Chupacabra - character history, victims and evidence of existence


Character History

Character of urban legend, folk beastly creature. Attacks on domestic animals, kills and sucks blood. There is a lot of risks about the chupaker, the character appears in the fiction, cartoons, cinema and TV shows, but nothing is known to the science on the existence of chupacabrs. Until now, no evidence has appeared in favor of the fact that this monster is found in wildlife. So on the question, myth or truth of Chupacabra, you can answer that it is rather myth.

Chupacabra attacks the goat

But in the mass media, sometimes slippers the next material, where some eyewitnesses provide evidence that they saw the chupacabru. Evidence comes from different countries and regions, and this is not always a conscious lie. It happens that people take a patient or mutated animal behind the chupacabru, which looks strange (for example, a dog or coyote).

History of appearance

For the first time about Chupacabe, they started talking on Puerto Rico Island, where two official languages ​​are English and Spanish. There is an unknown beast and got a name. "Chupacabra" comes from the Spanish words "Cabra" - "Goat" and "ChuPar" - "suck". That is, Chupacabra is such a goat vampire.

In the 50s of the twentieth century, Puertorikans found some goat corpses. According to statements of eyewitnesses, some kind of blood from the bodies of animals. From this episode and takes the beginning of the myth about the existence of chupacabra - monsters, which sucks the blood of goats.

Chupacabra sucks the blood of animals

Wave "Chupacabromania", spreading from Puerto Rico Island, captured the countries of Latin America and the United States. There are reports that citizens allegedly seen how Chupacabra stabbed rabbits or even attacks people, began to come from Brazil, Mexico and Argentina.

In 2005, a strange hairless being reminding the dog began to attack the cattle of some farmer. The farmer took the creature behind the chupacabru and caught in the trap. When scientists explored the DNA of the "mythical" creature, it turned out that it was familiar to the science of Coyote, only the old and bald.

Character legend

In the 90s of the twentieth century, television and the Internet gave this legend to the second life. The image of the chupacabra is widely spreading in the masses.

In 1995, a fantastic horror film "SPECIAL" was released, where scientists crossed the DNA DNA from the Cosmos with the DNA of the Earth. The resulting creature ran out of the laboratory and arranged a bloody bath.

Chupacabra - character history, victims and evidence of existence 1354_3

The appearance of "individuals" in the mass consciousness thoroughly slept with the speculation about the chupacababe. On the Internet, the characteristic descriptions of this creature appeared - a humanoid spinning creature with a growing approximately meter, from whose side of the spikes stick out, and the skin covers light wool.

In the early 2000s, the submission of pigs once again changed. So-called eyewitnesses, answering the question of what kind of animal, was described mainly a kind of four, which resembles whether Coyote, or a dog, but with a muzzle of pigs and fangs. Later, people began to mix in the guise of chupacabrs heterogeneous animal features. In the "Photorobote" of the mythical beast there was a place for the features of the reptile, kangaroo and an insect.

Chupacabra - Fantasy artist

City legends argue that Chupacabra is a night predator and hunts in the dark. Since it was at night that animals disappeared more often in farmers, such a point of view quickly fixed. In some legends, it is argued that Chupacabra can fly. For flights, the beast serves a leather membrane, allegedly located between the front paws and a chest chupacabra.

Some specialists in the Sumerian mythology discovered the similarity of this character of urban folklore with the ancient Demon of Utukku. It was believed that these demons, attacking, apply victims of damage in the field of neck and chest, cause diseases. Like Chupacabra, the Sumerian demons do not differ in the intellect, but persistent in the desire to kill and bring the case to the end.

Ancient demon Utukku

Cinema, actively operating the topic of cosmic aliens and monsters, broke out of secret laboratories, also influenced the ideas about piggy. The view was widely spread that Chupacabra is a quick result of some government experiments or an alien creature. Perhaps something like a hunting dog aliens.

Some believe that Chupacabra is a descendant of a certain prehistoric animal. For example, a saber-to-kangaroo, whose remains found in the United States reminded people about Chupacababe.

Interesting Facts

Footprints of chupacabra are found in Russia. The "YouTube" is the mass of the rollers, where the witnesses allegedly filmed the chupacabru, growing in the vicinity of the villages of the Perm region or in the Lipetsk region. It seems that Chupacabra, the "settlement area" of which was initially limited to Puerto Rico Island, now lives everywhere!

Patient Corode The dog, which was accepted by the chupacabru

Some "specialists" according to piggings argue that the creature is dangerous only for small animals and chickens, others - that she eats people. A certain resident of Vinnitsa region argued that Chupacabra attacked him when he drove on a bike past the cemetery. The fellow villagers who have witnessed the incident, allegedly identified in the aggressive beogram of Chupacabru.

In another urban legend, it tells how Chupacabra bit the girl, as reported on the news program "X-version" on the TV-3 channel.

Initially it was assumed that shepherd was eating blood. But over time, the diet of the mythical monster has expanded, and he began to eat caught and killed animals, mostly small homework. It goes, however, stories about how Chupakabra bit off a woman two fingers.

Victims of chupacabry

Several times in different areas of Ukraine, a large raccoon dog was taken for Chupacabru. In the Poltava region, a certain hunter shot an animal who had not seen before. Having consisted with colleagues who also did not recognize the beast, a man decided that it could be the legendary Chupacabra. It was pushed into such a conclusion, the ugly appearance of the beast - folded skin, mane throughout the body and tiger color.

The body was taken to the Poltava Agricultural Academy, where it quickly turned out that it belongs to a field raccoon dog, and the mythical chupacab rubbber here is completely nothing. Scientists unequivocally respond to ordinary questions, there is a chupacabra in nature or not: no evidence is found.

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