Dick Cheney - biography, photo, politics, personal life, news 2021



In October 2008, Joseph Biden said that Dick Cheney is the most dangerous vice president in the history of the United States of America. He called Barack Obama to return torture to water, and critics called him Darth Vader. As a policy of Cheney, a long way was held from a member of the Nixonian Presidential Administration to the 46th vice-president of the United States.

Childhood and youth

Richard Bruce (Dick) Cheney was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, January 30, 1941. Politics English, Welsh, Irish and French roots. Praded Cheney in 8 knees arrived in the USA from England in the XVII century. Another ancestor, a Hugenot, who fled at first from France to the UK, and then to Maryland, relates politics with Harry Truman and Barack Obama.

Dick Cheney

In addition to Dick, there were two more children in the family. Father Richard Herbert Cheney worked at the US Department of Agriculture, and Mother Marjori Lorrain, nee Dicky, was a stars of softball in the 1930s. The future politician studied at the elementary school of Kalvert, while the family did not leave the "staff of the corn" and did not move to Casper, the second largest city of Wyoming. He continued further education there, at the Natron County School.

After school, the young man began studying at the University of Yale, but in his youth, Dick often had problems with training, and he was expelled from the 2nd course. Higher Education Cheney eventually completed at the University of Wyoming, receiving a bachelor's degree in political science. At the University of Wisconsin-Madison Richard entered the doctoral student, but she did not finish it.

Dick Cheney in youth

In November 1962, Dick was detained, and subsequently convicted of drunk driving. A year later, the situation was repeated. As Cheney says, trouble with the police forced him to think about what he was doing with his life.

During the war in Vietnam Cheney was in a registered age and could go to the front, but because of the marriage and birth of daughters received 5 delays. In January 1967, a man was 26 years old, and, according to the law, he was no longer refined. Later, Dick admitted that among other things, he was needed to complete the education: he studied in the undergraduate not 4 years, and 6 due to poor progress and the need to combine study with work.


Dick Cheney opened his political biography in 1969, becoming an intern from Congressman William Shteger during the presidency of Richard Nixon. From this time to 1976, the politician replaced several posts in the White House, including the Deputy Assistant President.

Politician Dick Cheney

When Donald Ramsfeld, whose Cheney began work, became the minister of defense, politics prescribed a white house. In 1976, the man headed the Ford's presidential campaign. Two years later, 1978, Dick was elected to represent Wyoming in the Chamber of Representatives of the United States, replacing Teno Ronkalio in this position, and in the future she re-elected 5 times in a row until 1989.

During this period, he voted against the creation of the US Department of Education as a separate structure, considering it economically inappropriate. Also, Dick Cheney gave his voice against Head Start - programs that helps children from families with small prosperity. However, in 2000 he changed his mind.

Dick Cheney

In 1983, politician changed his opinion and relative to the holiday in honor of Martin Luther King Jr., against the introduction of which was in 1978. In 1987, Cheney became Chairman of the Republican Conference in the House of Representatives, and on March 20, the man was appointed Minister of Defense of the United States. It happened after the US Senate rejected John Bower's candidacy that did not assist politicians with his own harmful habits and support for women's rights to abortion.

Under his leadership, such operations were carried out as the Iraqi "storm in the desert" and the "right case" in Panama. In 1991, President George Bush Jr. awarded Cheney by the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and a little later, a man was awarded the US Senator Awards John Heinz for outstanding public service. The politician himself believes that during the period in the Pentagon, he was as much as possible to the country.

George Bush Jr. and Dick Cheney

During the work, Dick Cheney reduced the budget of the ministry and the number of military personnel, since during the Cold War policy, Reagan significantly increased the volume of the army. The creation of military bases on the territory of Saudi Arabia was a great achievement of the US Defense Ministry under the guidance of Cheney. This was the cause of the success of war in the Persian Gulf.

Leaving the post, Dick for a while left the White House and was mainly engaged in business, becoming the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Oilfield Company Halliburton. But in 2000, George Bush Jr. called Cheney in his election campaign, and he agreed. On January 20, Bush joined the position of President of the United States, and Cheney - Vice President.

Dick Cheney

After the tragedy on September 11, the politician played a big role in justifying the renewal of hostilities against Iraq - its regular public statements that the enemy state has weapons of mass destruction, the action has occurred. Cheney convinced that Saddam Hussein has connections with Al-Qaeda, although the secret materials were published on September 21, 2001, according to which no confirmations of this connection were discovered.

For the second time, Dick Cheney occupied post until 2009. Later, in an interview, the Vice-President noted that during this time their relationship with Bush-junior deteriorated significantly.

Personal life

At the age of 14, Richard fell in love with Linna Vincent, and in 1964 the girl became his wife. Children were born in the couple, two daughters - Elizabeth and Mary. Cheney is a parishioner of the United Methodist Church.

Dick Cheney and his wife Linna

In their views, Dick - the neoconservator. He firmly believes in the principle of the United States in the world, opposes abortions and supports the right of Americans to own weapons. Homosexual marriage, of course, also never fell into the sphere of what Cheney watched positively.

Nevertheless, his youngest daughter Mary is an open lesbian, in 2012 we looked at the relationship with Heather on, his partner since 1992. The woman has two children. In the autobiographical book "Now I am my turn", Mary told that when she opened her parents, his father took it calmly and said that he loves her and want her to be happy.

Dick Cheney with family

When in 2004, during the debate, Cheney pointed to the contradiction of his views what was happening in his personal life, the politician commented on this by the phrase:

"Freedom means freedom for all."

In February 2006, an unpleasant story happened to the former vice president. During the hunting on Texas ranch, a man accidentally shot his friend Harry Whittington. When a man was looking for a rapid bird in the grass, Cheney managed to not notice him, despite the orange hunting vest. Fortunately, the wound turned out to be frozen and did not cause significant harm to the health of Wittington.

Dick Cheney in 2018

In 2011, politician published memoirs "at my time", and in 2015 the book "Exceptional Country: Why peace needs a strong America." Both books are written in co-authorship with Elizabeth, the eldest daughter Cheney.

Dick's figure was repeatedly photographed in the animation series "Griffins". In the first episode with Cheney, the vice-president in the series "Beach tan with Steve Zisu" welcomed the visitor of the Volmith in obscene Branj.

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Then Cheney was the hero of the "Guys cry" series, where Mary protested against the sexual orientation of Mary, and then in the episode "Peterheist" shot in Peter, allegedly accepting him for a deer. The next time Dick appeared in "Griffins" in 2010 in the series "Excellence in Radio Broadcasting," where Brian get acquainted with him, the dog of the family.

Since 1978, politician suffered 5 heart attacks. As a result, he had to make several operations, the last of which became a heart transplant in 2012.

Dick Cheney Now

Now Dick Cheney does not hold a position in the White House, but continues to remain a media person and act with criticism of applicable politicians.

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Hollywood in 2018 hesitated about the former vice president of the Bayopic "Sufler", the main role in which Christian Bale was fulfilled. Immediately after the announcement of the filming, the tape was intensively discussed in the network as persons who are interested in Cheney and actor fans. In particular, attention was attracted by the fact that, judging by the photo from the set, Bail had to score a lot of weight for the film.


  • 1991 - Presidential Medal of Freedom

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