Timofey Rudenko - biography, photos, "battle of psychics", personal life, news 2021



Timofey Rudenko acquired fame among the audience of the TNT channel. The participant of the 19th season of the "Battle of Psychics" showed a lot of attention to his person, since he showed excellent results on the tests and confidently went to the victory in the very mystical show of the country.

Timofey Rudenko in his youth

Timofey was born in the spring of 1990 in a small village in the Novosibirsk region. He became the second son of the pair of Rudenko, brother over Timothy for 6 years. Despite the difference in age, from the young age, two brothers had a pretty warm relationship, and already adults, became supported for each other and support.

Timothy's biography was not so rosy as most children of that time. When he was still a little boy, his mother put a terrible diagnosis - schizophrenia. Woman was treated for a long time in the hospital for mentally ill, where he died. Rudenko then turned 14 years old, the upbringing of two brothers assumed his father, and the mother replaced them with their native grandmother.

Timofey Rudenko and his KVN team

After receiving secondary education, Timofey enters the pedagogical university, on the initial courses, his one-laughones noted the humorous talent of the young men and advised to join the KVN team. By doing progress in this genre, by the end of teaching Rudenko creates its own team, and the captain itself occupies a place.

TV project

After the young man received in KVN, the young man decided not to dwell on speeches only in the university. Timofey continues to develop in the humorous genre, so in 2015 it becomes a participant in the popular show "Comedy Battle". The main idea of ​​this project was performances with funny numbers in different genres, which would allow the participants to go into the next stage. Rudenko performed in a duet with a comrade, young people told about life in their native village.

The duet was called the "Creative Union of Amur", two cheerful guys liked and loved the audience, also their jokes were appreciated by Semyon Slepakov and Sergey Svetlakov. Despite the sparkling humor and fun jokes, the duet did not reach the final and did not take the win. It seems that after this defeat Timofey decided not to participate in such a show anymore.

The next transmission in which the audience of the same TNT channel saw a familiar face, became the 19th season of the show "Battle of Psychics". This time, a man looked more serious, and on the qualifying test, and the observers struck at all. He explained that schizophrenia was ill, but urged others to not be afraid of the disease, because he controls the attacks. The voices of people who Rudenko hear in the head belong to the deceased people and help him cope with the tasks.

Timofey Rudenko - biography, photos,

At the first qualifying trials, where psychics were told about Mr. X, a man struck both a shooting group and an invited guest. The mysterious unknown figure was given to Borisov in that release. According to the extrasens, he contacted the soul of the deceased Tim Brik, who in her previous times was close to Dana. He told a lot of personal details, so the TV presenter wished to personally talk with a man. She was left under a great impression of communicating with psychic and then long discussed him with shooting participants.


Unusual gift from Rudenko woke up in 2016. This period was the most difficult for a young man as he experienced the death of his father. In their lifetime, they had a warm relationship, so what happened left the mark on the psyche of Timothy. For a long time he suffered from depression, before a cheerful and a company young man stopped attending public places and practically did not leave the house.

Medium Timofey Rudenko

The oppressed and depressed Rudenko felt that his condition would deteriorate, he began to feel strong headaches, darkening in the eyes and noise in the ears. Over time, a man began to hear the voices of dead people. Since schizophrenia is often transmitted by inheritance, relatives suspected that he inherited this disease from the mother, and hurried to conduct a survey.

According to the symptoms described, the doctor immediately diagnosed schizophrenia. However, with time Timofey managed to take control of all the manifestations of the disease and use it for his own purposes. According to him, the dead people are to him and speak, a man clearly hears their voices.

Timofey Rudenko - biography, photos,

As a work tool, the extrasens uses sliced ​​hair, braided into a braid, which belonged to the dead mentor of his mother. According to him, hair is a strong energy conductor and information, especially if they have previously passed a special ritual.

Rudenko himself positions itself as a "clarid" and, in addition to the main occupation, also works in cemeteries. At the request of relatives of the deceased people, a man holds special rites on the graves, which, he said, soothe the souls of the dead and liberate relatives from the feeling of guilt before the dead.

Personal life

As far as it is known about the personal life of psychics, his wife and children does not have. However, Timofey is found with a girl who was near and supported him during illness and other complex life periods.

Timofey Rudenko

As psychics told in an interview, the girl has a creative profession, an artist's education. Photos with her in social networks does not lay out Rudenko.

Timofey Rudenko now

After the release of the first episodes of the popular show for Timothy, you dream to get all the fans. Now a man is receiving in Moscow and in other cities, the cost of its services is unknown. From the beginning of the shooting of the 19th season of the show, he gained great popularity among those who believe in psychic.

Timofey Rudenko in 2018

However, the opinions of skeptics in this respect are unambiguous, the man is called a charlatan and suggest that in the "schizophrenic" it turned only for the sake of a pian on television. People publish negative comments under his photo, which is posted on the "Battle of Psychics" in "Instagram". However, believing or not in the extrasensory abilities of the young Siberian - at the discretion of each. The completion of the project is scheduled for December 2018.

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