Mikhail Vinogradov - biography, photos, criminologistics, personal life, the cause of death, died, "battle of psychics" 2021



Mikhail Vinogradov gained wide fame after the appearance of NTV and TNT channels in telecasts. Few speators knew that he was a specialist in the field of forensic and psychiatry. Mikhail Vinogradov was a researcher, by the shoulders of which 150 scientific works. He made a significant contribution to the development of forensic in Russia.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Yuryevich Vinogradov was a Muscovite. He was born in 1938 in the House of Santa. The boy was intelligent and was interested in journalism. In high school, he was listed by the freelance correspondent of the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper.

On a young author's account was a report about the first flight of a person in space, who earned the chearam of the editor-in-chief, and an interview with Raul Castro, awarded an unprecedented fee. Already then an inquisitive young man collaborated with operatives investigating criminal proceedings.

Vinogradov studied at the First Moscow Medical Institute and planned to associate life with surgery. By coincidence, Mikhail Yuryevich turned out to be a student of the Department of Psychology. He studied various directions of this science with great zeal, paying special attention to hypnosis.

Mikhail Vinogradov in youth

In the university there was an acquaintance with Rosa Kuleshova and Juna Davitashvili. Mikhail Vinogradov was engaged in theoretical and practical study of hypersensitivity in humans. He appreciated the psychics as a way to benefit society.

The man graduated from graduate school and the ordinacy, carried away by the study of the paranormal abilities of man. After receiving a diploma, he worked at the Institute of Forensic Psychiatry, at the Military Institute and became a doctor of science, conducting a study of the deformation of the psyche of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The scientist was interested in human behavior in extreme situations, psychological portrait and the formation of a psychological portrait of the criminal.

Psychiatry and forensic science

Professional successes in the study of the psychophysical reaction determined the direction of the criminalist. He was invited to projects associated with military psychology. Vinogradov proposed to use techniques used in American psychiatric studies. Thanks to him, a polygraph appeared in Russia.

The biography of the scientist is associated with psychic from the beginning of professional activities. He analyzed the possibility of using the gift of clairvoyance for military purposes. Mikhail Vinogradow belongs to the Emergency Creation Initiative for Emergency Disasters and Disaster. In 1999, this brigade became the prototype of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The professor was in close cooperation with people who had supernatural abilities, and himself participated in the works held after the earthquakes in Spetak and Iran, the catastrophe in Chernobyl. The psychiatrist was in the hot spots of the planet, providing psychological and medical care to victims and rescuers.

In 2000, Mikhail Vinogradov began to study the psychological description of criminals, as well as analysis of the maniac behavior algorithm in the ratio with the peculiarities of their actions. The specialist was invited to cooperate with the Public Chamber under the President of the Russian Federation. He advised the Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation and the Public Council of the FSB.

For a long time, Mikhail Yuryevich participated in the selection of employees for the special services and performed a specialist in the field of military psychiatric examination of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Vinogradov was a psychological portrait of candidates, predicted to the prospect of changes in the psyche and the nature of people after years of work in the state structure. For the special services, he developed techniques that determine the approaches to recruitment and interaction with personalities of any psychotype.

In 2009, Mikhail Vinogradov organized a non-profit partnership of the League of Psychics of Russia. The specialist collaborated with those whose abilities did not cause him doubt. Gifted people helped in the search of victims of natural disasters and extreme situations, filmed shock and delivered victims from possible psychological injury. A person who has proven the existence of supernatural possibilities through testing can be joined in the organization.


Mikhail Yuryevich Vinogradov often became a guest of the television show. In the eyes of the viewers of the Transmission of the "Independent Investigation" of the NTV channel, he made up a portrait of Barnaul Manyak, which helped the investigation and accelerated the capture of the criminal.

Mikhail Vinogradov played the leading expert of the project "Battle of psychics", analyzing the actions of the transmission participants and the intercourse work. The television program caused a rapid discussion among skeptics and those who believe in the existence of paranormal abilities.

The opinion of the expert often became decisive. According to the test results, he gave an objective assessment to applicants for participation in the show finals.

The image of Vinogradov caused confidence in the audience, but gradually the specialist ceased to appear on the ether. It rooted rumors that the "battle of psychics" is a staged project. In fact, the tight schedule of the researcher did not allow shooting a large amount of time, so he participated only in extremely complex and intricate tests.

Mikhail Vinogradov - biography, photos, criminologistics, personal life, the cause of death, died,

By 2018, Mikhail Vinogradov became the author of a large number of research work. On his account 5 monographs published in Russia, Europe and America. Some of the Books of the Criminalist are still marked by a vulture "Secret".

The owner of numerous professional awards, Vinogradov was marked by the honorary sign "The inventor of the USSR" and was mentioned among the scientific figures of Russia with loud achievements in profile areas. He led the activities in his own assistance center for victims.

The establishment interacts with individuals and law enforcement structures, participates in the search for maniacs and criminals. The organization examines the areas of psychiatric analysis and tests. Detailed information about it provides the official website.

Also, Professor performed as an expert in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper and the author of the RBC Daily publication. His opinion was voiced at the proceedings in the case of Khachaturian sisters. Vladimir Vinogradov collaborated with the Association "Democratic Legal Russia".

Personal life

As in his youth, Mikhail Vinogradov remained a passionate man. Professional activity was the main in the life of a scientist.

As a media person, Psychiatrist-criminalist intentionally concealed a personal life from the public. In an interview with journalists, he did not discuss issues relating to loved ones.


January 11, 2021 Mikhail Vinogradov died. The exact reason and circumstances of the death of psychiatrist were not voiced. It is known that the man died in Moscow after a long illness.

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