Maria Solmin - biography, photos, movies, personal life, news 2021



Maria Solkin, once spectacularly started an acting career, quickly disappeared from the film screens, choosing another fate - wives and mother of the starry actor. Shooting and fame The woman without regret put on the altar of love of life, although this path was not easy.

Childhood and youth

Maria Solkin, in Maiden Leonidov, did not have time to stay on the screen for a long time to become an object of increased attention of journalists and biographers. Therefore, about the childhood and youth actresses to the meeting with Vitaly Solomin know a little.

Maria Solven in youth

Maria Antoninovna Leonidov was born on March 2, 1949. After graduation, the girl studied in Leningrad, in LVHPU. Mukhina, however, finished education already at the Moscow Textile Institute to be closer to her husband.


About the acting profession, Maria did not think about the shooting of his first film, "City Romance", came by chance. The girl, then another student "Mukhinki", walked around the city, and the assistant of Todorovsky suddenly stumbled upon it. Since the director was looking for an actress, similar to the heroine of the film, Mary, fragile and childish, the Miloid - this feature is visible in the photo of Masha in his youth, invited to the samples and immediately approved.

Maria Solmin in the picture

The role was opened by the girl the road to the world of cinema - the film, who came out in 1971, had a huge success, and the actress, accurately hitting the image, was loved by the audience. The next picture, "clouds", came out in 1973 and was taken much calmer.

Maria Solmin in the film

After that, there was a frankly unsuccessful "jump from the roof", shot in 1977. There Masha was filmed together with her husband Vitaly Solomin, and both impressions from the shooting process remained mediocre.

The picture "Two in the new house" was more successful at the box office, but put the cross on the career of the actress. The partner was Alexander Abdulov, one of the most popular actors in the women of the USSR, which caused the jealousy of the spouse. After that, the actor categorically forbade his wife to be filmed in films without him.

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Since Maria, by that time, not only the wife, but also the mother, did not strive to the screen, after that in her filmography there were only two significant roles. In 1979, the actress played helen twins and Julia Stonener in the first episode of the Soviet series about Sherlock Holmes. Both the film, and the role was delighted with the audience, but in 1981, Maria appeared on the screen last time - played stassion in the adaptation of the popular Operette "Silva".

Maria Solmin in the film

After that, Maria Antoninovna committed himself with acting skills and devoted himself to the family.

Personal life

With Vitaly Solomin, subsequently became her husband, Masha met on the samples of the "city romance". He was already approved on the main role, but a conflict arose between Peter Todorovsky and the future "Dr. Watson": both too liked a beginner actress too much.

The director to eliminate the competitor, removed the Solkin with the role and invited Evgenia Kindinov instead of him. Mary's most likely liked Todorovsky, the girl was fascinated by the director, although their relationship did not mean the transition of the Platonic framework.

Maria and Vitaly Solomina

However, Solomin was not going to give up and, taking off between the filming, came to Odessa, trying to conquer the girl. She fell in love immediately, but Vitaly knew how to care, and Masha was very young and inexperienced in relations. Probably, this is exactly what attracted the actor, whom he deeply hurt the treason of the first wife.

After the filming of filming, the girl returned to Leningrad, and they with Solomin continued to meet with cramps - the actor was constantly engaged in the shooting, and he was infrequently able to get to the beloved. The proposal was already done, Masha gave consent, but the wedding was constantly postponed due to the tense schedule of Vitaly.

Actress Maria Solman

And once, on October 28, 1970, when a girl had to go to study, Solomin volunteered to spend her and asked for the way to go to the registry office - allegedly submit a statement. But I did not have to wait, they were written on the same day - it turned out that Vitaly agreed on such a quick registration in advance, referring to the need to urgently loss at the tour. However, the whole year, young people lived in fact separately: Solomin in Moscow at work, Masha - in Leningrad, due to study.

When the girl was still translated into Moscow, the first time spouses lived in Vitaly's room in a hostel. Solomin was at first afraid that the young wife was afraid of "dormitory life", but Maria unexpectedly came to delight from the situation and bohemian life.

Maria Solmin and husband and children

Having finished the institute, the girl went to work in the mod magazine. Maria really did not think about the stage career, Vitaly immediately said that acting from his wife would not be patient. The family had a clear patriarchal separation of duties: the spouse is the head of the family and the minider, Masha - the hostess of the house and mother.

Vitaly turned out to be extremely jealous husband and attached maximum efforts to prevent the slightest chance of granting Mary. That is why the actor and set the condition that the wife, if he could occasionally take off, then only with him - Solomin wanted to fully control the personal life of Masha.

Maria Solkin with family

Actor, meanwhile, "to go to the left" allowed. During the marriage, he had two serious novels, and both times caused Mary Solomina enormous suffering. In the early 1980s, Vitaly almost left the family - the marriage saved only the fact that the woman became pregnant for the second time.

However, despite the complex and most rigid character of Vitaly, to call the actor with a home tyrant was difficult. The man loved his wife and especially his daughters, highly appreciated the very concept of family and at home, did not forget about holidays and memorable dates. On the anniversary of the wedding, Mary in the morning was sure to wait a bouquet of flowers - Solomina did not need to remind about it. Funny, but with all the traditional of views, the holiday of March 8, the actor did not recognize it, considering it humiliating for women.

Maria Solmin with daughters

In marriage, Solomini born two children: in 1973 Anastasia appeared, and after 11 years, in 1983 - the second daughter of Lisa.

The death of her husband in 2002 was a heavy blow to Mary Antoninovna. The daughter of Elizabeth admitted in an interview that Mom was depressed, almost did not eat and constantly cried. Larisa Udovichenko helped to dig a solomina: to take a girlfriend, she suggested help with the apartment design. Creative work distracted a woman from difficult experiences and helped to put up with a loss.

Maria Solman now

For many years, Maria was interested in people only as a spouse Solkin, and after the death of the actor, the interest of journalists to her biography came to no.

Maria Solven at the opening of a memorial plaque

The latter appearance of a woman in public took place in 2012 at the opening of the memorial plaque Vitaly Solomine. What makes Maria Antoninovna now, the press is unknown.


  • 1971 - "City Romance"
  • 1973 - "Clouds"
  • 1977 - "Jump from the roof"
  • 1978 - "Two in a new house"
  • 1979 - "Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: acquaintance"
  • 1981 - "Ordinary circumstances"
  • 1981 - "Silva"

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