Vladimir Seleznev - biography, photos, movies, personal life, news 2021



And Fyodor Dostoevsky, and Anton Chekhov, and William Shakespeare - it seems, playing in the works on the works of these three great authors, we can assume that theatrical activity has succeeded. And if you add here the experienced leadership of the director Lion Dodina, and the stage of the St. Petersburg Small Drama Theater, it will turn out to be a rich professional piggy bank of Vladimir Selezneva, also familiar to the attentive viewer on TV series broadcast on TV.

Childhood and youth

The path from the capital to the capital - from the Ukrainian, where he was born in the 6th day of the last month of winter of the 1973rd, to the North - the future actor did after the older sister, which from the first days was the main educator and assistant, a worthy example and mentor . Father and mother worked with engineers and with scenic arts in no way before the appearance of children were not connected.

Full Vladimir Seleznev

Lived modestly, without frills. The famous actress Irina Selezneva once confessed in an interview that in childhood, music did not allow material wealth, or rather, the lack of adults is the lack of opportunity to acquire Piano put the cross on its "melodic" career.

Unfortunately, shortly after the younger child was born, the family broke up. Mother accounted for all day to disappear at work, in order to somehow bring ends with the ends, and the concern for the brother was watered on the shoulders of a 12-year-old schoolgirl: to feed in the morning porridge, to the kindergarten, do homework and lessons, while not missing Swimming training.

Irina Selezneva, Sister Vladimir Selezneva

According to the confession of the star of the Moscow Romance, a strong desire to get into the acting environment has ripe from 5 years, it is unknown from where. Later it was embodied, inspiring on a similar and young Volodya. Only when he went to school, the girl was able to leave Kiev and with a slight soul to go to conquer Leningrad, and later and the "secret" Maxim Leonidov.

Vladimir himself dreamed of different things: first to treat people, then become a cool rock performer, later to master the profession of clowns adorable then and in particular Charles Spencer Chaplin.

Vladimir Seleznev

More conscious age wanted to save peace and humanity in various roles - a psychologist, heads of state or hero, endowed with superpowers. But in the end, graduating from the academy of theatrical art, got into MDT. By the way, a bright baby memory helped to hold a parallel with a lifetime:

"A good live theater is a series of endless vertices that can be conquered. In childhood I was at the charges. We went on skis in the mountains. And I remember my feeling: you see an elevation ahead, the hill, you think - this is the top, you climb it for a long time, and it suddenly opens back to her ... and so indefinitely! "


In the hometown, which is named by the Small Drama Theater, the spleen turned out to be a student of the 3rd year. And, distinguishing special loyalty, since then no preferences did not change. Perhaps such many years of experience and natural talent allowed the artist afterwards the honorary title of the right hand of the artist, as well as the face and pride of the temple of Melpomen, as his colleagues name.

Vladimir Seleznev in the theater

Thinking in secret about the role of Hamlet, however, does not complain about the already embodied characters. He was also a titled personnel (King Ferdinand in the "disembodied efforts of love" and the Duke in Lorenzacho), and a sad Piero in the "apartment of the Colombina", and the owner of the printing house in the "enemy of the people", and the investigator in the premier in the 2018 spectacle " Fear. Love. Despair ", and a cavalry in" demons ". As noted by observation media:

"Basically, he is now playing hard, strong and stubborn men."

On the official website, in the brief section "About me", the performer, asking for the chosen path, it is recognized that otherwise he would have become a drug addict, an alcoholic or a tuneev.


The National Security Agent Mother of National Security film is not only brought to Mikhail Porechenkov and Andrei Krasko, but also in 2003 he was densely acquainted Seleznev with the world of cinema. Frequently sprinkled invitations to shoot in TV shows - a loverist of historical meloders will remember the "Favorite", criminal paintings - "Menting Wars - 6", and housewives - "ideal wife" and many others.

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The full meter is also present in the creative biography. Vladimir Stanislavovich participated in Rard for Russia, Gorror's genre, in the "Kinotavra" by the filmmaker of Dina Rubina with Chulpan Hamaya and Evgeny Mironov, as well as in Tandem with the "colleagues" Liza Boyarskaya and Danila Kozlovsky in "Status: Free", in the soul millions of Russian fans.

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Numerous questions about cooperation on the site with a domestic sex symbol, embodying "Legend No. 17", willingly praised and frankly declared that he perceived it "as a player of one football team", and that "only the best thing is connected with it."

Starzhil Dodino Theater of Europe refrains from the assessment and separation of own art, although it is recognized that in the cinema "More adventure element".

Personal life

Details of personal life, in contrast to professional, Vladimir, as inherent in a true gentleman, does not indulge. Again, thanks to the sister and infrequent publications in "Instagram" interested learned that, and then the actor showed himself as a single wife - for many years one-only wife, who gave a beauty-daughter. There are no other children.

Vladimir Seleznev and his daughter

In the same social network, in addition to photographs with friends, family and star colleagues, breathtaking landscapes, placed and pictures of two scenic - Sofia and Anastasia. The difficult question about the main sense answered like this:

"For me, this is oxygen, it is energy, it is the meaning, but never goal! You need to learn, and not to look for love, because love is also responsibility, and science, and giant patience. I believe in love with a capital letter! And from some moment he began to believe in altruistic love. That is, in humanity. "

Vladimir Seleznev now

In 2018, the filmography of Seleznev was confidently replenished with television serial ribbons: the artist is busy in the third part of Major, the first season of Tekhnar, telling about the salvation of stolen relatives from the captivity of the stranger, as well as in the next melodrama and detective.

Vladimir Seleznev in 2018

In the current stage repertoire of the same year, it was announced in more than ten productions.

As for preferences and hobbies, it is a saxophone, guitar and piano, which mastered independently, singing, acrobatics, yoga and capoeira. Thanks to the sport, it is pulled up and stored (height 188 cm, there is no accurate weight information).


  • 2018 - "Techinar"
  • 2018 - "Deadly Number"
  • 2018 - "Petersburg Roman"
  • 2018 - "New Life"
  • 2018 - "Major - 3"
  • 2018 - "I am happy"
  • 2018 - "Perfect Wife"
  • 2016 - "Life and Fate"
  • 2016 - "Status: Free"
  • 2015 - "Parsley Syndrome"
  • 2015 - "Peak lady: black rite"
  • 2011 - "Protection Krasina - 3"
  • 2009 - "Chevengur"
  • 2003 - "Streets of broken lamps - 5"
  • 2003 - "National Security Agent - 4"

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