Alla Verber - biography, photo, personal life, news, cause of death



Alla Verber - Bayer and Fashion Director of Tsuma, Vice President of the Jewelry Firm Mercury. She purchased the goods for the prestigious stores of Russia and formed new collections. Alla belonged to the number of the most successful business woman of the country and was distinguished by unusual flaw in relation to everything related to style and trends.

Her professional biography in the fashion industry began in 18 years, and she herself claimed that stylish clothes became interested in childhood, when he looked at the city from the window on foreign tourists.

Childhood and youth

Alla Konstantinovna Verber was born on May 21, 1958 in Leningrad (on the sign of the zodiac she is twin). Parental house stood on M. Glinka Street, near the Conservatory, Theater Square and the Kirov Theater. Alla's father worked by a dentist and led the dental branch, the mother was also a health worker.

Together with the sister, Irina girl often visited the concerts of classical music and performances. Alla recalled Alla, he did not like the clothes that parents were forced to wear "on the yield": a scarce cristed costume had a strange cut, and the fur coat, though expensive, was inconvenient and severe. In the absence of mother with his father, sisters got things from the closet and dressed up. Alla often chose turtlenecks and short skirts in combination with boots or heel shoes.

The taste for beautiful clothes was formed in her early, and even those children's fantasy images were successful.


Parents wanted her daughter to go to their footsteps and became a doctor. After the 8th grade, the girl obediently went to the medical school, but then he knew that he would not work with a specialty: her soul was striving for elegant images, stylish things and accessories. The dream of Alla was the work in a trendy store, but then there were few of them in the USSR, and his father and his mother believed that the trade worker was a non-unworthy profession.

In 1976, the Verber family immigrated to Austria. They drove almost at random, with a meager sum of money in his pocket in the hope of finding personal freedom and growth opportunities abroad. Parents with adolescent daughters changed several countries: after Austria moved to the historic homeland in Israel (they were Jews by nationality), then donkeys in Canada. During a brief tourist visit to Italy Alla fell in love with Rome - a real paradise for lovers of fashionable things - and soon went there without parents.

According to the memories of Alla, before leaving the father with his mother gave her 4 foxes with him - "You will sell them and you will live on it," but they didn't use it. "So I have seen these skins for 40 years," she told in an interview.

After 3 months, the girl found a job. Despite the fact that then the Verber with difficulty spoke in English and did not know Italian, they still hired a boutique on the street Via Veatto. The manager appreciated the attractive appearance of the Russian emigrant, deciding that it will attract customers, and was right. There, however, Alla worked for a short time: his father ordered her to prepare for moving to Canada.

Arriving in Montreal, 19-year-old girl also settled in the store. Everything was managed to arrange much faster and more successful than the first time: by that time she had a language and at the interview was able to shine the accumulated knowledge about the fashion world. Alla not only perfectly performed the responsibilities of the seller, but also the originality of the shop windows originally, picking up clothes for mannequins, that buyers asked to collect them the same way and took things with sets.

The owners drew attention to her talent, and soon the beginning Bayer had already traveled to negotiations with the famous designers and organized the delivery of new collections.

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Having acquired dating and connections and lent money from the parents, the Verber opened his own store in Montreal. By the time she had an unsuccessful marriage and a one-year-old daughter. Alla received a specialized education, which studied 2 years at the Faculty of Management at McGuill Montreal University, and organized its business for all the rules.

After the number of Verber stores reached 3, she was noticed in Kmart - a large Canadian company who had owned a network of 124 boutiques. Having learned that she was Russian, the owners offered a business woman to go home to develop the brand of the Moscow Sewing Factory.

Alla Verber returned home. Watching the factory production of linen and towels was boring, and when Mercury invited her to a jewelry business, she agreed without thinking. Almost at the same time, the business woman headed the procurement department to the Tsum.

Personal life

Alla Verber was married for the second time. With her first husband, she met during life in Canada. They lived together for 3 years and gave birth to daughter Catherine, after which they broke up.

In 1994, Alla became acquainted with Businessman David Averbach, who was led by the Food Production Food. Soon they got married. The couple was together until the last days of Alla's life, they do not have common children. The daughter of Catherine presented the Alley of two granddaughters.

According to Alla, work in the fashion industry imposed its mark on her ideas about beauty: it is an ideal of 180 cm and the 38-40th clothing size (as weighing 47-48 kg). Since childhood, she was given completely different ideas: parents survived the blockade, so the family reigned in the family and the lush forms were valued.

Verber led an account in "Instagram", where the photo was shared from fashionable shows and touching pictures from his personal life. She also has an official website where interviews and tips on creating various images are posted.

Alla's father died of cancer at 57 years. When the promber turned 50, she also set this scary diagnosis. Her first reaction was despair, but for the sake of close business ladies found the strength to fight. 5 years left for heavy treatment: due to chemotherapy, she lost her hair, and after completing the course he recovered by 20 kg. Recent years, Verber had a remission, she felt good.


On August 6, the media reported on the sustainable death of Alla Verber for 62 years of life. Alla died in the Italian city of Forte-dei Marmi. In his telegram channel, Ksenia Sobchak revealed the details of the tragedy, clarified from the relatives of the victim. The state of the Verber has deteriorated in the evening on August 5, after which there was an emergency hospitalization.

Doctors diagnosed Sepsis, with blood infection, began to fight specialists from Israel. But exhausted by prolonged disease, the body did not cope with the load. The cause of death Verber steel has become anaphylactic shock and an extensive heart attack.

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