Monica Cell - Biography, Tennis, Personal Life, Photo 2021



Monica Selesh is one of the most popular tennis players who performed in championships for the United States and Yugoslavia. He played in the tournaments of the Little Helmet series, participated in the Olympic Games, has many awards and titles.

Childhood and youth

Monica was born in the winter of 1973 in the city of Novi Garden in southern Serbia. Parents of the Girls of Hungarians, Mother Esther Selesheh worked as a programmer, father Kara Seleshech had a creative profession, worked as an artist-multiplier. She was a second child, by the time of the birth of the girl her parents had already brought up brother Monica Zoltan.

Monica Selsh

When the girl was 6 years old, his father began to acquaint her to tennis. Since the family lived is not bubbing, the parents could not afford to write it on classes with a professional coach, and his father tried to teach Monica the basics of tennis sports. The first place for training was the platform behind the house, instead of the mesh, the father pulled the rope.

The girl was capable and, without having a professional mentor, quickly mastered tennis. Hardware and long-term classes helped Monica already in 9 years to win first place in the Yugoslav Youth Championship, where 12-year-old girls performed its rivals. A year later she took another victory in the championship, and in 12 years she was awarded the title of "Athlete of the Year of Yugoslavia".

Monica Cell in childhood

A year later, the Sellies family moves to Florida, the United States. There Monica becomes a participant in the children's youth tournament, after the completion of which she had to come back with his family. However, her game notes Nick Bulletieri. At that time, he was a famous coach that robbed not one tennis star.

The man suggested a girl in his own academy, but for this family it is necessary to move to America to a permanent place of residence. Despite financial difficulties, after a while, the Seleshell's family moves. Father Girls all forces put in her development as an athlete, so I did not forgive myself if I missed this opportunity.

Monica Seleshest in youth

The first serious victory of Monica occurred at the age of 14. In 1988, she participated in a professional tournament, which showed excellent results and won the 1st place in its age group. Developing in tennis, the girl passed in a year in a year in a big sport, and soon the first important victories appeared in her biography, pressing the impetus for the development of a sports career.


From the young years, training, and in the adolescence, Monica Seles demonstrated a wonderful game. In 1990, when the girl was 16 years old, she participated in the tennis tournament "Roland Garros." In the final part, she was to meet with the German athlete Steffi Count, which at that time was already the owner of the Golden Grand Slam and wore the title of the best world athlete in 1988. Monica defeated the rival and took the championship.

Shteffi Count and Monica Cell

After some time, the Sellies fought in the tournament with Chris Evert, where he also won, but later the girl took a revenge in the US Open Championship, but still for the Seleshech it became an excellent career start.

After some time, Monica became a member of the French championship, but in the semifinal game, Steffi won the count. However, this did not prevent the Seleshech in that year to take the 6th line in the world sports ranking.

Monica Seleshest on the court

Despite the luck and victories that accompanied the athlete, an important event in her life was parting with a coach, which was with a girl since the beginning of a sports career. It happened due to the fact that Bulletieri paid little time for classes with Monica, more training the other pupils more.

The next sports year of Seleshest began with several defeats in Washington, Chicago and Boca Raton. However, by gathering with the forces, the girl wanted a few loud victories at the Championship in America and the Supernir in Ki Bisca, and later beat Steffi Count at the open championship in Germany. To maintain the level of the game at the proper level, Monica had to work hard, she felt tired, but did not give up and won all new medals.

Tennis player Monica Selesh

In 1991 and the whole next year, Monica Seles showed good results, for this short period of performance, she managed to overtake Steffi Count and get the title "The first racket of the world." Only in the tournaments of the Grand Helmet Girl 6 times tried. Until the beginning of 1993, she managed to conquer 22 titles.

In the spring of 1993, a turning point occurred in the tennis player career. It happened at the tournament in Hamburg, during the game it was clear that Monica with glasses ahead of his rival Maleev Magdalena, but this time she failed to win. When the participants of the tournament changed in places, the fan from the first row, an unknown man, made an attack on the selesh. He inflicted one blow with a knife, after which the bodyguards and brother girls twisted the unknown. Monica was hospitalized urgently, fortunately, the wound was not dangerous to life.

The girl was rapidly cured and discharged from the hospital, however the huge psychological blow to Monica. For a long time she could not cope with fear and re-enter the court. A man who made an attack was recognized as inspected and sent for compulsory treatment. Seles's relatives remained unhappy with the sentence, but they did not appeal. And in the meantime, a woman ceased his sports career for 2 years, because she feared new attacks.

The return of the athlete in tennis has become joy for fans. Such a decision was made thanks to the support of the father of Monica, the instructions of the attending physician and meeting with Mohammed Ali. The famous boxer fought with severe illness, so I found the necessary words to convince her to return to the court again.

Winner Monica Selesh

For the first time after a long break, the tennis player spoke at the CANADA MASTERS championship, where she won the Amanda Ketzer. A month later, she took place with a graph, during which Monica lost. In early 1996, she again won the open championship of Australia.

However, this winnings turned out to be the last in the tournaments of a big helmet. Tennis player's father fell seriously, and a few months later died, for her it became a great blow. After this event, the selees did not make loud victories anymore, in 2003, the girl received a foot injury and even starred from the match in Rome, after a while she ceased to perform at large competitions, and in 2008 and at all announced the completion of the career.

Personal life

Some time after the completion of sports activities, rumors began to appear in the press that Monica Selesheh is secretly meeting with the American billionaire Tom Goltsano. Reporters have repeatedly tried to find out, the truth is or not, but the man and a woman did not spread a long time about her personal life.

Monica Seleshest and her husband Tom Ghutsano

However, in 2014, Ghutsano, who at that time was 72 years old, announced the engagement with the Seleshell, and soon the couple signed. Monica under her husband for 32 years old, there are no children's children. Even before concluding a marriage, Tom 3 times ran to the post of Governor of New York, but after the state was introduced for millionaires, a man moved to Florida. Soon Monica put out his home for sale, and the couple began to live together.

After completing the career, Monica began to study Hatha yoga, the doctrine of physical harmony transformed it and helped throw overweight. In 2009, she wrote a book, his autobiography, where much attention paid for more than kilograms and the fight against them, as well as the period of life she worried after the attack of a man.

Monica Cell now

Now the former tennis player leads a rich secular life, present at events, and also engaged in charity and visits animal shelters. A woman has no pages in "Instagram", personal photos and posts she lay out in Twitter.

Monica Seles in 2018

Periodically the former athlete is invited to the show, Monica is removed in documentary films about tennis. In 2018, the film was released on the screens, telling about the sports biography of a woman, who is called "Immortal: Pete Sampras, Monica Seleshest, Born Borg."


  • 1990 - Winner of the Open Championship of France in Tennis in the Greater Helmet Tournament
  • 1991 - Winner of Open Australia Championships, France and US Tennis in Tournaments of a Grand Slam
  • 1992 - Winner of the Open Championships of Australia, France, and US Tennis in Tournaments of the Grand Slam
  • 1993 - Winner of the Australian Open Championship in Tennis in the Grand Slam tournament
  • 1996 - Winner of the Australian Open Championship in Tennis in the Grand Slam tournament
  • 2000 - Bronze Medal for the victory in the Summer Olympic Games

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