Victor Sergeev - biography, photo, personal life, Directed by Director



Viktor Sergeev is a director who began independent work in a solid age, and even in a difficult time for the country. This, however, did not prevent Victor Anatolyevich to become the legend of Russian criminal films and the owner of a variety of premiums.

Childhood and youth

Victor Anatolyevich Sergeev was born on April 3, 1938 in Leningrad. Father, a personnel military, immediately after the start of the war went to the front. In 1945, after graduating from the Great Patriotic War, Sergeev Senior was sent to the service in Kaliningrad, in which Victor held childhood.

Viktor Sergeev

After graduating from school, the young man entered the faculty of journalism of the University of Leningrad (today's SPbSU), but he did not finish their studies, after studying 3 years - from 1957 to 1960.

In general, about the study of Viktor Anatolevich there is no one-to-rate information. Higher education in the end was received in 1972 in the Leningrad Institute of Culture. Krupskaya, but at what faculty is exactly unknown. Some sources indicate the directorial, others - the correspondence department of the faculty of cultural and educational work.


After studying on Journalist, Viktor 4 years worked in Belarusfilm as an assistant, and then the director's assistant. Then, in 1966, the man returned to Leningrad and went to work in Lenfilm.

Director Viktor Sergeev

A little-known fact: In 1966, Sergeev first tried himself as a screenwriter. With his participation, they removed the documentary "Pot", but the picture was banned - the Commission declared the tillage of the Soviet system. Find movies now it is impossible - the films are destroyed, and today it is not known even what was the film.

In 1968, Victor tried himself as an actor - starred in the episodic role in the movie Victor Tregubovich "in the war as in war." After that, until 1986, Viktor Anatolyevich worked in cinema as an assistant or an assistant director. The formation of Sergeyev as a director contributed to work with the Malnical Cinemas of the USSR: Alexander Ivanov, Vladimir Vengerov, Dinara Asanova.

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Victor himself highly appreciated the experience with Igor Maslennikov over the legendary Soviet TV series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson". It was in his biographies and work with a foreign counterpart - Sergeev helped in the filming of the historical film "Hope" by the director from Mexico Sergio Olkho Olkhovich.

In 1983, Viktor Anatolyevich first participates in the creation of a picture not as an assistant, but as the second director: together with Jacques, he removes the mini-series "Life of Berlioz".

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The independent director's path of Sergeev began only in 50 years, in 1988 - then he took off the debut film "Clay". It was a comedy fighter with an uncomplicated plot, but the weight in cinematographic circles allowed Viktor to create a picture with real professionals. Alexander Abdulov participated in the film, Dmitry Kharatyan and Lev Durov - the Soviet stars of the first magnitude.

In 2004, in an interview with Radio Freedom, the director confessed that she was afraid of debut at that age. However, professional interest was required to move on: he already knew for work on the second roles and knew too much.

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In 1990, restructuring began in the country, but sentiment was still optimistic. Viktor Anatolyevich at that time removed the painting "Palace", which he himself described how "cruel" - considered that in good time an evil cinema is entitled to existence.

The times changed, optimism melted, and already in 1991 the director took the "genius" - a comedy on again criminal themes, which will become a branded sign for Sergeyev. The picture received the status of a cult - and at the expense of the director, and thanks to the executives of the main roles: Alexander Abdulov and the real genius Innokentia Smoktunovsky.

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The next resonant work of Viktor Anatolyevich became shot in 1997 "Schizophrenia" - tape in the genre of a political detective. Criticism perceived the film is cool, but from genre point of view for the post-Soviet space it was something really new.

To shoot the film was hard. In 1996, the production was almost crossed: a company financed "Schizophrenia" ceased to exist. For six months, the work stood, and Sergeev himself was in a difficult material situation.

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The picture touched upon the subjects of the elections, thanks to which, in addition to the star cast, in "Schizophrenia" you can find "Kameo" of many political figures of the 1990s: Boris Yeltsin, Gennady Zyuganova, Yuri Luzhkov. Frames with them were taken from the shooting of a sad event - the funeral of Vlad Listeyev.

They said that Sergeyev was kicked out from filming Irina Metlitskaya, an actress, removed in the "cland", but this is not true. Victor highly appreciated the actress, and her departure from the painting was connected with his own desire of Mettleck - she fell ill with leukemia and could not continue to work.

Director Viktor Sergeev

Despite the negative critics, "schizophrenia" was noted 3 awards: the main prize for the director of the festival "New Movie Russia", the silver medal of the Russian cinema festival in Trieste and the diploma of the Minsk ICF "LiStapad".

Since 1997, in the director's career, Victor had a break - he was appointed director of Lenfilm. The man did not want to accept the invitation to the position - scared the volume of responsibility. But an alternative candidate for the post was a man who was Sergeyev unpleasant. His identity directed to journalists did not call journalists, but he eventually agreed to the position.

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Combining the work of the director of the film studio and work on the paintings was impossible. Therefore, 5 years of work by the head of Lenfilm, Victor did not shoot anything. In 2002, a man on his own will resigned himself and returned to the directing work.

Further filmography of Sergeeva had a clear criminal orientation, and the episodes of "slaughter force", filmed under his leadership, received "Teffi". As director Victor managed to rent another 2 series - "Sky and Earth" and "Calling", as well as the film "New Adventures of Niro Wolfe and Archie Goodwin."

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In addition, the man was engaged in producing - among other things, thanks to him, "Moloch" Alexander Sokurov, awarded the Golden Palm Branch of the Cannes Film Festival for the best scenario.

In recent years, Viktor Anatolyevich hatched the idea of ​​a picture with the working title "Paranoia" - a kind of heiress "Schizophrenia", rethinking the event of 1996 in terms of the consequences of what happened.

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The script of the film was based on documentary sources - the transcripts of the "wiretaps" of the Kremlin. Sergeev was determined to remove the picture, he was at the same time it was interesting to continue to work on the theme of the Russian political cinema and, of course, it is terribly taken for such a material.

Unfortunately, the death of the director did not allow these plans to be incarnated.

Personal life

Viktor Sergeev married twice, had 2 children. The first wife was Alevtina Ivanova, at the time of marriage, the woman brought up Nikita Mikhailovsky's son, subsequently became an actor. Victor very gently treated meat and did a lot for his career. Unfortunately, he died young, in 27 years old, from leukemia.

Nikita Mikhailovsky, Pasynok Viktor Sergeeva

When the boy turned 16, Alevtina died suddenly from a heart attack. After the death of the spouse, the director married a colleague on the workshop - Irina Kaverzina, Lenfilmovskaya artist on costumes. In marriage, a son was born, who was tragically died in his youth, leaving Victor and Irina to raise his granddaughter.


The last years of his life, Victor sickly hurt, but continued to work.

Viktor Sergeev

He died on November 19, 2006 in Moscow, the cause of death was leukemia. The body of the director was taken to St. Petersburg. Viktor Anatolyevich Sergeeva's grave is located on the Komarovsky cemetery.



  • 1988 - "Clay"
  • 1990 - "Palach"
  • 1991 - "Genius"
  • 1992 - "Strange Men Semyon Ekaterina"
  • 1993 - "Sin. History of passion"
  • 1994 - "Love, forever"
  • 1997 - "Schizophrenia"
  • 2004 - "New Adventures of Niro Wolf and Archie Goodwin"
  • 2005 - "Calling"


  • 1968 - "In war as in war"
  • 1984 - "Prokhindiad, or running on the spot"
  • 1993 - "Over Dark Water"
  • 2003 - "Features of the National Policy"

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