Timofey Zaitsev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Timofey Zaitsev - Russian actor, in the filmography of which not so much works, but they all represent rating projects. The artist is one of numerous immigrants from KVN, who preferred to stay on stage and continue to please the audience with bright comedy images.

Childhood and youth

Timofey Zaitsev was born in Orenburg on June 18, 1984. His sign of the zodiac - twins. Parents divorced when the boy was not and year. Father left the family, and mom brought up a child alone. Irina Viktorovna Zaitseva worked as a teacher, but his son raised without unnecessary strictness.

As a child, Timofey wanted to become a clown, at school often played on stage. He loved to attract attention to a non-standard appearance - piercing painted in unusual hair colors.

After graduating from school, Timofey filed documents in two universities, pedagogical and technical, and passed in both. As a result, the choice was made in favor of the first, as a friend of the future actor studied there. During his studies and after receiving higher education, the hares tried a number of professions: an administrator in the club, a cook in the restaurant and even a technological compressor driver on a helium factory.

Personal life

The actor is married. In 2018, he married a long-standing friend Catherine. They don't have children, but there is a homemade favorite - French Bulldog nicknamed Jules Verne, but his home is a dog just a rogue.

Timofey and Catherine - an interesting steam: an actor's growth - 158 cm (with a weight of 60 kg), and his wife - 176 cm. According to Zaitsev, he does not experience because of its own characteristics and only asks the chief not to wear heels during secular outputs:

"It would be already too much."

It leads an account in "Instagram", where the photos posts from filming and sometimes divides details of personal life.

According to Zaitsev, the former members of the KVN, who continued his career, are divided into 2 categories: those who become the creators and heads of the TV show, and those who remain on the stage, and does not go beyond the scenes. He chose the second path for himself and does not regret, although so far there are few roles in his creative biography.

"I graduated from the pedagogical university, and everything that happens now with me is a happy chance," Timofey is convinced.

Non-standard actor appearance at one time was the cause of various rumors about Zaitsev. The fans of the humorous genre assumed the presence of Down syndrome in Timothy. But in fact, the artist does not suffer from any genetic diseases, leads an active lifestyle.


In the depths of the soul, Timofey knew what he wanted to become an artist, but had no serious steps to fulfill a dream for a long time, according to him, because of laziness. Zaitsev was waiting for a happy case, and he introduced himself.

From 2001 to 2008, the young man played KVN as part of the Orenburg national team, which reached the Premier League. On the set, the guys be friends with the Yekaterinburg team. She worked as a sound operator Alexander Nellobin, who later invited Timothy in his series "Nozlob". The role of redhead, a friend of the main character, became the debut of Zaitsev to the cinema.

After that, the novice actor took part in the film "Graduation" - the next project of the Nezlobin. He was attracted at the stage of preparation of the scenario, so Korchagin Timofey came up with himself. In addition to the young generation of artists, Olga Khokhlova, Sergei Burunov, Marina Fedunkiv and others were starred.

In 2015, the hare played the role of the second plan in Fedor Bondarchuk's tape "Warrior", and a year later appeared in the Russian comedy "Bridegroom" with Sergey Svetlakov.

Then the shooting of the series "Olga" began, in which Zaitsev offered the role of Chichi. This work brought the actor with popularity among Russian television viewers. On the shooting, he did not get acquainted, but after the standard casting, although among the creators of Olga had his old buddies for KVN.

Working on the image of a friend of the main hero of Yurgen, Timofey became close to Vasily Cortukov. Today, men can be called friends. According to Zaitsev, they are friends with families. Also, the artist assures that he learned a lot on the set of Yana Trojanova and Rosa Hairullina. The popular series was continued in subsequent seasons.

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The hare fans please participate in various TV projects. In 2018, Timofey's Circus debut took place within the Circus Legends show, he later lit up in the release of "Comedy Club". At the same time, the artist gave an interview within the framework of the Internet project "Nadezhda TEFFI".

The actor seeks to expand the framework of his role, he succeeds in new projects. In the drama "Man who surprised everyone" he played a hero named Deniska. The film fell into the second largest program of the film festival in Venice. On one stage area, Timothy was lucky to work with such stars of Russian cinema, like Yevgeny Tsyganov, Natalia Kudryashova, Yuri Kuznetsov, Pavel Mikov and others.

Timofey Zaitsev now

In addition to acting, Timofey is now actively cooperating with the creative group, which previously presented the TV series "Vacation". Together with colleagues, he works to create new scenarios to humorous serials.

In August 2020, the shooting of Spin-Off "Chiche from Olga" began, in which Timofey Zaitsev plays the main character. The premiere of the series was scheduled for autumn.

In the recent days of August, the display of the long-awaited 4th season "Olga", which also appeared hares.


  • 2012 - "Nozlob"
  • 2014 - "Graduation"
  • 2015 - "Warrior"
  • 2016 - "Bridegroom"
  • 2016 - Olga
  • 2018 - "Man who surprised everyone"

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