Truffaldino - character biography, duets, film simulations, actors


Character History

Art historians have repeatedly and in the colors described the conflict of Carlo Gozzi and Carlo Goldoni, two Italian playwrights, chambers of classical and new views on drama. The first was famous for a classic look and fairy tales called Fianaba, and the second is a tendency to revolutionary methods.

Carlo Gotzzi and Carlo Goldoni

From under the feather Gotsci came out 10 works. Their main characters were inherent in the Italian Comedy del Arte Masks - Dzanni. Fairy tales were distinguished by grotesque, buffonade and fantastic component. Prone to the challenge of the comedy del Arte, the author preferent with the traditional heroes of this genre, to which Truffaldino belongs. The same hero became a member of the events described by Goldeni, a supporter of a European look at dramatic.

History of creation

Each mask of the literary direction comedy del Arte is unique. Each image defined by it corresponds to a specific outfit. According to the fact that the actors were put on, the audience in the theater understood who appears before them on stage. The comic image of Truffaldino complemented the patchwork suit and a hat, decorated with a harepiece. He personified Personaggio da Farriedere - a character provoking laughter.


A bright representative of the Italian comedy - servant by the family of classes. He is foolish and nervous, practical and landed. His replicas are often interrupting monologues of lyrical heroes, removing the veil of idealism and romance. Truffaldino depicts a rough character.

In the fairy tales, Gotzi, he appears before the public in different roles. Fiaba "Dzeim, Tsar of Jinn" describes a compassionous supervisor, naive and simple person, prone to sympathy.

In the "blue monster" duo Smeraldina and Trofaldino - a couple in love. The character leaves the beloved under the action of magic and falls in love with the spouse of the king. In the Green Bird He is a bad servant and a hypocrite, who has driven Smeraldine from the house of adoptive children.

The image of Truffaldino is a parody on the pathetic characters of the dram and tragedies.


Comedy Del Arte was distinguished by the presence of space for acting improvisation. Contrary to the clear plot, prescribed in the fiabs, which happened on the stage varied depending on the situation and the reaction of the public. Comedy sketches were famous for the adaptation of the usual plots with the condition of the relevance of the time, occurring events and censorship.

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Theatrical performances had a clear scenario, but the details and in particular remained unknown to the viewer, thanks to which the production was popular. The performances were made up with tricks, focus and pantomime.

Goldoni sought to create a work with fixed text, whose fixation would not make a work boring. Stripping from the attractive features of the comedy of masks, he decided on a revolution in drama and wrote a play called "servant of two gentlemen." All Dzanni used in it retained their roles, but improvisation retreated to the background.

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The action of the play occurs in Venice of the 18th century. Truffaldino's position from Bergamo - servant Federico Celli. His owner is disguised by Beatrice, which in the male appearance is looking for his beloved Florindo Aretusi. She falls into the house of the merchant Pantalon, where everyone is sure that the sample died.

In parallel, with participation in these events, Truffaldino turns out to be involved in another story, because he has time to go to another Mr. At the same time serving two points, the hero is counting on a double remuneration. The action is accompanied by various peripetias, during which it turns out that Florindo became the second Mr. Truffaldino, who escaped after the accusation of a duel with a colors.

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Beatrice is preparing for a wedding with Pantalon, as he was saushed by his brother, but feelings intervene in the course of events, and a confusing love polygon adds new actors to the plot. The final becomes a prosperous resolution of the situation. Beatrice is reunited with the beloved, the households of the family of Pantalon are gaining happiness, and Truffaldino marries the servant of the merchant.


Soviet spectators closely met with the work of Goldeni and the character named Trofaldino in 1976, after entering the screens of Truffaldino from Bergamo. In the career of the director Vladimir Vorobyva, the film became a great achievement. The success of the tape did not repeat the following project director.

Konstantin Rykin in the role of Truffaldino

The musical, in which the artists of the theater of the musical comedy are involved, starred in the pavilions, and athighted scenes were drawn in the Leningrad region. The film was created in the tradition of television performance inherent to the Soviet cinema.

The audience, who had already had the opportunity to appreciate the screening as a record of the play "servant of two gentlemen" in 1953, took a film with great enthusiasm. The main character in it differs from the authentic image of Trofaldino. He is dreaming and romantic, although he let go jokes and does not lose commiss.

The picture brought fame to the novice actor Konstantin Raykin, who fulfilled the main role. Colleagues on the site did not perceive the artist, believing that his talent is limited to the name of the famous father, but Rykin proved the opposite. It is curious that the directions did not immediately stop at his candidacy. Oleg Dal, Boris Smallkin and Alexander Demyanenko claimed the role. Duet Beatrice and Trofaldino was a curious line that film critics noted.

Interesting Facts

  • In Comedy Del Arte, choosing a mask, the actor could not change the role. Throughout the artistic career, he performed the same role. In one-time cases, the Contractor managed to change the image and succeed and recognition.
  • Antonio Sakki, the leader of the comedy troupe, was considered the most famous embodiment of the image of Truffaldino. His role in productions based on comedy del Arte was improvisational, which made the performer famous, because he demonstrated an unsurpassed talent.
Portrait of actor Antonio Sakki in Truffaldino costume
  • Outside the screen and theatrical panels, Truffaldino, as a character inspired both musical spheres. Libretto to Opera Sergey Prokofiev "Love for Three Oranges" voiced familiar leitmotifs of the work of the Italian comedian Carlo Gotszi.
  • Aphorism "servant of the two gentlemen" is often mentioned when the characteristics of the persons who want to please everyone and gain their own benefit from the current situation. This fact was used by multipliers interested in political situation. Specialists have created a project called "Truffaldino-Lukashenko", describing the relationship between the President of Belarus with Europe and Russia.

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