Alistar Overeem - Biography, Fighting, Photo, Personal Life 2021



Alistara Ovevelima even saw the one who was far from martial arts and a sign with them only at the level: "A, with the same, not somehow connected by the notive McGregor and Nurmagomedov?". And now it is meant not the result of the chaotic switching of television channels or random hitting the clarification of relations in the ring. The black fighter was very organically joined in hot and incredibly popular in his time the clip Sexy and I Know IT, for 2018 she clicked about 600 million views.

Childhood and youth

It seems not at all surprisingly, because of the mixing of two nationalities - Jamaican and Dutch - as a result, Python appeared first in 1976, and after 4 years, May 17 - the destroyer. And this is not the outcome of the card debt, lost dispute or an excellent sense of humor of parents, but nicknames in professional sports.

Alistar Overeem

The family after the birth of the younger existed for 6 years. Claire's mother, whose ancestor is considered to be the third, after termination of the marriage decided to return with his sons from the UK to his homeland. The great-grandfather to some extent deserves the Great epithet - the former slave bought his freedom, acquired the land and created the village.

At first, the boy preferent with peaceful basketball and mild athletics, as well as Japanese art - judo. But life with her harsh laws dictated other conditions, and the brothers to learn self-defense, got into the "simulator", where they prepared for battles without rules. Alistar Kes (this is the full name), unlike Valentine, did not show much interest in them, but everything changed overnight thanks to Basu Rutten and Jaup Castile. In 19 years, the guy first went to the professional arena, performed a suffocating reception and won.

Valentein and Alistar Overeeim in childhood

By the way, if you get acquainted with his children's photos, then you can not guess that, having matured, this child with gentle features of the face will become ruthless and deftly turn someone else's "messenger", putting fear and horror. However, "in the world" he did not differ in calm temper.

"I was 15 years old, I disappeared in bars and always brought in fights. One of the guys broke the bottle about me, I had to put about 20 seams on the cheek, "he said once in an interview.

This also includes an ambiguous fact about the attack on an unknown woman in Las Vegas Casino, ended with a paid fine.

Martial arts

The initial place of the work of Overimima Jr. - Rings in MMA, from where he moved to Pride, knocking out in the debut rival in 45 seconds. Further biography in "Pride" alternated victories and defeats exclusively from the famous fighters, among which, for example, could not take Revenge from the Russian Sergey Kharitonov.

The championship in heavyweight under the auspices of Strikeforce took place in November 2007, but his defense was postponed for 3 years due to injury injured in the scuffle with guards. The media actively saked the news about the conflict that happened in the night entertainment institution. Alistar, protecting his brother (according to their report, the bouncer brought out an athlete to the street and hit the face with a flashlight), got a cut out of his hands, in which an infection was hit, leaving the strongest edema.

Doctors even considered an amputation option, but everything decided well, with the exception of two canceled subsequent fights and the semifinal meeting with Anthony Silva, who won over Fedor Emelianenko.

Alistar Overeeim and Brock Lesnar

In 2011, convincingly performing in UFC against Brock Lesnar, the destroyer promised DUSA Santos like the alignment. But the plans were upset due to an incredible doping test. The first fight after the restoration of Alistar lost, which caused over the absence of opportunities to perform in the "pure" form.

The black band came: the next time you find out the relationship at Ultimate Fighting Championship, the athlete could not be present, he was replaced by Mark Hunt, followed by a series of failures ending with the statement of care in the event of the next one. However, everything cost.

Alistar Overeem and Bard Hari

Dominance over Everton Teichera, Badr Khary and Peter Arts, opened access to the K-1 World Grand Prix Final and to anyone that did not belong to the title in two organizations at the same time. TET-A-TET with a stamp of myochen, although it ended not in favor of an alistar, but brought an additional prize. The speeches of the record holder are not distinguished by enviable stability: in 2017 he occupied a leading position, and in 2018, cardinal changes occurred - knockout from Francis Naganna and defeat from Curtis Blades.

Personal life

If Overimim's labor activity does not cause additional questions, then information about personal life in the network will be varied. Did not define the status - married or simply engaged with his permanent girl, beautiful TV host on Nouryon and model of Zelena Becander. Some publications even lead the accurate year of the engagement - 2010.

The girl is from Gothenburg and the younger beloved for 9 years. However, it does not affect their lucky relationship, the couple growing two daughters together - Storm (2006) from the previous link of the fighter and the general Yazz Lei Ray (2016).

Alistar Overeeim and Zelina Bexander

Choices of the destroyer The attentive viewer could often observe at the end of the fighting - she often reacted to the outcome of the competition and congratulated the first, ranging into the ring and conclude into strong arms.

It seems that the legend of kickboxing and martial arts is the personification of Mironovsky "on the face of terrible, good inside." Looking at his pages on social networks, it is possible to make it possible to make it possible to make sure the pictures with the children are pissed with genuine fatherly care, trembling and tenderness.

Alistar Overeem now

The fighter is an active user of "Instagram" and "Twitter", where the subscribers willingly pamper by published photos from workouts, traveling, resting, visiting the hairdresser, as well as a reaction to events in the world, such as football and music. By the way, the transition of a friend Cristiano Ronaldo from Real to "Juventus" supported and expressed condolences to fans and the family of the untimely departed DJ Avici.

Alistar Overeem in 2018

The celebrity figure demonstrated in the same place - in or without clothes - very impressive (height 193 cm, weight 120 kg). As for income, it is possible to bring specific figures here - only for the June fight in 2018 the salary was $ 850 thousand per speech and $ 10 thousand for communicating with the press.

The official website provides information about actual news, documentary videos and affordable products under their own label. The attitude to the case of life expressed in the comments:

"I love to work and improve. I am an athlete, fighter and champion. That's what I do. I think that my results can be found at a different angle. However, the victory is not just a matter of labor. This is a combination of various factors. "

Awards and achievements

  • 2000 - Champion 2H2H light heavyweight (once)
  • 2007 - Champion StrikeForce in heavyweight (once)
  • 2009, 2010 - K-1 WORLD Grand Prix Final
  • 2010 - Champion Dream in heavyweight (once)
  • 2010, 2011 - International Fighter of the Year
  • 2010 - All-Violence Second Team
  • 2015 - All-Violence Third Team
  • 2016 - winner of the "Best Battle of the Evening" (once) against Mechiki Step
  • 2016 - The winner of the "Speech of the evening" (once) against Andrei Orlovsky

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