Vladimir Ionesian - biography, photo, murder, personal life, cause of death



Vladimir Ionesian was not the first serial killer in the USSR - to him in the country, at least Vasily Komarov and Vladimir Vinnichevsky were played in the country, but there were no such crimes to the Mosgaz affair. After the capture and execution, the maniac has passed more than half a century, but the Psychiatrists are criminalists still break their heads over the true motives of Jioneean.

Childhood and youth

Vladimir Mikhailovich Jionesyan was born in Tbilisi on August 27, 1937, but by nationality was not a Georgian, but Armenian. The boy was very musher and sang perfectly. Injuries and cruelty in the personal life of Jioneane, according to the available data, was not.

Vladimir Jionesian in youth

There is no accurate information about his criminal "service list" to a series of murders. There is information that for the first time Vladimir was convicted after school for the minor theft, in 1954, and for the second time he fell into the field of vision of the police in 1959 as a deconstant.

According to the testimony of the killer itself during interrogation, everything was somewhat different, and the conviction of 1954 the killer did not mention. According to him, after the end of the music school of Jionesian for a good study, it was credited without exams in the Tbilisi Conservatory. There he did not adopt and two courses - left in 1959 because of some kind of "nervous disease" and entered the service in the theater. In addition, the young man called on the army and sent to the hospital to the hospital.

Vladimir Ionesian

Doctors issued a certificate of unsuitability for military service, but an employee of the draft board maliciously destroyed a certificate, after which Vladimir was planted for evading the army. To serve the punishment of Jioneean in Gori, to the camp of the lightweight type, where the young man was a cultant and for approximate behavior had the right to leave the city.

Once he, without preparing, instead of returning to the camp returned home. After that, the form of punishment was changed, and instead of serving the term in Camp, Vladimir was awarded the year of forced work. When Vladimir was released, he was again sent to a neurologist and based on the results of the survey, a certificate was given a reference that was allowed to get a "white ticket".

Personal life

Ionesian married the graduate of the Tbilisi Conservatory Copper, the son was born in marriage. It was not possible to find a good job to Vladimir, and to feed the family, he went to great theft, and with accomplices. He was again arrested, but they gave a suspended time, taking into account the age and the presence of a small child.

Medea, to prevent communication with the accomplices, persuaded Vladimir to move to Orenburg. There, Jionesian went to work with a soloist tenor to the Orenburg Theater of the Music Comedy.

Alevtina Dmitrieva

In 1963, in this theater, the young ballerina Alevtina Dmitriev was set up in this theater, and Vladimir, falling in love with the girl, decided to achieve her favor. However, Alevtina could not stand the trial period - she was refused in a permanent place due to insufficient professionalism. The girl was to leave Orenburg.

Then Vladimir offered Alevtine to leave him in Ivanovo - His friend on the name of Falikov worked there, before the director who held the director in the Orenburg Theater Operetta. The girl enthusiasm did not show - Jionesian was not too interested in the dancer, spoiled by male attention. To get alerthina, a man lied to her: he said that he was actually a Major KGB and with the help of connections will help Dmitrieva make a career in the Bolshoi Theater.

Alevtina Dmitrieva

The girl succumbed to persuasion, and Vladimir, throwing his wife and child, left with her in Ivanovo. They failed to get a job there, and lovers went to Moscow, where they removed housing in Marina Grove, on the 2nd Meshchanskaya street.

I also failed to find a job in the capital of Jionesian, but he had to secure himself and Alevtine, who was waiting for a beautiful life, although it was still continued to believe in an agent under the cover, which could not be attracted. Vladimir decided to return to theft. From this, the history of crimes of the serial killer named Mosgaz began.


On the first murder, Vladimir, he said, went for the sake of money.

In places of their crimes, Jionesian prudently chose areas of new buildings. At that time, the construction of Khrushchev five-story buildings was a boom, and such places in Moscow were enough. The calculation was true: first, in new homes, problems could occur with pipes, and no one was surprised by the prophylactic travers of public utilities. Secondly, in the courtyards and entrances, people almost did not know each other, and the unfamiliar man did not cause suspicion.

House number 4 on the Baltic Street in Moscow, where the first murder of Vladimir Johnaya occurred

On December 20, 1963, Vladimir came to the Baltic street, went to the house and walked on the floors, representing the employee of the Mosgaz. The man went to the apartment and made the view that he checks the plates. On one of the floors, the door was opened by Kostya Sobolev, a 12-year-old schoolboy. After making sure that the boy's boy is alone, Jonyan found a child safe opponent and hit the hollow in the ax several times. From the scene of the crime, a man took 60 rubles., Baby balls and a sweater of bones.

The following 2 killings were "touring". 5 days after the first crime of Jionesian, taking with him Alevtine, came to Ivanovo. There, on Kalinina Street, he killed Misha Kuleshov, another schoolchild, after which she drove a 74-year-old pensioner on October street. From the apartments of those killed by Vladimir did not take any values, only the little things: fountain pen, flashlight, wallet with 70 kopecks.

Topors Vladimir Johnana

Then the maniac returned to Kalinin's street and attacked tenth grade Gali Petropavlovskaya. He raped a girl, after which he tried to kill, applying 10 chopped wounds to the head of the head. However, Galina survived, and subsequently her testimony helped to detain the criminal. On the evening of December 25, 1963, Vladimir told Alevtyna that due to the task, they need to immediately leave Ivanovo, and the couple went to Moscow.

After 3 days, on December 28, Jionesian was in the apartment of the five-grader Dima Yaroshevsky, but at home, in addition to the boy, there was an older sister, and the killer did not risk attacking two. Instead, he went to the neighboring entrance, where Dima's buddy, 11-year-old Sasha Lisuztsa. This time, nothing disappeared from the crime scene - the door to the room with the cabinet was locked.

Victims of Vladimir Ioneya

The last sacrifice, 46-year-old Maria Yermakov, Ionesian killed after the holidays, January 8, in the same area that he lived in Marina Grove. He presented himself as not a gas driver, but an employee of the house management and even suggested writing a statement with a list of complaints. The word "statement" was the last thing that Maria wrote - Vladimir went behind her back and dug. From the house of the victim, the killer took 30 rubles, the clock, yarn, socks and TV "Start-3", which costs it very expensive (340 rubles) and became the fatal in the biography of Johnya.


The business of Mosgaz was resonant, first of all, because to hide information about the killer from ordinary citizens failed. Muscovites were in panic, parents forbade children to open the door to unfamiliar people and scared them with a terrible Mosgaz. Children in response hung a chastushka:

"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

And next to her - Mosgaz,

In one hand - rope,

In another - gas mask "

The police were not up to the chastushki - the news about the serial killer reached the Secretary General, Nikita Khrushchev, and he ordered the maniac as soon as possible.

Vladimir Ionesian got the nickname Mosgaz

The exact description of the appearance of the maniac, the investigation received after the first murder. On that day, Jionean managed to look good in Vadim the heat (during the investigation, he appeared under the name of Artem Frolov). The boy survived the pure chance: Like Kostya Sobolev, let the "gas worker", but on the question of the murderer, there is anyone at home, from the excitement, that everyone, although, except her grandmother and baby, there was no one in the apartment.

Jionesian did not attack and went for the next victim, but Vadim managed to remember the appearance of the "gas driver". He informed Forenstein's criminalist, that the killer had red hair and a fawn hat. Also, the child said that the stranger strangely tied the "ears" of the caps - not on the top of Makushka, as Muscovites did, but on the back of the head. So the investigation found that the visits workers in the city.

Investigator similar to Vladimir Jioneean

Once during the communication of Sofia with Vadim, the investigator came to the office, according to the boy, very similar to the Mosgaz. With the help of the photo of the colleague and the work of the artist, the Criminist managed to create a photorobot of Jionen. The drawing later showed a miracle of the surviving Galina Petropavlovskaya, and the girl confirmed that she was raped and tried to kill this particular person.

In January 1964, during the investigation there was a case - a man was detained at the station, in whose portfolio was discovered a wrench and an ax. Polluls decided that the killer was in front of them, and delivered him to the department. The suspect behaved surprisingly calmly, but the attenuation was simple - it was a disguised policeman, thus checking the vigilance of colleagues.

Signup Vladimir Ioneya

And vigilance in the end helped. When Jionesian took the TV from the apartment of the last victim, it remarked the local district. Militizer just in case I remember the car number.

When investigators worked out the sector in Marina Grove, the district, learning about the embezzlement from the house of the killed TV, shared information with colleagues. The full number of the dump truck was established, and the driver confirmed that he brought the Caucasian appearance for 80 kopecks with a TV and landed at the corner of the 2nd Meshchanskaya street. The development of the sector continued in the specified area and soon came to a man to whom the neighbor sold the TV "Start-3".

Evidence in the case of Vladimir John

Ionesian himself had already left the city by this time and went to Kazan, but in the specified apartment, the police waited by Alecess. The girl told the investigators of their version about Major KGB Vladimir John, the brave of the elimination of the enemies of the motherland. Information was checked and, not found in the KGB of data on such an employee, Dmitrieva continued.

Jionesian was supposed to meet Dmitriev in Kazan on January 12. Instead of a girl to meet with a murderer, a married police officer went. Maniac detained at the station; Resistance in arrest man did not give. The exact motives of crimes are still not clarified.

Vladimir Ionesian - biography, photo, murder, personal life, cause of death 13521_12

Based on the assumption that Jionesian is a serial killer, it can be attributed to the category of "disorganized" criminals. He is traced characteristic of this group features: impulsiveness in the choice of victims, the absence of serious training, inattention in the hidiment of evidence and not clearly the nature of the impulse to the crime.

Subsequently, the documentary "Open, Mosgaz!" Within the framework of the project "The investigation was led." In 2012, the art series "Mosgaz" was released on the screens, which settled events with significant distortions. Vladislav Vihrov, whose prototype was Mosgaz, played actor Maxim Matveyev.


At the interrogations of Jionesian did not deny the guilt and confessed in all crimes, although he argued that he used to be a very good person and only recently became "terrible." The killer said that he regrets the crimes and believes that he deserves death. Nevertheless, when the court sentenced Vladimir on January 30, 1964, he filed an appeal. However, she was immediately rejected - according to rumors, to execute the maniac for 2 weeks ordered personally Khrushchev.

It is said that the killer spent the killer spent before execution, dried songs from Favorite Aria. January 31, 1964, at 23:00, the verdict was carried out, Vladimir Ionesian was executed. The cause of death was shot in the head.

Dmitriev Mosgaz during interrogations tried to harm, but the girl was accused of complicity and sentenced to 15 years of conclusion. After 8 years, Alevtyna was released early.

Anusherovon Rakhmanov, follower of Vladimir Jioneean

In 2015, a portion of the Mosgaz appeared in the capital - Anusherovon Rakhmanov, a 20-year-old citizen of Tajikistan. The criminal penetrated the apartment, also introduced by the gas driver, and killed everyone who was at home. Before the capture, a man made 7 murders, after the arrest was found hanged in the SIZO.


  • December 20, 1963 - Mikhail Sobolev
  • December 25, 1963 - Mikhail Kuleshov
  • December 25, 1963 - a pensioner of 74 years (name and surname are unknown)
  • December 28, 1963 - Alexander Lisovec
  • January 8, 1964 - Maria Ermakova

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