Mary Austin - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



The name of Mary Austin is always mentioned next to the name of the British singer Freddie Mercury. Only after the death of the musician became aware of which important role is this woman played in his biography. Before that, she was little mentioned in the media - even when Austin began to appear in the public in the role of Mercury's assistant, no one had heard about their novel. However, it was Mary - the heiress most of the state of the singer and the only one who is devoted to the mystery of the burial of his dust.

Mary Austin in youth

Mary Austin was born in London. Girl's parents were deaf and communicated with her daughter by reading the lips and gestures. Mother worked as a secretary, and his father is a sharp tree. The family lived in a small house with a terrace in Fulea and needed money, so Mary had to look for a job.

Personal life

Freddie Mercury Austin met in his youth. The girl worked as a seller in the trendy store "Biba", and the musician came there to choose his clothes for new scenic images. In some sources, it is mentioned that Brian May, the Queen guitarist. He himself liked Mary, but the girl did not answer reciprocity, but the black-haired handsome Freddie immediately attracted her attention.

Mary Austin and Freddie Mercury

Mary even did not have a bright beauty in his youth, but fascinated the musician to prudence and charm. Mercury did not decrease for a long time to call her for a date, and when I achieved a meeting, I put all the strength to make an impression.

Soon the couple settled together to Holland Road. They had few money, and young people had to shoot a small room for 10 pounds, sharing a bathroom and a kitchen with neighbors. None of them built away far-reaching plans, and Mary was very surprised, receiving a ring with jade from the beloved ring. At first she decided that it was just a gift, without hints, but Freddie really asked her to marry him.

Mary Austin and Freddie Mercury

However, soon the musician understood that the proposal was increasing, and his family life is not interested. He tried to lean the conversations associated with the wedding, and dissuaded a girlfriend from buying an antique dress, which she was going to put on the marriage. Mary such behavior disappointed, but it was not too surprised - a similar act was in his spirit, and the relationship of the pair by the time was already started to deteriorate.

Mercury became more and more fond of the career. His affairs quickly went uphill, he disappeared at concerts and rehearsals and over time he stopped returning home at all. Mary tried to build a disintegrating novel and even offered Freddie to give birth to a child than only he glanced.

In 1976, the musician said that he no longer sees the meaning in their relationship, and admitted to his girlfriend that men attracted him. Mercury offered a girl to stay friends, and, according to her, she grateful to him for honesty. Another year they lived together. By that time, Freddie had a boyfriend, and sometimes they went out in the threesome, surprising fans. And yet the feelings of the musician for civilian wife were not cooled - in the same year he wrote the song Love of My Life, which he dedicated to her.

In the end, Mary gone from a shared apartment. Mercury, by that time I have already become a secured person, I bought her house like a nearby. After watching the love adventures of the former boyfriend, she herself was engaged in a personal life device.

Mary Austin with sons

Soon Austin married the artist Pier Cameron and gave birth to two children - Richard and James. Freddie became the godfather of the elder child, and a touching photo was preserved in the family archive, where the musician hands the baby a Christmas present.

Marriage Mary was unfortunate. My husband did not like that she was all the time in the society of the former partner, and after constant conflicts they divorced. The second time she married in 1998, the Union with Nicholas Horford lasted for 4 years. After Mary no longer attempts to tie themselves with family bonds.


After parting, Austin remained an important person in Mercury's life. She worked as a secretary, helped him solve domestic and professional problems, organized a meeting. Their joint photos were constantly appearing in the media, but the press considered it just an assistant, and almost no one mentioned about their former novel from Freddie.

Mary Austin and Freddie Mercury

Mary itself as a whole satisfied such status. Once she nevertheless, he was talking about what she still wants to give birth to a child from him, but Freddie refused her in proximity. Perhaps he saved the Austin life, since by that moment was already infected with AIDS. In the last interview, the musician called Mary his only love and said that no man meant so much for him as she.

In the summer of 1991, Mercury died from bronchopneumonia, which developed against the background of immunodeficiency. A few years before the death, he asked Austin about the last favor - after cremation to pick up his ashes and bury in a secret place, known only by him in two. Freddie did not want posthumous pilgrimage to his grave and was afraid that it was desecrated. Mary fulfilled the wish and still keeps the mystery of the last refuge of the musician. Besides her, no one knows where Mercury's dust is buried, even his parents.

Mary Austin in the mansion Garden Lodge

According to the will, Austin became the heir to most of his condition, including the luxurious mansion of Garden Lodge. After Mercury's death, Mary became the first one who told the public about his homosexuality, which did not like the fans. Many regarded this step as a betrayal of personal secrets and the desire to regret the scandal to even more catch up on the memory of the singer.

In 2000, Austin starred in the film "Freddie Mercury, an uncompressed story," where he played himself.

Mary Austin now

Mary lives in London. Her house in Kensington, acquired by an impregnable wall - the permanent place of the pilgrimage of the musician fans. True, she does not call anyone inside - guests have to be content with the appearance of the house and listen to guides retell their history of love.

Mary Austin

Long time Garden Lodge empty. According to rumors, the heiress left him, because he felt bad and tormented from the realization of the invisible presence of the former owner. According to a simpler version, Mary tired of the crowds of fans constantly pacing around the house and trying to penetrate inside.

However, over time, she still decided on the final relocation, while retaining almost the entire situation as she looked at Freddie. Antique furniture, paintings and ancient piano, on which the musician composed his hits, remained at the same places, photographs of Mercury were hung on the walls - both the scenic and those on which they are captured together.

Mansion Garden Lodzh

Since the death of a musician, fans went to the mansion to leave a memorable inscription on the fence, but in 2017 Mary ordered to paint the fan art and put warning signs that he would call the police while trying to restore them.

According to the Austin itself, she has a lot of envious. Former Queen musicians consider an unfair situation that she owns the house and Freddie's things and continues to receive huge income from his records, and fans do not like that the mansion of their idol is used as a residential building - they would prefer to see the museum there.

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In 2018, Austin was 67 years old. Now it leads the recovery lifestyle and rarely leaves the limits of the house. She refused to participate in the filming of a new film about Mercury "Bohemian Rhapsody", but got acquainted with the script and approved him. The role of Mary in it played the British actress Lucy Bointon.

Although Austin is grateful to Freddie that he provided the future to her and her sons, she admits that he considers his wealth rather than Bremen: to manage funds and cope with someone else's envy it is difficult for it. In an interview, admitted that Mercury still loves:

"I would prefer everything to be around. I should have died first - let him be better missed for me than I am on it. "

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