Archka Quinji - biography, photos, paintings, personal life, cause of death



Archka Quinji One of the most unusual landscape players of the 2nd half of the XIX century, which is called "artist of light". It is an incredibly accurate transmission of light fluxes, and maybe a special love for life and to the whole surrounding. He even attribute the use of "lunar paints". Of course, it is just a legend, emphasizing, however, the magic of his creativity.

Artist Archka Quinji

Not many people art can boast such a biography: success in personal life and in creativity, prominent love and recognition of the public, critics, colleagues. Plots of the master - birch groves, moon nights, clouds after rain, solar sunsets - hit and amazed with their realism and give a peace.

Childhood and youth

The future artist was born 27 (15 old style) in Mariupol. Known 3 holiday options. After death in the archive, Quinji found three passports, in which - 1841, 1842 and 1843. His father Ivan Khristoforovich - Greek by origin, the shoemaker by profession - all the name was Emenji (from Turkish - "labor man"). But the grandfather of Jewelira magicia Kindji - "Golden Affairs Master". Hence the surname of the artist. There is no information about the mother.

Portrait of a coinji archup

The boy is early orphaned and brought up in the family of aunt, then the uncle in the father's line. He worked a lot: Pace Gusey, collected Kizyak. Being still baby, Yaros defended animals from hooligans and helped those who weaker.

He studied the archup first at the Milnographed Greek Teacher. Having studied Greek grammar entered the city school. Science did not attract a student, but he gladly drew. As a minor, the future landscapeist approached everything: fence, wall, scrappy paper.

At 11, Quinji went to work on the construction of the church: led by bricks, and in his spare time the walls of the room in which he lived. After that, she worked at the bakery. Drew the boy all the time, and he was advised to go to the disciples to Ivan Aivazovsky.

Archka Quinji

Archka went on foot to Feodosiya, where he lived an eminent marine. Ivan Konstantinovich, not seeing talent, he did not teach a child, but did not drive. I highlighted him a place under the roof and instructed to paint the fence and the thrill of paint for this. Engaged with an archite relative Aivazovsky Adolf Faisisler. After a couple of months, Queenji returned to Mariupol and began working the retoucher at the local photographer. Then Quinji went to St. Petersburg to enter the Academy of Arts.


For two years in a row, the artist tried to enter the Academy, and both times unsuccessfully. After the second defeat, Quinji wrote a picture of Tatar Saklya and presented it at the academic exhibition. He was given the title of a non-class artist, but, by refusing, the young man asked for a fulfillment of the Academy. So in 1868, he fell on the pap of students.

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At this time, Ilya Repin and Victor Vasnetsov are becoming closest friends of Iwanovich Archka. Under their influence, he wrote a few gloomy landscapes that were successful at exhibitions.

Since 1870, the artist often happens on the island of Valaam and writes several works devoted to him. The most famous - "Lake Lake" and "on the island of Valaam". The last highly appreciated Kramskaya. She acquired Pavel Tretyakov for his gallery.

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In 1873, Queenji participates in the exhibition of the Society for the Promotion of Artists. He presented the painting "Snow" to the discerning public, for which a bronze medal received a bronze medal in London in London.

In 1875, Queenji accepted in the heads. He wrote and put the Liberty "Ukrainian night" on the next supernice. The audience was enthusiastic as if the living light of the Moon, which on the background of a dark night covered Ukrainian huts.

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From this work began the "romantic period" in the work of the landscapeist. At this time, the master is in an active creative search. An innovation in Russian art becomes the use of bright color by introducing additional colors.

In 1876, the master spread with the ideas of mobile phone. He realized that it was more important for him to dismiss life, but to rejoice at her. And in 1879 finally left the partnership. In the same year, the artist submitted to the public to the trilogy: "North", "Birch Grove", "after the rain". The infressionist effect is clearly noticeable here, although the author does not use typical receptions for this direction.

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In 1880, the painter arranged an exhibition of one picture. The "Moonful Night on the shore of the Dnieper" was focused on the attention of the public. In a dark room, where neither a single ray of light penetrated, only the work was lit by an electric lantern. In such an entourage, it seemed that the moon would really glow. Visitors looked at the canvas to make sure there is no light source there.

The work became desirable for many connoisseurs of painting, bought her Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich. Working on the picture, the artist experimented with paints, used bitumen. It turned out that from the effects of air and light he darkens. And the "Moonl Night on the shore of the Dnieper" eventually changed the color, but it did not affect her sense. It has already appeared the first deposit deposits in the landscape.

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In June 1882, Queenji arranged an exhibition of two works: "Birch grove" and "Moonlight Night on the Dnieper", and then for the whole 20 years he became a rejection. He still wrote a lot, but stopped showing his works.

In 1888, the artist together with Nikolai Yaroshenko went to the Caucasus. There they saw the rarest phenomenon - the reflection of their own enlarged figures on a brightly colored cloud. Following the trip, beautiful mountain landscapes were born.

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In 1901, the painter decided to show his disciples and a limited circle of viewers a number of new works. Among them was the canvas "Christ in the Gefsema Garden". It struck present. This is what art historian Vladimir Petrov wrote about the picture:

"The plot, which has repeatedly attracted his comrades-Movies, Kindji interpreted according to his experiences of the cosmic meaning of Genesis, respectively, the figure illuminated by the lunar radiance of Christ really believes in his picture" light from light "and captured in a sharp contrast with the surrounding darkness, with which the approaches to Christ merge carriers evil. "
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The work is kept in the Vorontsov Palace-Museum in Alupka.

In the period from 1900 to 1905, the master writes the picture "Rainbow". Today it is part of the meeting of the State Russian Museum. There is a similar, but smaller work stored in the Chuvash Museum.

Personal life

At 17, the young man fell in love for the first time and forever. The whaleter became the young faith Kethergi-Shapovalov. Young people met in the house of the father of the girl - a wealthy merchant. Noting the feelings of her daughter, he once asked if she was married to Bosyaka. What received a categorical answer:

"If not for the archhar, then only to the monastery."
Archka Queenji and his wife Vera Keterciang-Shapovalova

Ketherji set the condition: one hundred gold coins for father's blessing. A young artist to earn such money, I had to go to St. Petersburg. And faith remained waiting. And waited. The archup has earned the required amount. But the father changed the conditions and demanded more money. Quinji left again in St. Petersburg. He lived the injignment and worked a lot.

In 1875, young people got married. After the wedding, the new husband wrote a portrait of a spouse. In the wedding trip went to the island of Valaam. During the trip, a strong storm was played. The spouses were saved and decided: once God retained them their lives, you need to send them to good deeds.

Archka Quinji

After the wedding, Queenji wrote one picture after another. Works were bought. Unlike many geniuses, he was recognized and loved during his lifetime. But the spouses led a modest life, while helping young artists. Sent money to the poor. Bought 3 houses in St. Petersburg in which friends lived for free. Wife supported her husband in affairs. Not requiring diamonds and luxurious dresses, herself prepared and cleaned the house. Being a talented pianist, I did not consider the necessary hands to "take care".

The spouse survived the beloved for 10 years. There were no children from the pair.


In 1907, the health of the artist began to worsen. At first he noticed a strong breath. And in the spring of 1909, returned from the Crimea, spent more than a week between life and death. Doctors made X-rays and found a strong extension of the heart and aorta. Illness The artist launched thoroughly. The attack was stopped, and the painter was able to recover, but not finally.

Archka Queenji on mortal odds

The next spring, during a trip to the Crimea, Queenji stopped at the hotel, where he climbed his illness. He was diagnosed with lung inflammation. The artist was 68 years old. At such age, the disease is especially cunning, and in combination with heart sick, almost incurable. Myocarditis gradually killed genius.

Doctors prescribed full peace, no meetings and conversations. Vera Leontievna stayed at this time in St. Petersburg. Concerned about the absence of Westa, went to Yalta. At that time, Ivanovich's archite became better. She returned to the northern capital, where the artist should have been transported. But this did not happen. She arrived in Yalta for the second time and herself organized a move. Doctors advised to be treated in the Caucasus, but the master preferred to the resort Sestroretsk. However, he failed to get there.

Monument to the archite Quinji

In St. Petersburg, the state of the Ivanovich archharch worsened so much that it became clear - his days were considered. Two months passed in the torment. The artist understood that death was already near. He wanted to see friends. At this time, the disciples of Roerich, Zarubin, Flylov often came to him. Friends also did not leave him.

Dr. Alexander Gavrilovich Gurwich recorded some conversations with the artist in his diary in the last weeks of his life. In particular, he conducted a parallel between artists and doctors, arguing:

"The artist is the one who knows how to catch and recreate the inner, one - that life and the meaning of life, which, as if scattered in the parties, are fragmented in them ... why do not do doctors doing it? And they should be able. "
The grave of the archup of the Quinji

Many philosophical conversations led a talented artist in the last days of life. He concerned the themes of art, religion and human morality. Being a kinded man with a broad soul, he left painfully difficult.

Early in the morning of July 11, 1910, Ivanovich Archka did not become. The coffin with the body was put at the Academy of Arts, and from there to the cemetery, he was carried on the hands of students. The procession was joined by the beggars, which the artist was helped. The grave of the "Artist of Light" - at the Tikhvin cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Lavra. The architect Shusov, the sculptor Beklemishev, the artist Nikolai Roerich, Mosatist Frolov, was put to her design.


  • 1869 - "Isaac's Cathedral under the Moon"
  • 1871 - "Lake Ladoga"
  • 1873 - "On the island of Valaam"
  • 1875 - "Burian"
  • 1875 - "Autumn. Cloudy day over the steppe"
  • 1876 ​​- "Ukrainian night"
  • 1878 - "Evening in Ukraine"
  • 1878 - "Sunset of the Sun in Leu"
  • 1889 - "Birch Grove"
  • 1880 - "Moonlight Night on Dnieper"
  • 1887 - "Crimea. Sea Coast"
  • 1900 - "Sunset in the steppes"
  • 1905 - "In Crimea"
  • 1908 - "Flower Garden. Caucasus"

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