Pewdiepie (Pyudipay) - biography, video blog, photo, news 2021



Pewdiepie (Pjadyptay) - video unit, who brought the popular channel on YouTube. Gamer receives income using Internet technologies. In 2014, according to the British publication "Guardian", the incidence of the creative author of the rollers reached $ 7.4 million.

Childhood and youth

The real name of the blogger hiding under Nickname Pewdiepie, - Felix Arvid Ulf Chelberg. He was born on October 24, 1989 in Sweden. The boy's mother had a relation to modern technologies, as she worked as an IT director at Kappahl. In the Chelberg family, two children: Felix has a sister named Fanny.

Pewdiepie (Pyudipay)

In childhood, the boy showed a tendency to work, and the teachers in kindergarten propted him the future of the artist. Felix often painted characters of favorite video games, which literally dreamly. He often sick in his childhood and, staying at home, received permission from his mother to hold time for the gaming console.

It did not affect the performance of Felix. Chelberg studied at the Gothenburg Higher School and demonstrated progress before adolescence. At this turning point, he threw studies and drawing, ceased to be interested in what was happening in the family, and pulled away from friends.

Pewdiepie in childhood

There were no changes in the life of the young man until he took everything in his hands. First of all, he was engaged in education. After some time, the schoolboy received the highest score in physics among 200 students. This affected the decision to enter the Technical University of Chalmers. Success inspired Felix and prompted back to classes by creativity. He embodied the projects with the help of "Photoshop". The plans quickly collapsed when in 2001 the student became fascinated by video blocking and started the canal on YouTube.

Bogging and creativity

Writing classes played an important role in the biography of a talented young man. Once Felix was offered to expose work in the art gallery. He agreed and spent the fee for the purchase of a computer. With the help of new equipment and a simple webcam, the first gaming videos appeared that the guy laid out on Youtube. In 2010, he invented the pseudonym Pewdiepie and began to shoot small videos. The first of them became "Minecraft Multiplayer Fun".

Blogger Pewdiepie.

The interest of users attracts the format of the channel, which he promotes. A young man in broadcasts video game. At first he commented on the process behind the scenes, and then began to shoot himself at the time of action. Horror and Action projects attracted the blogger more others, so he specialized in the AMNESIA format demonstrations.

Now Gamer recalls that he was not confident when he started his career, but quickly emerged fans supported him comments, and he began to carry out productive activities. The channel was actively developed and by 2012 combined 2 million Follovover. In the same year, Pewdiepie became a member of the King of The Web contest. You managed to win in it with the 2nd attempt. He won the title "King of the Network" several times in a row. The 2nd reward in the financial equivalent he listed into the World Wildlife Foundation.

In the same time, the Felix channel received from OpenSlate the status of the 1st among all channels on YouTube. In 2013, the number of subscribers Pewdiepie increased to 6 million. In the same year, Felix rollers received prizes in the "Most Popular Social Show" and "Swedish Social Star Award" nominations.

The blogger canal was called the fastest growing, and by August 2013 he became the leader among the founders of this direction. This achievement of a young man was noted by the Guinness Records in the book. In 2014, 29 million Folloviers were observed for the activities of Pewdiepie. The largest number of views scored the video "A FUNNY MONTAGE".

Pewdiepie with beard

Pewdiepie collaborates with the developers of the style of indie, which attracts the attention of new fans to the channel. Since 2011, in his account, Felix talks about traveling, calling "Friday with Pewdiepie". Blogger actively interacts with other representatives of the profile niche, periodically appearing in the frame with popular personalities. He participates in a webline, including the project "Epic Rap Battles of History". The artist became the judge in the Internet icon program.

The positive attitude of Felix attracts Follovover, and the young man tries to be realized in any field. Therefore, in 2015, the light saw the book "Pewdiepie's This Book Loves You". In it, the blogger gives supporting tips. The collection of aphorisms and jokes turned out to be in demand among the public.

Pewdiepie and his book

In 2016, Pewdiepie, together with the Outerminds studio, released the video game "Pewdiepie: Legend of the Brofist" for smartphones and gadgets. She instantly headed the ratings of the most popular applications for download in several countries. By 2018, Felix Account collected 60 million subscribers. Folloviers blogger calls "BRO". He gladly goes to contact with subscribers and heat spokes about fans.

Fame and recognition do not bring a geimer of pleasure. He was accustomed to a modest lifestyle, although in 2015 he got into the list of "30 most influential people on the Internet".

Personal life

Despite the stereotypical idea of ​​bloggers and gamers, Felix is ​​a versatile personality. He has a lot of hobbies and hobbies, including golf, tennis, travel and acting skills. Pewdiepie is happy in a personal life. With his girlfriend, Bizonin, he met on the Internet. She also had a personal account on "YouTube", which blogger led under the pseudonym Marzia. Marcy talked about cosmetics and ladies' secrets, having a great audience.

Pewdiepie and Marcy Bizonine

The girl lived in Italy, which was the difficulty in developing relationships between lovers. First, Felix had to move to the home of the elect, but later they moved together to the British city of Brighton. In the spring of 2018, Pewdiepie suggested marching his wife.

The blogger has a personal account in "Instagram", where he publishes personal photos and communicates with fans.

Pewdiepie 180 cm growth, weight 75 kg.

Pewdiepie now

Today, Gamer continues to shoot videos for YouTube, being the founder of bloggers. It demonstrates the games and makes the Merch video on a variety of equipment.

Pewdiepie in 2018

Felix is ​​engaged in charity, participating in the projects of the World Wildlife Fund and helping children's hospitals. Among the initiatives promoted by him are promotion in support of poor countries. A campaign organized to help States experiencing a lack of drinking water collected $ 450 thousand PewDiePie attracts subscribers to numerous charitable projects whose results comments on the channel.

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