Elizabeth TURSENBAEVA - biography, photos, figure skating, personal life, news 2021



Elizabeth TURSENBAEVA - Kazakhstan figure skater, young, but feeding high hopes. When a fragile, low girl (her height - 148 cm) in training turned out to be at the end of the rank, it was unnoticed for the coach he was moved to the beginning and became the first. As a result, Elizabeth made an exception, and during the construction she was always headed. With the same perseverance, the figure skater after year conquers new peaks.

Childhood and youth

Elizabeth TURSENBAEVA was born on February 14, 2000 in Moscow. Father Figureki, Bajak Tourusnbaev, graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Karaganda State University. Academician E. A. Bouquet. In the past, Baitaka had his own business in Moscow, but later he became a personal daughter's personal manager. Mother Padyshahan Sultanalieva received economic education.

Elizabeth TURSNBAEV with parents

In addition to Elizabeth (or as she is affectionately called parents, Lisa), another athlete rose in the family. Timur's elder brother also dedicated himself to figure skating, performed on ice, but in the end chose a coach career.

As a child, Elizabeth often sick. To strengthen the daughter's immune system, the parents took it into the figure skating section. True, they took a girl there only from 3rd times: twice TURSNBEVA heard a refusal, coaches simply did not see a promising student in Lisa.

Elizabeth TURSENBAEV in childhood

In 2005, she began to study Moskvich in the ESHRSM, Irina Far Insurance, Natalia Dubinskaya, Alexander Schubin, became Moskvich. Subsequently, at the beginning of the season 2011/2012, the young figure skater moved to CSKA to Elena Waterzova and Svetlana Sokolovskaya. In an interview, Tressenbayeva admits that he does not regret his "sports" childhood. Of course, she had more loads than peers. But, according to the figure skater, "it was worth it."

In addition to figure skating, Elizabeth has another hobby - music. The girl has a good voice, she likes to sing, play the violin. Also in his free time, she likes to hurt in the kitchen, especially it attracts the preparation of complex, sophisticated dishes. TourSenbayeva's father once shared with journalists that in the future daughter dreams of opening his own restaurant.

Figure skating

A great contribution to the development of a young figure skater was made by Trainer Eteri Tutberidze. Under her leadership, Elizabeth was engaged in 2012 and 2013. In 2013 in the sports biography of the girl, a new chapter was opened: Tresnbaeva went to Canada, where he continued his studies. Her mentor was the legendary Brian Orser.

Elizabeth TURSENBAEVA and ETERA Tutberidze

Then the question arose about what country Elizabeth will be presenting at competitions. According to the nationality, the parents of the girl and she herself - the Kazakhs, but held all their lives Toursnbayev spent in Russia. The family council decided that the figure skater would perform in the national team in Kazakhstan.

In 2014, Elizabeth's debut at the World Junior Cattery Championships took place. Competitions were held in Sofia, Bulgaria. TourSynbayeva did not have enough multiple points to get into the final ten; According to the results of the championship, it found itself in the 11th place. However, next season, the girl improved the indicators: took silver at the stage of the Grand Prix among Juniors (Dresden, Germany), and also rose to the 4th place at the World Junior Championships 2015.

Elizabeth TURSNBAEV on ice

The first adult international tournament Toursnbaeva took place in 2015. On u.s. International Figure Skating Classic In Salt Lake City, the figure skater was on the 2nd place. A month later, at the Autumn Classic tournament in Canada, Elizabeth spoke brilliantly in an arbitrary program and won a well-deserved victory.

Subsequent performances were not as good luck - at the stage of the Skate America Grand Prix stage (Milwaukee, USA), the girl was on the 4th line, on Skate Canada (Letharding, Canada) - on the 7th. However, 2 months later, in December 2015, Tresynbayeva spoke at the tournament "Golden Konk Zagreb" in Croatia and rose to the 2nd place.

2016 began for Elizabeth with awards: the girl won bronze in figure skating competitions on the II Youth Olympic Games (Hamar, Norway). Participation in the Junior Championship, held in the Hungarian town of Debrecen, has become for TourSynbaeva not easy testing. During the speech in the short program, the girl fell, she had nasal bleeding. Despite this, the figure skater remained on the ice to the end of the room. In an arbitrary program, she showed a higher result and ranked 5th.

The pre-water season for TourSynbayeva began at the Tournament in Salt Lake City, following which she took the 7th line. During the year, the skater was expected by victory and defeat; First, it is possible to take bronze at Autumn Classic International 2016, a similar result was waiting for it on the VIII Winter Asian Games in Sapporo, Japan. According to the results of the world championship in figure skating in Helsinki Elizabeth entered the top ten figure skater.

Kazakh figure skater Elizabeth TURSENBAEVA

In September 2017, Toursnbaeva won bronze at the Autumn Classic International tournament (Montreal, Canada). The Oktyabrsky tournament of Ice Star, held in Minsk, brought the figure skater for the long-awaited 1st place. True, a month later, at the fifth stage of the Grand Prix of Trophée De France (Grenoble, France), the girl took only the 5th line of the final table.

At the beginning of 2018, its results worsened: at the Championship of the Four Continents of figure skating (Taipei, the Republic of China), Elizabeth fell on the 12th place.

Personal life

About the personal life of young figure skater is now there are no reliable information. The questions of journalists about what Elizabeth represents his family, chosen, the girl modestly replies that he does not yet know.

Elizabeth TURSNBAEVA and Evgenia Medvedev

TURSNBAEV is completely focused on his sports career. Among her friends there are many skaters, for example, Evgenia Medvedev. In "Instagram" girls, you can find a lot of photos with other "Ice colleagues": Yudzuru Khani, we are Nguyen and others.

Elizabeth Tresnbaeva now

In February 2018, Elizabeth first took part in the Olympics. XXIII Winter Olympic Games in Pchenchkhan did not bring the figure skater awards, according to the results of the competition, the girl was on the 12th place.

In the summer, sports media had the news that Tresynbayeva, completing 5-year cooperation with Orser, returned under the wing of Russian coach Eter Tutberidze. Together they have to work up to the Olympic Games 2022, which will be held in Beijing.

Elizabeth TURSENBAEVA in 2018

In October 2018, Tresnbaeva spoke at the international FINLANDIA Trophy Espoo tournament (Espoo, Finland). An arbitrary figure skater executed as notes, for which he received the highest marks. The total amount of points was more than 200 - this is the first similar result in Elizabeth career. As a result, the girl was on the 2nd place, a few points giving way to the Russian athlete Elizabeth Tuktamysheva. Many specialists noted that with returning to ETERY, the ELIZabeth became much higher. All in one voice predicted her success.

In March 2019, at the World Championships in Japan, the forecast of professionals was confirmed. Elizabeth Tresynbaeva, who was first in the history of adult riding a 4th Salkhov, sensationally conquered a silver medal (237.5 points), leaving behind the more titled Zhenya Medvedev, who got bronze (223.80 points). Alina Zagitova for the first time won the title of world champion, gaining 237.50 points.

It should be noted that in the history of Kazakhstan female figure skating Elizabeth became the first prize-winner of the World Cup.

Achievements and awards

  • 2014, 2015, 2016 - Gold Medal of the Championship of Kazakhstan on figure skating
  • 2015 - Silver Medal of Tallinn Cup "Cup
  • 2015 - Silver medal of the tournament U.S. INTERNATIONAL FIGURE SKATING CLASSIC
  • 2015 - Gold Medal of the International Tournament Autumn Classic International
  • 2015 - Silver Medal of the International Tournament "Golden Konk Zagreb"
  • 2016 - Bronze Medal of the Winter Youth Olympic Games
  • 2016 - Bronze Medal of the International Tournament Autumn Classic International
  • 2017 - Bronze Medal of VIII Winter Asian Games
  • 2018 - Silver Medal of the International Tournament FINLANDIA TROPHY ESPOO
  • 2018 - Silver Medal of the International Tournament "Memorial Ondrey Nepasy"
  • 2019 - Silver Medal of the World Cup 2019 in Japan

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