Josh Whitehouse - biography, photos, movies, personal life, news 2021



Josh Whitehouse is a young British actor, musician and artist. The first fame he brought a role in the serial "Haldfrak". In November 2018, the Internet blew up the news that Josh was announced on the main role in the Spin-Off Games of Thrones.

Childhood and youth

Josh Waithouse was born on February 27, 1990 in the UK. The childhood of the future actor passed in the village of Bervardsli County Cheshire. The family was large: besides the boy, the parents had three more sons and daughter. Josh's mother is an artist, and the Father is a writer, before that taught English.

Actor Josh Whitehouse

The Whitehaus family threw the art and encouraged the creative gusts of children. The mother taught Josh to draw: for example, she applied a weak contour of the human face on paper, and the boy then drank him, thus comprehending the basics of the visual art. In addition, the parents set a good musical taste to children: the houses sounded the songs "Beatles", Leonard Cohen, Bob Dilan and other modern classics "music with meaning."

Up to 12 years, Whitehaus was sure that he would become an artist, but then his friend Tom showed how to play an electric guitar, and from the moment the boy caught fire with the desire to do the music.

Model Josh Whitehouse

Also in his youth, the future actor was fond of the implementation of all sorts of tricks. Josh studied to juggle, ride a monocycle, hold the nose vertically supplied pencil and still have many such things. All this was a challenge, especially when the young man saw how other people do what he himself would like to be able to.

After completing the Chester Queen's Park High School, the young man was confident that his calling was music, but fate made some adjustments.


For the first time, Josh appeared on the screens in 2008 in the British reality show "Living On the Edge", telling about the life of Chisch's County Children. After that, until 2014, the music was mainly in his life. The young man lived in East End, the working area of ​​London, where she filmed accommodation with another 8 guys.

In 2011, together with Brother Matthew Josh, he founded the "More Like Trees" group, which still exists and plays music using the mixing of genres and styles. In the songs of the team you can hear the motifs of SKA, Dram-N-Base, Flamenco and Even Hip-hop.

In 2014, Josh remembered Ilain Constantine, the screenwriter and director of the musical drama "North Soul", with which Whitehaus met 5 years before. The woman offered him a role in the film about music and musicians of the 1970s.

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The presence of Josh his own group forced to believe that a young man cope with the embodiment of the image of his colleague. Working in the Northern Soulah produced such a strong impression on a beginner actor that he later did a tattoo like his character.

After that, Whitehaus was repeatedly engaged in the music on only 2 years, while in 2016, representatives of Burberry, a British company producing luxury clothing, accessories and perfume did not come to him. It was in the direction of the perfume and was invited to work Joshu - "Burberry" considered that an attractive young man would be perfectly looking at the advertisement of a new fragrance.

Also in 2016, Whitehaus starred in one of the main roles in the militant "Street cats". The picture of success did not discharge: the film rating on IMDB is kept in the area of ​​4 points, on indicators are also low.

In 2017, a more successful project appeared in Josh filmography - a tape "Modern life - sucks." In the second music film, Josh played a young rocker, tired of the digital world and the vinyl vinyl aligning era.

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The success of 2017 for the actor was the invitation to the main composition of the historical series "Pedarkk" based on the series of Romans Winston Graham. In the 3rd and 4th seasons of the drama about the conflicted destiny of the British military dew, Prestarka Josh played a young lieutenant Hugh Armitja. According to the plot, the young man is in love with the wife of the chief hero, which, by the way, the forearc himself does not like.

Personal life

Personal life of the actor for fans is largely a mystery. In 2017, the media was reported that Whitehaus is found with the French Junzen Journery, working in the medical sphere. Sources reported that the girl even moved to Josh to London.

Josh Whitehouse and his Girl Cindy Journery

In "Instagram", Cindy really present photos with the actor, including with their joint recreation in the Dominican Republic - there young people arranged a fun photo session with Iguanami on their heads. See the photo, however, you can only via links in Twitter Cindy - its account in Instagram is closed, and only subscribers can see the content without direct links.

From a legal point of view, Josh is free - he has no wife or children.

Josh Whitehouse now

The actor starred in two films: a musical comedy "Girl from the Valley", the remterary of the 1983 picture of 1983, and the film "The Happy Worker", the genre of which on IMDB is called the "existential fairy tale".

Josh Whitehouse in 2018

On November 1, 2018, it became known that Josh would fulfill one of the main roles in the upcoming bed "Games of the Thrones". The scenario of the prehistory of the events of the original series, the author of the world "Songs of Ice and Flame", George Martin, was engaged in the world. At the moment, it is known that the project with the working name "Long Night" will begin to be removed no earlier than the last season of the "Games of the Thrones" will end.

Regarding the role of Josh, only the fact that she will be leading, and a two-time nominee on Oscar Naomi Watts will become a leader's partner of Whitehaus on the set. Since the world of "Games of Thrones" over the years of the series has earned a lot of fans, shooting in the project can be a serious breakthrough for Josh in his acting biography.

Picture Josh Whitehaus

In the meantime, the young man continues to play music: in his account in "Instagram" you can find photos from rehearsals and concerts. Does not leave Josh and visual arts, as evidenced by the official website of the actor, in which photographs written by them are posted in the corresponding section.


  • 2008 - "Living On The Edge"
  • 2014 - "Northern Soul"
  • 2016 - "Street cats"
  • 2016 - "Tutor"
  • 2017 - "Modern life - sucks"
  • 2017-2018 - "Pedarkk"

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