Venedict Erofeev - biography, photos, books, personal life, cause of death



Venedict (Wanechka) Erofeev is a big talent with a sad fate, "man frightened with happiness." The writer, author of the popular poem in the prose of "Moscow-Petushki", which in Moscow is the monument with the inscription"It is impossible to trust the opinion of a person who has not had time to shade."

Childhood and youth

Venedikt Vasilyevich Erofeev was born in the Murmansk region, in the village of Niva-2 in the suburb of Kandalaksha. In the family of Yerofeys there were 5 children, Vecchka - Jr.. Mother Anna Andreevna Gushchina led the farm, Father Vasily Vasilyevich worked as the head of the railway station. The archives have preserved photos of the parents of the future writer.

Writer Venedict Erofeev

At the beginning of the war, Yerofeev moved from Chupp to the Kirov branch of the Kirov Station. In a month, the Lower Toyama Arkhangelsk region was evacuated. Due to the lack of products, Anna Andreevna and children returned to his homeland.

Soon the repression began in the country, at the end of 1941, grandfather Vasily Konstantinovich Erofeev for the fact that he refused to bargain a horse in an officer stroller. After 3 months he died in prison. In 1945, the father of Wennedikt was arrested, he served the term in the camp for prisoners for the lies and anti-Soviet propaganda.

Venedict Erofeev in youth

Childhood of Winch has passed in hunger and cold. By 6 years, the boy knew how to read and write, he spent all the time, scratching something on scraps of paper. When they asked what he writes, answered: "Notes of the Madman." September 19, 1945, Boris and Venedict Erofeev went to the first grade of the school at the hibin station, having one portfolio for two.

By 1947, Anna Andreevna and children remained without livelihood. She went to Moscow to earn money, and the younger gave to the orphanage. Werene studied well, one day he was awarded a trip to the Pioneer Camp in Rybinsk.

Benedict Erofeev with family

In 1951, his father returned from the conclusion, the mother came from the capital, the family reunited. True, after 2 years, Vasily Vasilyevich was again arrested for being late for work and convicted for 3 years, which he spent in the prison of Olenegorsk. In 1956, spending 2 years on freedom, he died.

Venedict Erofeev graduated from school with a gold medal and in 1955 without exams entered Moscow State University, at the Faculty of Philology. He lived in a hostel, where he met interesting people, among them - the Soviet philologist, literary critic and translator Vladimir Muravyev influenced the literary views of the future writer.

Venedict Erofeev in youth

In 1957, Vecchiku was expelled from the university for abominability and systematic absenteeism. He settled at the RemstroyTertrest Construction Department. In the hostel, the future writer organized a literary circle, where young workers read poems, and Venedict - excerpts from classical literature. Because of these meetings, Erofeev was fired from work.

The next 2 years of Venya spent in Ukraine, and in 1959 he returned to the capital and entered the philological faculty of the Orekhovo-Zuevsky Pedagogical Institute, where he began to produce literary almanac. In 1960, Yerofeyev's student was expelled.

Venedict Erofeev at the table

Over the next years, the Venedict has changed work as gloves. I tried to continue my education, I received in Vladimir and Kolomna pedagogical institutions, I studied well, received an increased scholarship. But the discipline suffered, and expelled it.


The Bibliography of Venedikta Erofeeva has only 5 completed works. Even in the youth of Venya began to compose "Note Psychopaths". This is a diary that reflected the stream of the consciousness of the author, combining high ideas, low-lying thoughts and complete nonsense. The book was first published in 2000 in a trimmed version. The full version entered the collected works in 2004.

Writer Venedict Erofeev

Since 1960, Yerofeev worked on the tale of the Balling News, which was preserved fragmentary. The work is impregnated by the Spirit of the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who was enthusiastically studied by Venya. This essay has mysterious fate. The manuscript contained 13 chapters, the writer was stored for friends.

Subsequently, she was returned and again lost along with part of the archive. After the death of the author, they found 4 chapters. Later, the 5th chapter was found in Italy, and the 6th - in Bulgaria. Now the "benefit of the news" is published in Erofeev's notebooks.

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In 1970, the writer finished work on the poem in the prose "Moscow-Petushki". This is partly autobiography, the chief hero is called Venya, he drove in the train to the child and his mistress. I rode fun, I missed one wine glass after another. As a result, it turned out that he confused the route and moved in the opposite direction. Upon arrival in the capital of the chief hero, strangers challenge.

"Since then, I have not come to consciousness, and never come," the last line of the book.

The poem compiled from chapters whose names corresponded to the names of railway stations on the way of Venia, instantly disassembled quotes. The phrase "and immediately drank" from the chapter "Sickle and Hammer - Karacharovo" went into the people.

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The author did not expect such popularity of Petushkov. According to him, the poem was written "Without any complaints ... For seven-eight friends, so that they could laugh ten pages, and then eight pages to wake up, think."

The work has not been published for a long time in the USSR. For the first time, he was published in Israel in 1973, then in London and Paris. In the Motherland of the Writer in the late 80s, the poem "Moscow-Petushki" on the irony of fate was published in the journal "sobriety and culture" in a truncated version. The full text appeared in 1989 in the Almanae "News". The audio version of the book recorded the Russian musician and Showman Sergey Cers.

Books of Venedikta Erofeev

In the work of Erofeev there are other works: the play "Valpurgiyeva Night, or the steps of the Commander", Essay "Vasily Rosanov's eyes of the Eccentric", a selection of quotes V.I. Lenin "My Little Leninian", an unfinished play "Dissidates, or Fanny Kaplan", Essay "Sasha Black and others."

Venya said that she was still wrote Roman "Shostakovich", stolen in the train. In 1994, it was announced that the manuscript was found and will soon publish. As a result, a small passage appeared in the print, which critics are considered fake.

Personal life

Antonina's first love The musician Yerofeev met in the dormitory of Moscow University. Romantic dates continued throughout the year. Then in the autumn of 1959, Venya met Julia Runova, cared for her, offered to go along to the Kola Peninsula together. In 1961, they broke up, but feelings did not pass. The future writer tried to find his chief in 1962, but Julia changed the address. Their meetings resumed in 1971, after Runov married and gave birth to a daughter.

Venedict Erofeev and his son Venedict Erofeev Jr.

In 1964, Wennedikt had relations with Valentina Zimakova, a native of the Petushinsky district, which he presented his mother as a wife. On January 3, 1966, the young people were born Son Venedikt Venediktovich, they signed in February of the same year and settled in the village of Mumylino Vladimir region. Erofeev almost did not see her wife and son, wandered around the apartments of friends and acquaintances, saw a lot. In 1975, the family broke up.

The second wife of the writer became his girlfriend Galina Nosov, marriage was concluded on February 21, 1976. A year later, the young got a 2-bedroom apartment in Moscow. However, Erofeev did not break the relationship with Julia Runova.

In 1979, they were located in Kirovsk at Brother Vienna Yuri. The abuse of alcohol led to the fact that for Christmas 1979 the writer fell into the hospital with a diagnosis of "white hot". Judging by the diaries, Venedict drank every day from morning to evening, "red", then "ginger". Erofeev was treated from alcoholism in 1982 in the clinic in Moscow. It seemed that personal life would then work out.

After the discharge of Venedict with a friend, Nikolai Melnikov went swimming along the northern rivers and lakes to the White Sea. During the trip, the writer wisered in Yulia, wrote her letters, confessed in love. Upon returning the atmosphere in the family ran, the spouses were going to divorce and exchange an apartment. In addition to Julia Runova, Erofeev had other women.

Natalia Shmelkova and Venedict Erofeev

The child from the first marriage at that time studied in Moscow, at the boarding school. The venedict-senior tried to visit him, attended the 17th anniversary of the Son.

In 1983, the writer again fell for treatment from alcohol intoxication to the Moscow Region Pension. And in the spring of the same year, his wife identified him in a psychiatric hospital.


Yerofeyev had a predisposition to alcoholism - a drunkard-father, the same brother. In his youth, Venya did not use alcohol, everything happened, according to him, suddenly: he saw vodka in the showcase, bought a bottle and cigarette, drank, lit and no longer threw.

Tomb of Venedikta Erofeev

This led to tragic consequences. In 1985, Wennedict was diagnosed with throat cancer, conducted an operation. Tumors were removed, but the writer lost his voice. Italian doctors have made a voice apparatus with a microphone that was applied to the larynx for Erofeyev.

After a year, sorbonna doctors promised Wereschka to restore the voice, but the government did not release it from the country. The shocked writer in an interview so spoke on this:

"Umna, but never understand these cattle."
Venedict Erofeev

In the last year of life, after publication in the USSR, the poem "Moscow-Petushki" was popular for Erofeev in their homeland. Journalists and fans crossed the writer.

The state of health of the Venedikt has worsened, depression began. In 1990, the doctors found that cancer progresses. The writer was hospitalized, prescribed radiation therapy, but they abandoned it due to severe state.

On May 11, 1990, Venedikt Yerofeev died. The grave of the writer is in Moscow on the Kuntsevsky cemetery.

In 2008, the documentary film "Venedik Erofeev" was made about the life and work of the writer. Islands »

The book of Oleg Lekmanov, Mikhail Sverdlov and Ilya Simanovsky "Venedik Erofeev: Strying" published the 80th anniversary of the author of Moscow-Petushkov.


"I need to honor, I repeat, the dotmon of someone else's soul, you have to look at them, even if there is nothing, let there be stuck alone - it's all the same: see and watch, look and not splash ..." ("Moscow-Petushki") " Oh, the most powerless and shameful time in the life of my people - time from dawn to the opening of the stores! " ("Moscow-Petushki") "Life is given to a person once, and it is necessary to live it so as not to be mistaken in recipes." ("Moscow-Petushki") "... It is absolutely not necessary to be a subtle psychologist to enjoy them ..." ("Note of the Psychopath")


  • 1957 - "Note of the Psychopath"
  • 1960 - "Good News" ("Blagovest")
  • 1970 - "Moscow - Petushki"
  • 1972-1973 - "Vasily Rozanov's eyes of eccentric"
  • 1982 - "Sasha Black and others"
  • 1985 - "Valpurgiyeva Night, or Commander Steps"

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