James Last - biography, photos, music, personal life, cause of death



James Last is the author of amazing melodies filled with feelings and emotions. German musician, conductor, whose orchestra consisted of performers from different ends of the world, the author of hits and arrangements. Critics called Lasta Estet, owner of a sophisticated taste and unique style. In his compositions, the sounds of nature were reflected.

Childhood and youth

Composer Hans Last race from Bremen. The boy was born on April 17, 1929 in the Musician family and was the younger of 4 children. Maph's parents and Louis were the employees of a gas company. Father loved music and played on the accordion, Bandeon and the drums. Creativity was in the blood of Hans, and he sought to develop. At 8 years old, the child showed his skills by performing a national German song to the piano. Understanding the hobby of the Son, the parents hired for him a tutor.

Composer James Last.

Hans's education received in the Army Music Academy in Frankfurt am Main. Here, the young man learned to play the double bass, Fagot and Grezil about working with the clarinet. In the war years, school was destroyed, so Gansa was transferred to Bucheburg school near Hannover. He improved the skills of working with already familiar tools and mastered the tub.

The soul of a novice musician was not marching music, but to improvisation. Last planned to receive a diplier diploma, which turned out to be a difficult task. To finish learning in this direction, a young man was able to only 23 years, as the school closed due to hostilities.

In recent years of war, the musician has worked as a pianist and a bass player in the American clubs of the hometown. Last was inspired by jazz compositions heard on the radio. In the evenings at work, he tried to repeat the melodies liked. In 1945, the teenager was lucky to sign the first contract for cooperation. So he gained recognition as a professional performer.


Since 1945, the musician collaborated with the brothers. Together with Robert Last and Kam Werner Hans, he became a member of the Bremen radio orchestra and organized an ensemble called Last Becker. Hans traveled with colleagues on tour, continuing to familiarize with music. He was especially interested in folklore and folk melodies. The artist was carried away by arrangements.

James Last on stage

The first composition, thanks to which the general public learned about his work, became a soundtrack for the film "Hunters". At 19, James created the "String Orchestra of Hans Lars", but did not forget about jazz music, imitating Chubby Jackson and Niels-Henning Orsted Pedersen.

Diligent work brought his fruits: The Gondola magazine recognized the last the best bassist of jazz direction. In 1953, he was a member of German All Stars. The services of the arrangers were used by famous performers, conductors of orchestras and jazz teams. Among the pop stars who collaborated with the last were Catarina Valente and Freddie Mercury.

With the Last Becker ensemble and for the Bremen Radio orchestra in the 60s, the arrangements created arrangements. The mutually beneficial collaboration has developed at Hans with Polydor label. 2 album released by him brought the artist success.

The creativity of the lest was multifaceted, and the author is productive. For the year he produced up to 12 music albums. Remirement work combined with constant search and experiments. The musician was engaged in arrangements of famous works, and in 1964 collected his own orchestra.

James Last and His Orchestra

In 1965, Polydor released a plate "Non Stop Dancing", which first was brought by the alias of the artist. Representatives of gramzazyism studios decided to change the name on the cover, appealing to the need to enter the international market. The album produced a furor. Last became known to the general public.

His music combined various styles and directions. A year later, the light saw the plates "Beat in Sweet", "Classics Up to Date", "Ännchen von Thau", "Trumpet à Gogo", "Hammond à Gogo 2", "Instrumentals Forever", "Christmas Dancing".

James Last.

The popularity of the composer grew a year from year to year. He released the album behind the album and toured. In 1972, Lasta concerts were held in the USSR. In 1974, a loud charitable event was held, at which he managed to collect 60 thousand spectators at the Schönberg Town Hall in Berlin.

With performances, James Last traveled England and Ireland, New Zealand and Scandinavia. The musician gave concerts in East Asia and Europe. The ideas featured the highest level of professionalism, and over time, the events became real show. In 1977, James Last left his name in the hearts of lovers of melodic music, creating a hit under the name "Lone Shepherd."

In 1980, the artist decided to associate his biography with the United States of America and moved with his family in Florida, where he organized his own recording studio. He never ceased to work for a day, and in 1991 he was awarded a special ZDF award for recognizing viewers at the international level.

In the list of composer awards - the Prize Echo 1994 Life Award. He continued to create, releasing albums and collections, participating in the tour. At 70, the musician collected huge halls. In 1999, 150 thousand people visited his concerts as part of a tour of Germany.

Personal life

In 1955, James Last married. The spouse called Waltrud, she was from Bremen. Young people together moved to Hamburg-Langenhorn, when James offered a place of bassist in the NWDR orchestra.

James Last and Waltruda and Children

In 1957, the musician was born daughter of Catherine, and in 1958 the son of Ronald appeared. Personal life of the composer has developed successfully. He loved his spouse and lived with her married for 42 years. In winter, 1997 Waltruda died after a long fight against the oncological disease.

James Last and his wife Christina Grundder

In 1999, James decided to marry repeatedly. Christina Grundder became his chosen. The woman was younger than the spouse for 30 years, but this did not prevent their union. Family lived in Florida, in West Palm Beach. Children were born in her daughter, and he gladly spent time with them. Until the last days of life, James Last led an active creative activity, speaking in public and writing music.


The composer died in 2015 at the age of 86. The cause of death served as a long disease. James Last died, being in a circle of relatives and close people.

James Last in recent years

For a creative career, Last released more than 200 albums. The cummy generations was a professional and inspirer. In his piggy bank - gold and platinum awards confirming the talent of their owner.

The famous composer considered himself a small person who serves public. An impressive discography did not affect his self-awareness: James Last remained a modest and friendly musician.


  • 1963 - "Die Gab's Nur Einmal"
  • 1965 - "Non Stop Dancing"
  • 1973 - "Last of Old England"
  • 1973 - "Käpt'n James Auf Allen Meeren"
  • 1980 - "Tulpen Uit Amsterdam"
  • 1980 - "Seduction"
  • 1982 - "Biscaya"
  • 1984 - "Paradiso"
  • 1986 - "Traumschiff-Melodien"
  • 1988 - "Dance, Dance, Dance"
  • 1992 - "Country Cousins"
  • 1996 - "Classics from Russia"
  • 2000 - "Gentleman of Music"
  • 2006 - "LIVE IN EUROPE"

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