grandparents, and the native theater organized the evening with the collection of means for orphans who know the mother only by photographs.

Mary's grave Zubareva

Thanks to the emergence of the audience, the amount turned out to be impressive, but, unfortunately, did not reach the addressee: after 5 years, default happened, and the bank lost invested savings. There are no detailed information about the biography and these activities.

The grave of one of the most beautiful artists of the Soviet cinema is located on the introduced Cemetery of Moscow.


  • 1984 - "The second time in the Crimea"
  • 1984 - "Parting"
  • 1984 - "The third in the fifth row"
  • 1985 - "Return to Fauy"
  • 1986 - "In Rasputy"
  • 1990 - "Mordashka"
  • 1990 - "Sukina Children"
  • 1991 - "Brilliant Idea"
  • 1992 - "The Great Murai Way"
  • 1993 - "little things of life"

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