Eduard Topol - biography, photos, books, personal life, news 2021



Eduard Topol - the Soviet and Russian writer, known to the books "Lovely", "I want your girlfriend", "Red Poplar" and other works.

Film director, screenwriter, filmmature and writer Edward Topol

As a director, on his book, "standing on the edge" withdrawn the film. It is also a filmmatic, screenwriter and producer.

Childhood and youth

Edward was born in the fall of 1938 in Baku. During the early war, together with the family, the boy is evacuated to Siberia, away from hostilities, and then transported to Poltava Ukrainian SSR. There they live until 1953, and then return to their homeland.

Irina Pechechennikova and Eduard poplar in youth

After graduating from school, Eduard enters the Azerbaijan State University, which today is renamed Baku, there he receives the first higher education. After that, the young man enters the scenario Faculty of All-Union State Institute of Cinematography in Moscow, and in 1965 issued with a diploma about the second higher education.


When there was no young man also 20 years old, he had already clearly understood what he wanted to do. Many celebrated talent for writing, so in 1957, Popol poems began to be published in the newspapers.

After the release from the university, the writer's bibliography began to expand rapidly. A man begins to work in newspaper publications, cooperates with the Komsomol Pravda, "Literary Newspaper" and "Baku Workers".

Eduard Topol.

In 1961, Eduard Topol becomes a professional writer, and in 1965 begins to create scripts for films. In 1968 he made his first film "Where long winter" is debuted. And later he wrote scenarios for the Yong Northern Fleet film, "minors", "Vanechka" and others.

Films "Errors of youth" and "Love at first sight", the scenarios for which also created a poplar, banned to show in the USSR. After this event, a man decides to move to the United States.

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Since 1978, after emigration, new works appear in the biography of the poplar, which he freely releases, without fear of the censure of the authorities. The works of "Russian diva", "Life-seeking", "Roman period" and other novels were devoted to the subject of emigration.

Living in America, a man strongly for the House of Creativity "Bolshevo", in which, when writing his works, spent a lot of time. About this man himself recognized in one of the interviews. During the year, he has time to closely get acquainted with the creative world of the country and in a short period becomes president of the cultural center of the Russian creative intelligentsia of New York. At the same time, Edward holds the post of chief editor of the Russian WWCS radio station in the United States. After 5 years, Topol receives American citizenship.

Larisa Luzhina, Eduard Topol and Yuri Nazarov

In Western literature, as writer Edward debuted in the 1980s by the release of Roman-Bestseller "Red Square". The work describes the actions of 1982, the investigation into the mysterious death of the first term of the KGB chairman allows to reveal the Kremlin conspiracy and shows the living and real life of the Soviet Empire. Today, this book is recognized as a classic political thriller and international bestseller.

Other books have followed this work - "Red Snow", "Podlodka U-137", "Journalist for Brezhnev", etc. On this, the writer does not end, the poplar continues to create all new political detectives, pseudo-historical novels and even erotic prose . He gained more popularity, so his books were transferred to 18 languages, they were sold in Japan, America, Russia and Europe.

Writer and playwright Edward Topol

The work of the writer did not leave without attention and theatrical directions. The performances were delivered by the novel "Gubovid" and the works of the "Jewish detective" and "4 suitcase in Sheremetyevo-2", they walked in the Moscow Jewish Theater "Shalom". Piece "Love at first sight", which could be viewed in the Moscow Regional Drama Theater and in the Russian Drama Theater in Vilnius, had no less success.

The work of the poplar "Russia in bed", which in Russia was released in 1994, quickly spread through the country, and the opinions of it were rather contradictory. Many managed to read the book before the official publication, since in 1993 her pirated version somehow got to readers. Other popular works of the author were "Alien Face", "Red Gas", "Killer for Export", etc.

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Eduard Topol does not stop only on the writer's career and in 2007 it opens its own production center at Mosfilm. And a year later, she removes the film on his own book "I stand on the edge." During its creation, Topol combined the work of the screenwriter and producer. The film was shown on the first channel, and today it is periodically broadcast on other channels. With this tape, Eduard received several awards at international festivals.

And in 2010, he removes another film - "Trumpeters from Russia". Full-length documentary tape also receives a reward at the Houston International Film Festival.

Personal life

The personal life of the famous writer did not immediately work out, the first marriage of the men took place in his youth, in marriage there was one child - a girl. Today she is already an adult woman, the poplar does not distribute information about her, so it is unknown where she lives and what it does.

Eduard Topol lives in Israel

With the second wife, Yulia I met in America. The girl flew to spend his grandfather, who immediately after World War I moved to the States. The grandfather lived in a mountainous locality in the north of New York, while he was visiting him, Julia went to swim on the lake, and at that time, Edward just walked. So the acquaintance was held, after which she had not returned to Russia. More precisely returned, but after the American citizenship received.

At that time, the age of the writer was approaching by 60 years, and as it seemed to him, thinking about children was too late. However, fate ordered otherwise, and Julia gave birth to her son's wife.

Eduard Topol now

Now the writer lives in Israel, in the city of Netanya. Since in this country, almost one third of the population says and understands Russian, with work here a man does not arise problems. It suits creative evenings and other events that local Russian and Israelis are glad. But this does not mean that the poplar does not communicate at all with relatives, he often comes to Russia and America.

In 2018, Eduard Topol celebrated the 80th anniversary

On October 8, 2018, Edward Vladimirovich celebrated his 80-year-old anniversary. On this day, a man was gathered to congratulate not only relatives, but also close friends.


  • 1993 - "Red Gas"
  • 1981 - "Journalist for Brezhnev"
  • 1983 - "Red Square"
  • 1994 - "Russia in bed"
  • 1991 - "Kremlin Wife"
  • 1996 - "Alien face"
  • 2002 - "File Lonely Blonde"
  • 2000 - "I want your girlfriend"

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