Nikolay Gubenko - Photo, Biography, Films, Personal Life, Cause



Director, actor, playwright Nikolai Gubchenko well-known to the Soviet viewer. His talent was from those that "everywhere will try the road." Another student, he brightly broke into theatrical layouts, playing the role of Hitler in the graduation performance "Career Arturo UI".

Behind the shoulders of Matra, the huge baggage of theatrical and film colleges, which, regardless of the line in the credits, are always played professionally and at the highest level. He gained the love of the viewer and as a director, putting "podranki", "from the life of vacationers", "Forbidden zone". The political path of Nikolai Nikolayevich Gubenko was remembered primarily by the post of the last Minister of Culture of the Soviet Union.

Childhood and youth

The beginning of the life of Nicholas Gubhenko is tragic. Born in August 1941 in the catacomb, when German troops bombed Odessa. His father is a military pilot - died under Lugansk at the beginning of the war. When the boy was 11 months old, the mother hung German-Romanian occupiers. He was brought up in an orphanage, then in a special school with teaching a number of objects in English.

In the children's team, a little Kohl was not authority, but with enthusiasm entertained friends. To stand for the honor in the boyish fight he could also. The boy played in a mug of amateur and dreamed of becoming an actor since childhood.

Despite the difficulties of post-war time and a practical look at the young generation things, the work attracted a young man. After graduating from school, Gubenko entered the work scene in the Odessa Theater of the Young Spectator.

This position is rather nominal, gave the opportunity to play secondary roles on the stage. High employment did not grieve a young man, because he fastened the profession to which so sought.

Over time, Nikolay realized that without special education, a professional would not become. In 1960, escaping from tour, the young man went to Moscow to enter the theater school. He was late for the entrance exams, but she was a set of VGIK, in the workshop of Sergei Gerasimov, and Gubhenko entered. In the same group, Lidia Fedoseeva-Shukshin, Jeanna Bolotova, Sergey Nikonenko and other now famous artists of cinema and theater were studied with him.

During his studies to develop plastic, Gajnko was engaged in teachers of the state circus column. In the graduation play on the play of Bertold Brecht "Career Arturo Ui", director Siegfried Kün offered Guitler to play Guitler. Thinking, he agreed.

The hard work on the role lasted for 2 years. Not knowing a word in German, a novice artist pronounced the longest monologues in this language. The performance had a deafening success. In 1964, Nikolai Gubencho graduated from the institute and entered the service at the theater on Taganka.

Personal life

In the personal life of Nikolai Gubenko was as permanent as in his craft to art. For almost 50 years he was married to actress Zhanna Bolotovoy. As sometimes happens in creative families, there were no children from the couple. In the transfer of the Life Line, Gajnko admitted: to conquer the future wife, acting tricks did not use, except that "well-sang."

Nikolay fell in love with Jeanne still on the 1st year, but one day young people quarreled and 3 years diligently avoided each other. The actress recalled:

"Kolya had a lot of adventures that I knew - after all, in one course he studied. And I, honestly, could not believe that I would be in this long list of the 18th. I fought, and I was wild that I could not overcome this terrible burden. "

In the 1960s, Nikolai and Jeanne were always married to each other.


At the invitation of Yuri Lyubimova Nikolai Gujnko fell into the troupe. For 4 years, he played the pilot Jan-Suna, Pechorina, Emelyan Pugacheva, his corona role - Boris Godunova - in the same feature and many others. The actor was not interested in embodying images close to him internally.

He somehow said about it:

"For me ... Work is on the manner, first of all, is associated with the desire to create a character, completely different than its own individuality. Therefore, when they say: "My images are me," I have the impression of some self-dealerization of my human, acting entity. "

On the stage, he played together with Leonid Filatov, Valery Zolotukhin, Veniamina Lordov, Vladimir Vysotsky and other matrahs of domestic art. In one interview, Gubhenko asked if he drank with the latter, and he answered that, knowing about the disastrous addiction of the artist and the poet, never in his life had a glade with him.

In 1968, Nikolai Nikolaevich decided to enter VGIK to the Directory Faculty. In this regard, left the theater on Taganka. And only 12 years later returned there, and after 7 he headed him. In 1992, the theater of the drama and comedy "Commitment of actors in Taganka" appeared, the director of which was Nikolai Gubenko.


Immediately after the end of Vgika, Gubhenko began to film. The first work in which he appeared to the Soviet viewer is the film Marley Huziyev "Zasva Ilyich", released in 1964. This is a lyrical story about the young generation, which begins to live in the "Khrushchev thaw". The truncated film went on the screens called "I am twenty years old", and the premiere of the "full version" (copyright) took place in 1988.

Judging by the photo, in the youth, the actor possessed ordinary appearance and therefore he was invited to play a simple Russian boy named Kolya Fokin. After that, there were episodic roles in the films "Pant of the Earth", "where storks fly away", "while the front is in defense."

In 1967, the "Password is not needed" came out on the screens. Gubhenko played Colonel Blucher. This role has become the most famous work of the artist of the 60s. Anastasia Voznesenskaya, Rodion Nakhetov, Vasily Lanovova, Igor Dmitriev and others were partners in the picture. Despite the fact that the film of bright fame did not decrease, Gubenko received the 3rd Prize for the best male role of the 3rd All-Union Film Festival in Leningrad

In the late 60s, several more films appeared, in which the actor played various roles, showing himself a real professional. Among them, "Golden Gate", "Director", "Noble Nest" and a number of others. In 1971, Gajnko-Director removed his first picture of the Makarov Brothers. Soon after this - "If you want to be happy" and "soldiers came from the front." For the last, he learned the Leninsky Komsomol Prize and the State Prize of the RSFSR. Brothers Vasiliev.

In parallel with the directorial activity, Gubhenko continued to take himself. 1975 was marked by the role in the film Sergey Bondarchuk on the novel Mikhail Sholokhov "They fought for their homeland." Its partners in the set became Vasily Shukshin, Nonna Mordyukova, Yuri Nikulin, Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Vyacheslav Tikhonov.

Another significant work in the artist filmography is a picture of Pedraki. Here he performed in Triple Ipostasi - director, screenwriter and actor. Cinema by 50% biook. It is told the life and fate of the dedudation children of the post-war time.

It is not shown the biography of one individual person, but the history of the whole generation, which during the war remained round orphans. The work is so pierced and sincerely, which years of the years leaves no indifferent.

In the 1980s, Gubhenko removed the film "From the life of vacationers." The main role in the melodrama he gave a spouse - Jeanne Bolotovoy. Here they played Rolan Bykov, Regimantas Adomaytis, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina.

In 1988, Nikolai Nikolayevich spoke director and screenwriter of the film on the real events "forbidden zone." The picture tells about the consequences of a destructive storm in the Ivanovo region of 1984.


Since 2009, Gubenko has been deputy chairman of the Moscow City Duma. Behind the shoulders of the Matra Position of the Minister of Culture of the USSR and the President of the International Association for Culture Promotion. In addition, Gubenko worked in the State Duma by a deputy, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Culture, Chairman of the Committee for Culture and Tourism.


August 16, the 2020th actor did not. Nikolai Gubhenko died after severe illness. The cause of death called the stop of the heart. The grave of the artist is located on the Kuntsevsky cemetery of Moscow.


  • 1964 - "I am twenty years old" ("Zascha Ilyich")
  • 1964 - "While the front in defense"
  • 1964 - "Pant of the Earth"
  • 1966 - "Last Jolong"
  • 1967 - "Password is not needed"
  • 1969 - "Noble Nest"
  • 1969 - "Golden Gate"
  • 1969 - "Director"
  • 1971 - "Soldier came from the front"
  • 1974 - "If you want to be happy"
  • 1975 - "They fought for their homeland"
  • 1975 - "I ask the words"
  • 1976 - "Pranma"
  • 1988 - "Forbidden zone"

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