Galina Starovoitova - biography, photo, personal life, cause of death, son Platon Borschevsky, killed



Galina Starovoitova was one of the most fearless and uncompromising politicians of the "Democratic Wave" of the 90s. At that time, no news release did without mentioning her behalf. In 1998, the murder shook the Russians to the whole country, and the investigation of the case was delayed for many 17 years.

Childhood and youth

Galina Vasilyevna Starovoitova was born on May 17, 1946 in Chelyabinsk, in the hungry post-war time. The girl was large (4200 grams), which surprised by the doctors of the local hospital, especially given the fact that her mother Rimma was a fragile girl weighing 48 kg. The ancestors of Starovoyna in the male line were Belarusian peasants, and on the female - Yaitsky (Ural) Cossacks. In 1948, the family moved to Leningrad.

Galina Starovoitova

Already in childhood, Galya showed considerable perseverance and strength of the Spirit. In her biography there are many episodes showing a stubborn character: for example, once at the school class of history, the girl could publicly prove the instructions of the teacher, for which she had to pre-get a rare book in the city library and write a faithful quotation from there.

Galya firmly friendly with younger sister. Olga Starovoitova remained its faithful assistant for life. In the school years, Olya angry that the parents ended with her with her an example of Gali's excellent, but over time, grown girls stopped competing.

Galina Starovoitova and her sister Olga

Father of the Future Politics of Vasily Stepanovich Starovytov worked all his life as a designer and was in confidence that the engineer's profession is the only worthwhile and prestigious occupation. Guided by these considerations, he persuaded Galo after school to submit documents to the Leningrad Military Mechanical Institute. The profession was little interested in the girl, but, calling for the help of the power of will, she studied there for 2 years. Having handed over a complex exam on the routine, she realized that she was tired of being unpleasant for themselves, and translated into LHA ​​named A. A. Zhdanov.

Galina Starovoitova in youth and mature age

The choice fell on the recently discovered psychological department. The competition was crazy, among the applicants awards the excitement was not less than among those entering the theater school, but Galina with brilliance passed the exams and received the desired place. Soon because of the marriage and the birth of the child, she had to go to the correspondence department. Despite the fact that the newborn son demanded a lot of time and strength, Starovoitova graduated from studying for 1.5 years before the deadline and entered the graduate school.

For the dissertation, Galina chose not a psychological, and the ethnographic theme - then it was very interested in the life of the peoples of the Caucasus.

In his youth, she visited Nagorno-Karabakh and Abkhazia, where he studied the phenomenon of longevity. Galina managed to have many friends and when the unrest began there, he was very worried about them. She wrote a sincere letter to the writer Zoria Balanian and the poetess Silva Kaputicyan, in which he expressed support for the Armenian people. They attributed it to the newspaper, after which Starovoitov became widely known in Armenia, and this glory later helped her in her career.

After this event, Galina Vasilyevna became interested in politics, especially the theme of the self-determination of nationalities.

Politics and social activities

Galina received the first job at the Red Zarya enterprise, and then switched to civil service. In 1989, she moved to the capital, and a year later he was elected to the post of deputy RSFSR from Leningrad. When the Institute of Economic Problem Problems was created in Moscow - a non-profit organization that studied applied policies, Starovoitov headed the laboratory of ethnopolitical problems.

Galina Starovoitova

In 1991, Galina became an adviser to the president on national issues. A year later, she was unexpectedly freed from office, but during her stay in this post in Russia did not have a single conflict on national soil than she was very proud of.

In 1995, Galina Vasilyevna was among the deputies of the State Duma. A year later, the initiative group of voters nominated it as president of the country. It was the first case in Russia when a woman claimed this place.

Starovoitova quickly gained 1 million signatures necessary for registration, but the Centralism rejected the candidacy: her supporters printed subscription forms in the press and called on readers to send them to the headquarters, but in the pre-election committee, they refused to accept subscription sheets cut from newspapers.

However, Starovoitov did not have illusions as to actually become president. She planned only to create a precedent and pave the way to other politicians. After an unsuccessful attempt to election, Galina Vasilyevna was engaged in creating social institutions that were engaged in the rehabilitation of participants in military conflicts. Thanks to her, it was possible to return more than 200 Russian soldiers and officers from the Chechen captivity.

Galina Starovoitova and Mikhail Gorbachev

By 1998, Starovoitova was a prominent human rights activist and co-chairman of the Democratic Russia party.

By that time, she was widely known in the field of international policy, often had abroad at conferences and symposia, where she met prominent specialists in protecting human rights, including Waclav Gavel, Henry Kissinger and Lech Valenção.

Galina Vasilyevna herself confessed that she was difficult for her in politics. The resistance of the "aggressively obedient majority" blocked the adoption of important laws, and to incline the rest of the deputies in their direction, sometimes they needed simply titanic efforts.

Starovoitova was not only tough, but also very direct man. In 1991, a funny episode of her meeting with Margaret Thatcher was described in the press. The iron lady urgently needed a room for communication with Boris Yeltsin, and she asked him to Galina. Whether the notebooks were not included - she recorded the necessary information on leaves and wore in the bag.

Galina Starovoitova - biography, photo, personal life, cause of death, son Platon Borschevsky, killed 13540_6

The search for the right number took a lot of time. Feeling that Pause was dragged out, Starovoitov simply shook the entire contents of the handbag on the carpet and won the required note from the heap of personal belongings than shocked the British.

Personal life

Galina Starovoitova was married twice. The future of the first husband, the philosopher and sociologist Mikhail Borschevsky, she met for another 13-14 years. They both very much resembled each other in nature and hobbies. Married couple many later. From Borschevsky, Galina gave birth to a son, who called Plato in honor of the ancient Greek thinker.

Galina Starovoitova in youth

Galina's wedding took place on April 29, 1968 simultaneously with the marriage of Sister Olga, and their children were born with a difference of 4 days.

With the spouse they lived in peace and harmony, but with time Mikhail became difficult to withstand the tempo of the life of the wife-politics. In addition, he wanted to immigrate to England, and Galina was not going to throw his career at all, so after 21, the spouse was divorced after 21 years. An adult son decided to leave with his father.

Galina Starovoitova with first husband and son

Starovoitova was seriously worried about separation with the only child, but understood that the placo would have more opportunities abroad. In addition, her grandson Artem remained in Russia, which was a consolation for a loving grandmother.

After the divorce around a prominent lady, a lot of workers were formed. She did not want a personal life for a long time, but in 1996 surrendered. She conquered Andrei Volkov, Professor Institute of Radio Electronics and Informatics. Behind the shoulders of the new chosen one, there were already two unsuccessful marriage, but in Galina he found the very woman who was waiting for all his life.

Galina Starovoitova with grandson

The choice of Russian "Iron Lady" was not approved, but she answered the questioned that she was calm and cozy with Andrei. In 1998, they officially issued relations. After half a year, the couple wanted to be married (in the late years, Starovoitov came to religion and took her baptism at the 50th age), but it was not destined to come true with these plans.


On November 29, 1998, Galina Starovytov was killed at the entrance of his own house on the Embankment of the Griboedov Canal. The cause of death was two firearms. The investigation began immediately, but ended only in 2014.

The investigation found that members of the Tambov criminal group Oleg Fedos and Vitaly Akinshin became performers of the murder. The murder guns were a gun-machine gun Agram-2000 and a homemade gun based on Beretta Gardone.

Funeral Galina Starovaovaya

Before the attack of Fedosov, a female wig and a dress - Assistant Starovoitaya Ruslan Linkov, who became the main witness of the crime, said that he was distinguished in the dark figure in the ladies coat with long, to shoulders, hair. Linkov himself also received two severe injured in the spine and head, but remained alive.

The causes of killing were most likely ideological motives. The investigation took a lot of time to go to the customer. The organizer was recognized by Yuri Quchchch, who received 20 years in a strict regime colony. When investigating, he pointed to the involvement in this case Misha Khokhla - the former State Duma deputy from the LDPR Mikhail Glushchenko, who was part of the Tambov group, but in 2005 it was not possible to collect evidence against him.

The trial of Mikhail Glushchenko involved in the murder

Later, Glushchenko was also in prison, but in another case - he was sentenced to eight years of colony for extortion. In 2015, he expressed a desire to cooperate with the investigation and confessed to the involvement in the Killing Starova, and called the name of another partner - the criminal authority of Vladimir Barsukov (Kumarina). In 2016, he received 23 years in prison.

Plato Borschevsky in an interview said that he knew about a hectic setting in his homeland and suspected that the life of the mother in danger, but could not do anything. Before this Staroyarova had already faced face to face with danger: she was often threatened during work in the Caucasus and even twice took hostage.

Grave Galina Starovaovaya

In the last month before the death of Galina Vasilyevna, the son was afraid once again to turn on the radio or TV, so as not to hear the scary news.

"She was a sober man, simply did not want to do personal security, or rather, she despised it," explains Plato. - As a result, she was delivered. "

Starovoitov buried in the Nikolsky cemetery. On her grave, in addition to the standard granite monument with the photo, there is a monument in the colors of the Russian tricolor.

Monument to Galina Starovaovaya

In 2006, on the Day of the 60th anniversary of Galina, she was established a monument in his native St. Petersburg. A tetrahedral pillar with a bas-relief portrait of a woman-politics posted on Suvorovsky Avenue in the square called her name.


  • 1993 - Award of the Institute of Peace (Washington) for the contribution to the strengthening of the world
  • 1995 - Medal of the American Association of Emigrants for Combating Fascism
  • 2009 - the Order of the Cross of Vitis of the Third Degree (Commander Cross) posthumously

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