Napoleon III - biography, photo, personal life, board, cause of death



Napoleon III - the first president of the French Republic and the last monarch of France, was the nephew of the emperor Napoleon I Bonaparte. From uncle he got the ability to keep internal politics and ambitious desires to seize territories. Nevertheless, for 22 years of the Board - from December 20, 1848 to September 4, 1870 - Napoleon III was never able to win the location of compatriots. The 200th anniversary of the ruler's birth in 2008, residents of France refused to celebrate with a scope.

Childhood and youth

Napoleon III, at the birth of the named Charles Louis Napoleon, was born on the night from April 20 to April 21, 1808 in Paris. Father Louis Bonaparte was the younger brother of Napoleon I Bonaparte, and Mother Hortensia Bogarne is his stepdaughter. Therefore, Louis (as close to the name of the boy in childhood) was written on the clan to become a godman of the ruler of France. The ceremony of baptism was held on November 4, 1810.

Portrait of Napoleon III

Charles Louis was a third child in the family of Louis and Hydrangea. The first, Napoleon Charles, was born in 1802, and Napoleon I, without having children, planned to make him the heir of the imperial throne. But the boy who has been referred to the great future, died in 5 years.

The right to become the next ruler of France passed to the second son in the family - Napoleon Louis, and Charles Louis was in line for him. But in 1811, Napoleon's wife I Maria-Louise Austrian gave him a long-awaited heir, Napoleon II, and the position of the children of Louis and Hydrangea deteriorated significantly.

Parents of Napoleon III

Hydrangea revered Napoleon I as a ruler, so the sons imposed a worship before Uncle. Stories about great expressions made a special impression on Charles Louis, who, together with his mother, began to bury the emperor of France.

The cloudless children's life Louis ended on March 31, 1814, when he saw from the window, as the soldiers of the antifranzu coalition enter Paris. The emperor headed by the Emperor All-Russian Alexander I did not want to evil Josephine Bogarne, the first spouse of Napoleon I and Mother of Hortensification, her children and grandchildren. Hortensia, having learned about it, decided to arrange the material position of sons. The idea was crowned with success, and with the assistance of Alexander I, she was assigned the title of Duchess de Se Lo, a pension and a lot.

Napoleon III in youth

On January 1, 1816, a law was published, providing for the expulsion of the genus Bonaparte from France, but Hydrangea, together with her sons left Paris a year earlier. In October 1815, Louis "sued" from his wife's senior boy, and Duchess remained with the Charf Louis. They settled in the castle in Switzerland. Here, the future Napoleon III spent 17 years.

The mother hired him the teacher Philip Leba, who taught the boy history, told about the revolution and wars of the time of the French Republic, and then the Empire. Lessons only strengthened the love of Charles Louis to uncle, despite the fact that Napoleon I was already removed from power.

Napoleon III in youth

To expand the horizon, Hydrangea gave the Son to study in the Augsburg College. There Louis studied German, Italian and English. In 1827, the 19-year-old Charles Louis was recorded in the military engineering and artillery school in Tournai. Upon completion of education, the young man entered the service in the Swiss army, where in 1834 he received the rank of captain.

Political activity

Bonaparta was still not allowed to return to France, and Charles Louis decided to keep politics outside the native country. Together with the elder brother Napoleon Louis, he took part in the conspiracy of the revolutionar of Chiro Menotti, whose goal was the liberation of Rome from the oppression of the Papal throne. The operation turned by defeat. In addition, in the hike, Napoleon Louis has become born, from which he died on March 17, 1831.

Emperor Louis Philip i

In 1836, Charles Louis undertook the first attempt to capture the French throne, which was not crowned with success. The young man was taken to his native Paris to the ruling Louis-Philippa I. He was settled over Napoleon's nephew I and exiled to America, where Louis spent less than a year.

On August 6, 1840, the second attempt of the capture of power failed, and this time Louis-Philipp ruled the Louis, a more severe sentence - a life imprisonment in the fortress of the gam.

February Revolution of 1848

After 6 years, the young man ran. Interesting the fact that the reason for this was not the desire for freedom, but the news about the ambulance in the father. Louis died on September 25, 1846, leaving the Son property in Italy and a million inheritance.

During the February revolution of 1848, all prisoners were liberated, including supporters of Charles Louis. Thanks to their support, the future ruler was able to return to his native country. He was elected to the Constituent Assembly, and at the elections of the President of the French Republic on December 10, the same year received 74% of the vote. Inauguration took place in 10 days. Then Napoleon III was 40 years old.

Governing body

In the election campaign, Charles Louis promised after the expiration of the Board to convey power to the new president, but in June 1951 he made an attempt to make changes to the Constitution in terms of time and number of deadlines of the President of the President. Having received a refusal, Napoleon III planned a coup. On December 2 of the same year, the French Republic collapsed. The new Constitution on January 14, 1852 endowed the President of the Rights of Board for a 10-year term. These were the first steps to restore the Bonaparty monarchy.

Elections of 1848 in France

The next political campaign of Charles Louis led to the fact that on November 21, 1852, France was officially recognized as an empire, and he was on December 2, 1852 - Emperor Napoleon III.

On January 30, 1853, the ruler of France marked with the Spanish aristocrat of Evgenia Montiho. 3 years later, on March 16, 1856, the heir to the heir to the imperial throne, Eugene Louis, Napoleon, appeared to the world, who was affectionately called Prince Lulu at the court. In honor of this, Napoleon III released 1,200 prisoners.

Emperor Napoleon III

The emperor cherished the dream to return the Bonapartist regime to France, which mixed nationalism, conservatism, liberalism and socialism in himself. One of the main features of Bonapartism is a balance between social classes. Considering all equal, Napoleon III proclaimed universal eligible law, forbidden to work on weekends and church holidays (the law acted until 1880).

The ruler sought to make France a liberal country. With Napoleon III, the Society of Maternal Mercy was created to support single and poor mothers, shelter for orphans, hospitals for disabled people and those who were injured in production were established a pension for civil servants who have experience from 30 years. In 1854, a system of "Cantonal medicine" was introduced, within which medical care was provided by residents of villages for free. In short, Napoleon III tried to help all representatives of the Company.

Napoleon III in war

In terms of economic development, France became the second, after England, the global power: the volume of industrial production, agriculture increased, due to the construction of railways increased trade.

Napoleon III, like his uncle Napoleon I, pursued the goal to expand the territory of the state, but did not want to fight against Russia and England. In 1858, France and England tied the second opium war with the Qing Empire, in 1859 Napoleon III decided to conquer Vietnam, and in 1863 he decided to put in the head of the Mexico of his own. The last operation failed, because of which the reputation of the country has worsened.

On July 19, 1870, Napoleon III made an increasing step - declared Prussia war without proper training. France's troops suffered defeat, and the ruler of the country was captured. There he learned about the September revolution, as a result of which Empress Evgenia Montijo fled with his son from Paris, and Napoleon III was removed from power.

France announced the capitulation, a peace treaty was signed. On March 20, 1871, now the former ruler of France was released, and he went to his wife and son in England. On the events of those days in 2015, the documentary film "History of Mravov" was shot.

Personal life

Napoleon III had the only legitimate spouse - Evgeny Montijo. Alexander Duma-Son called their union "the triumph of love over prejudices, beauty - over traditions, feelings - over politics." The couple was married in the Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God in 1853, in three years later, the heir to the French throne Napoleon IV Eugene Louis Jean Joseph Bonaparte, who never became the emperor - he died in the English-Zulussian war in 1879.

Napoleon III, his wife Eugene and Son Napoleon IV Eugene

Napoleon III had more children. Alexandrin-Eleonor's mistress Verzho gave birth to him Yujina (1843) and Alexander Bure (1845). Raised Sons Elizabeth Ann Harriet Howard - the next emperor's passion. They met until 1853, until Napoleon III married. It is said that they continued to maintain communication until 1855.


Even before the prison sentences in the fortress, Napoleon III suffered from rheumatism and hemorrhoids, and since the mid-1860s, pains in the lower part of the abdomen and the lower back were added. In 1872, the ruler was diagnosed with a launched urolithiasis. She demanded immediate surgical intervention.

Tomb of Napoleon III

In January 1873, he made three operations, and on the eve of the fourth, January 8, 1873, Napoleon III passed away - the weakened organism could not stand the loads. The grave of the emperor France is in the crypt of St. Michael's Abbey in Farnborough.

In 1895, Emil Zola wrote in one of the Paris newspapers:

"I grew under the influence of Viktor Hugo. His "Napoleon Small" was a historical book for me, which outlined the absolute truth. At 20, in the era of the dawn of the Empire, I considered the nephew of the Great Napoleon with a gangster, "night robber". But since then I changed my opinion about him. Napoleon III, presented in Napoleon Malom, is a monster generated exclusively by the imagination of Viktor Hugo. In fact, there is nothing less similar to the original than the drawn portrait ... ".

Interesting Facts

Napoleon III wrote Scientific and literary articles on history, individual rulers, reforms. His first works came out in 1831 - "artillery textbook" and "Political and Military Reflections on Switzerland". A year later, he published "political dreams", and in the "Napoleonic ideas" (1839) talks about the ideally arranged state.

Last photo Napoleon III in 1872
"The people are authorized to elect and make decisions, the legislative corps - to discuss laws, and the emperor - to carry out the executive power," wrote Napoleon III.

He tried these ideas to translate for 22 years.

During a life imprisonment in prison, Napoleon III, as Napoleon's nephew, privileges were presented. Daily two hours a day with him spent the mistress of Eleonor Verzho. The guests were allowed to have the guests, among which were a journalist Louis Blanc, writers of Francois René de Chastroan and Alexander Duma-Son, Duchess Hamilton. In addition, Napoleon III allowed to organize a library in the cell.

Napoleon III in captivity of Bismarck in 1870

Napoleon III had a rich personal life. Even in marriage, he started his mistresses, among which the spouse of the Minister of Foreign Affairs - the Countess of Marianna Valvskaya, the daughter of the prefect of the Sena Department - Baroness Valentina Osmann, Countess Louise de Merse-Argeanto. Some of the mistresses had children from the emperor.

In Napoleon's biography III, there were three attempts attempt on his life - April 26 and September 8, 1855, January 14, 1858. During the last operation, 8 people were killed, 156 were injured - then a bomb was thrown into the imperial carriage.


  • 1848 - Order of the Honorary Legion
  • 1849 - Order of FIU IX
  • 1850 - Order of the Golden Rune
  • 1853 - Order of the Holy Governor
  • 1854 - Triple Order
  • 1855 - Garter Order
  • 1856 - the Order of the Holy Apostle Andrei First Called
  • 1859 - Gold Medal "For Military Valor"
  • 1863 - Order of the Savior

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