Vadim Beroes - biography, photo, personal life, movies, cause of death



The Soviet spectator remembered Vadim Boreva as Major Vikhry - brave, courageous and sad Soviet intelligence officers. Star role brought an actor of nationwide glory. Vadim Borisovich lived not long, but left a bright footprint in Soviet cinema, and the films look with him to this day.

Childhood and youth

Vadim Beroeva's real name - Barisa Barisa Vadim, due to the Ossetian origin of the actor. He was born on January 10, 1937 in the village of Hulamag North Ossetia.

Full Vadim Beroev

The parents of the boy were representatives of the intelligentsia. Mother Zinaida Eduardovna Boreva, in the Maiden Korpota-Corbut, studied at the Pedagogical University of Tashkent. Father Boris Bodzievich also began studying from the Pedagogical Faculty, but after moving to Uzbekistan, he learned to a doctor.

During the war years, Boris Beroev commanded the sanitary division in Vladikavkaz, during the service he was seriously injured. Soon after that, the doctor was sent to work in Lviv. Vadim, who began his studies in Ossetia, in Lviv first studied at Male School No. 12, then at School No. 35, which he graduated in 1954.

Vadim Beroes in youth

Artistic activity attracted Vadim since childhood: he participated in school performances, played the piano, sang well.

After graduating from school, the young man went to Moscow and came from the first time in Gitis, although the competition in this university was always huge. That year there were only 20 vacant places on 2 thousand people who wish to do, but Beroev turned out to be one of the lucky twenty.


In 1957, Beroev released from the institute and already in 1958 he was admitted to the service at the Moscow Theater. Mossovet, in which she worked until death. The young actor quickly began to trust the fulfillment of major roles, bypassing the stage to "eat filed". Vadima was involved in such performances as "hanging waters", "Saint-Exupery", "Masquerade", "Strange Mrs. Savage".

The theater became the basis of the acting biography of Beroev, it was here that he was most in demand and loved his colleagues. The audience quickly appreciated the talent of the young actor, and it became possible to go to the theater aiming "on Beroev".

Vadim Beroes in the theater

Separately from the rest of theatrical career stood the play "Strange Mrs. Savage". Vadim got a stunning, but difficult partner - Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya. Fufa, as her friends called her, was a brilliant actress, but not an easy person. Sharp in judgments and sharp in the tongue, Ranevskaya did not give a descent to anyone, but the young actor had fallen her soul.

They played in the play for several years, invariably admiring the audience, and even they went to bow together (for which colleagues were jokingly called Vadim Fufovoz). When Beroev died, Ranevskaya did not participate in the play without him, refusing to the role and handing her love of Orlova.

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Another sign theatrical role Vadima Borisovich became a star in the play "Masquerade". Director Zavadsky updated the production, seeking to approach the time surrounding the audience. Gero Beroev from Edaki Cherubov turned into a character of Pechorin's type, a tragic, passionate personality.

Spectators invariably hit the scene in which society refuses the Star. According to Lermontov text, the latter princess is slightly bowed, thus testifying to his rejection. In the interpretation of Zavadsky from the burdock turned away, quickly breaking down. Beroyev's game in this scene, his loss and misunderstanding invariably called ovations.


Despite the talent, the love of viewers and a bright appearance, in the movie Vadim Borisovich was not successful. He played in three full-length films, but none was successful. In addition, the actor was invited to the same roles - a positive young intellectual.

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When Evgeny Tashkov called Beroeva to play in the film about the reconnaissance group, the actor at first thought to refuse - did not want to play the role of the classical heroic scout. However, the director managed to convince Vadim: he saw in the whirlwind of a typical knight without fear and reproach, and a living person, which, besides even in the conditions of a military task, cannot cope with feelings. The movie was attracted by the fact that the movie was filmed on the basis of the real history of the interlocks "Voice", abandoned in 1944 to the Krakow area.

The film had a mad success and received a prize at the All-Russian Festival of Arts, and Vadim Borisovich in the eyes of the Volume viewer remained fearless, but such humane Major Major.

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In 1969, Beroev played the last role in his filmography - artist Vasya Masttenko in the film about the civil war "there is no fiend". The film also turned out to be successful, and the director Gleb Panfilov was awarded the Golden Leopard - the main prize of the film festival in Locarno.

On the screens, however, the actor still appeared - in the USSR popular the genre of Telplexact. The latter work in this area was the formulation of the "Fleet officer", where Bourge played with Tatiana Peltzer and Tatiana Vasilyeva.

Personal life

In the first year of the Institute, 17-year-old Vadim met Elvir Schwarrey-Brunovskaya, which fell in love. 2 years of the efforts of the novice actor remained unanswered, but he did not retreat and eventually achieved his own - in 1957, immediately at the end of the Elvira Institute, they signed.

Vadim Beroes and Elvira Brunovskaya

Almost immediately after the wedding, the young had to part, although Brunovskaya was already waiting for a child: Vadim remained to retire, and Elvira went to Rostov-on-Don - to create a new city theater with classmates. However, pregnancy did not allow young wife for a long time to stay in the work. After organizing an academic leave, Elvira returned to Moscow, where January 30, 1958 gave birth to a daughter Lena.

First, the actors lived modestly - in one room of the communal service near the Electrozavodskaya station, Vadim lived, Elvira, a small daughter, as well as Mom and aunt Beroev. Later from the theater. Mosovet (Brunovskaya also served in it) The actors received a 2-bedroom apartment in the area of ​​Izmailovsky Park.

Vadim Beroes with his daughter

The family relationship was tender, Vadim and Elvira loved each other. Spouses arranged at home creative evenings and tried to live having fun without boredom.

Creative vein was inherited by children: the daughter of the actors, Elena Beroeva - the actress of the same theater. Mossovet, grandson Egor Beroev - in demand theatrical and film actor. The second grandson Dmitry Beroev also went to the footsteps of the family clan and plays the scene of the "Sphere" theater.


Fate gave Vadim talent, but not health. The actor went to the mother and was originally painful, and the frantic acting rhythm of life did not help strengthen the body. In addition, Beroes abused alcohol, which also did not really affect his condition.

Vadim Beroev

The turning point was the shooting in Major Vihre: during filming, the actor had to lie down for a long time in the snow, and Vadim picked up the inflammation of the lungs, from which he finally did not recover.

Alcohol aggravated the problems and harmed the liver. He had already lost to the stage, when on the scenario Beroev had to fall on her knees, the actor could not stand up without any help. Colleagues took care of him, Vadim Borisovich was even allowed to go to the scene in felt boots, but it was clear that Beroev's life was on the outcome.

Vadim Boreva's grave

I understood it and he himself. When in 1972 he became very bad and took place to go to the hospital, the actor realized that he would not return back. Sitting in a taxi, he asked the driver to eat in the city to see the building of the theater, a garden ring, Red Square.

Vadim Bourge died on December 28, 1972, the cause of death was the cirrhosis of the liver. The grave of the actor is located on the introduced cemetery, in Moscow.


  • 1968 - "Telephone"
  • 1963 - "Aircraft did not land"
  • 1964 - "Leningrad Prospect"
  • 1965 - "Our House"
  • 1965 - "I, you, he and the phone"
  • 1967 - "Major Wih"
  • 1968 - "In Fire Fire No"
  • 1968-1969 - "First Print Ivan Fedorov"
  • 1969 - "Angel Street"
  • 1971 - "Fleet Officer"

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