Group "Leprecons" - biography, photos, songs, clips, news 2021



The Belarusian group "Leprecons" broke into Russian charts suddenly in the late 90s with the hit "Hali-Gali, parartruper". Then there were "Girls loved not me", "Poplar" and others. Today's students are no longer familiar to today, but still in karaoke bars they are ordered and sing with pleasure. In general, the clockwork and ironic songs of "Leprecons" are still close to lovers of the music of the post-Soviet space.

The history of creation and composition

The Leprecons group appeared in 1996, after the Kindergarten Punk Group vocalist) Ilya Mitko decided to leave the team and create something to go. At that time, Mitko was 16 years old. Having worked with a friend of Fedor Fedoruk Summer at a construction site, managed to scour money and buy tools. So the group appeared.

Ilya Mitko in youth

The musical biography of the group is simple and complex at the same time. After recording the first democals in Leprecons, an accordionist appeared. The bass guitarist Vladimir Fedoruk returned to him, who graduated from the music school in the Accordion class. The group includes other novice musicians. The name of the team Musicians explain:

"In Greek mythology was God of stupidity, fun and debauchery. And the name was his lepreicon. And somehow quite accidentally looked horror, which was called "Lepricon". And then played Hard Cor, Punk Rock. In short, it was our name! "

The first trial album was recorded, and teaching began in the group. Musicians replaced one others. Four musicians united in the first composition: Soloist Ilya Mitko, who also played a guitar, bass guitarist Vladimir Fedoruk, Drummer Andrei Malashenko, guitarist Sergey Lysy. A year later, exactly half of the participants remained from the first lineup - Mitko and Fedoruk, Mikhail Kravtsov came to the bass guitar, Borisenko's drums - Sergey (Sunduk).

Vladimir Fedoruk

The change of musicians continues throughout the entire existence of the group. In 1998-2001, in the collective, in addition to the permanent participants, Mitko and Fedoruk, played: Konstantin Kolesnikov (bass guitar), Sergey (Sunduk) Borisenko (drums), Rososlav Sosnovtsev (pipe), Evgeny Pakhomov (Trombone). With this composition, the team moved to Moscow.

Leprecons concluded a contract with the Soyuz Studio. In Moscow, the musicians settled in a 3-room apartment opposite the blown after the terrorist attack of the house. This was oppressed, and as soon as the first hysterium was slept, associated with their creativity, Leprecons were put up home. The musicians left, and Ilya lived four months in the capital, but, realizing that "one in the field is not a warrior," returned to Minsk.


The group resumed her creativity. Cyril Kanyushik and Dima Kharitonovich came to replace Borisenko and Kolesnikov. Then the "lepreskins" begin mass touring. During the existence of the team, the musicians circled Russia and Ukraine, visited Italy, Spain, France, Monaco.

For 2009, on the official website, the following musicians are indicated on the official website: in addition to Ilya Mitko and Vladimir Fedoruk, in the group - Bass-guitarist Alexey Zaitsev, drummer Sergey Poduchin, Trubasch Peter Peruvanese Marcinkevich, Trombonist Dmitry found. This composition soloist and founder Ilya Mitko calls the strongest.


Discography "Leprecons" includes 9 albums. A group with music in the style of hard rock and with texts in English has started. The first cassette with demotpsies called "Baby" appeared for the next year after the start of work. They released 20 cassettes with this album, sold - 10.

In 1997, the Leprecons group recorded the first full-fledged album "Man goes and smiles." Later, he came out under the title "We were Super with you" (1999). The album was recorded at the Studio "Rock Academy" from Kirill Esipov. Of the 12 tracks, Khali-Gali Parartruper became the most loud and recognizable.

For many, Chuli-Gali Parartruper songs are just a set of incomprehensible words, but in one of the interviews Ilya Mitko told that this is the name of the attractions in the Minsk Park. Interesting and history of hitting. The text Mitko invented in the bathroom when he took a shower.

The idea was to write a song about attractions working in the Chelyuskin Park, and give the leadership to include it for visitors. And "Leprecons" planned to play in the summer on the stage there. But the result was even better than it was supposed. The song was born and hit the radio. And then for the speech, the composition of the KVN BSU team converted. So came true popularity.

Tours began, participation in festivals. One of the significant was "invasion-2000". This year, Leprecons appeared as chadliners.

In 2001, the band recorded the album "All the guys peppers." It includes 13 songs. The first in the list of tracks is a composition with ironic name "Girls loved not me." On the song in the same year they shot the clip. The work was going for 24 hours in the pavilions "Mosfilm". The usual girl from the Moscow metro was starred, mafiosi became professional actors of the theater.

Almost every group of the group has its own history. For example, the video for the song "Students" removed the Kiev Fans of the Team. The guys contacted Mityo in social networks and offered free to remove the clip. The musicians first doubted, and then decided to try, but warned in advance: if the video does not like it, he will not give it anywhere.

The clip was filmed in the Ukrainian Malostema. Shooting with a team continued half a day, the rest was removed without them. And then the film crew disappeared. When the musicians decided that nothing came out, they threw a link to the finished clip. According to Ilya Mitko, everything turned out and the video row completely corresponds to the spirit of the song.

The clip on Muscovites was recorded in 2002, immediately after the Tour of Belarus. According to the musicians, he failed, but the viewers highly appreciated the creation of director Ivan Pinigina. He received a high assessment from the audience "MTV Russia".

The soloist itself and the founder of the group Ilya Mitko brightest calls the clip on the song "Poplar". It includes materials from concerts 2000-2001. Director of the Clip - Maxim Rozhkov.

In 2011, the group "Leprecons" together with the "Comedy Club" artist Vadim Galygin recorded the "Gift" album. Most songs in the album wrote Galygin himself. After that, the albums did not leave the group. In 2017, the Single "Super Girl" appeared on the network.

Group "Lepreks" now

The soloist of the Leprecuses group Ilya Mitko, in addition to activities in the group, is working on his own recording studio, which "Super8" called. Today, the Lecking Group is not so popular as in the 90s and in the early 2000s, but it does not confuse the soloist. In one of the interview, he said:

"I never wanted me to be popular or glory in understanding Ceblebriti. I do not want to be Celebriti! I experienced these moments of demolition of the ball from popularity. Now I want to just do your favorite thing, write songs and want me to be in demand. "

And the collective all this is.

Ilya Mitko (Leprecons) in 2018

Leprecons are invited to corporate parties and parties, they participate in concerts, go on tour.

In 2018, Leprecons still touring the cities in Belarus and beyond. At the beginning of the year, the Group's speech was opened by the Belarusian Football Championship. The team also played in Almaty, in Norilsk, participated in the festival "Grelkafest" in Sheregesh.

The group has a page in the social network "VKontakte", where the musicians lay out information about the upcoming concerts and some of their photos.


  • 1997 - "Man goes and smiles"
  • 1999 - "We were Super with you"
  • 2001 - "All guys peppers!"
  • 2001 - "... La Poplar!"
  • 2003 - "from west to east"
  • 2007 - "Reckless"
  • 2009 - "On Wires" (Internet Single)
  • 2010 - "Decade"
  • 2011 - "Gift" (together with Vadim Galygin)
  • 2017 - "Super Girl" (Internet Single)


  • 1999 - "Hali Gali, parartruper"
  • 2000 - "Moskvich"
  • 2001 - "Poplar"
  • 2001 - "Girls loved not me"
  • 2002 - "Sea"
  • 2004 - "Town"
  • 2004 - "Nastya"
  • 2007 - "Soldiers"
  • 2011 - "On Wires"
  • 2012 - "Student"

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