Elena Novikova - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Female Stand Up, Actress 2021



Elena Novikova, in the past actress theater and cinema, director, is considered the most "mature" comic on Russian television: at 47 years old became the winner of the project "Open Microphone", and now performs among the permanent residents of the Stand Up show on TNT. In monologues, it affects the themes of age, raising children, free lifestyle.

Childhood and youth

Elena Anatolyevna Novikova was born on January 3, 1970 in Donetsk, Ukraine. Frank and reliable steothaps reveal a few facts from the biography of the artist. In 1986, the girl graduated from school number 51, and at the age of 17, leaving parents in Donetsk, moved to Moscow to build a creative career.

In his youth Elena professionally engaged in swimming. After it was decided to become an actress, she threw the sport. On this basis, Novikov has greatly recovered. Due to unnecessary kilograms and Ukrainian dialect, a future humorist could not go to the theater institute, but did not despair.

For the fourth year, Novikov was held in a competition in the Gnesin school, after which she managed to translate to the MCAT Studio School. In 1993, he graduated from the acting faculty of theatrical university at the Moscow Art Theater, then - the course of Yuri Eremin.

Theater and films

A year before the end of the Institute, Elena debuted into the cinema, starring in the episodic role in the short film "Seagull" based on the Comedy of Anton Chekhov's named. In the center of the plot - a young actress, which plays in the play of Nina Zarechny. The girl mystically faces the same problems as her heroine.

In 1998, Novikova entered the service at the Moscow Drama Theater named after Alexander Pushkin, where he worked until 2004. During this time, the actress remembered the audience for the roles of Daras from the play of Yuri Yerememin "Terrorists", Hallen in the formulation of Cyril Serebrennikov "Frank Polandy Snapshots", Courtney Love in Nirvana Yuri Grymov.

Elena did not want to build a career on television, but in parallel with performances in the theater starred in films and serials, mainly in the roles of the second plan. The actress can be seen in the "Marsh Turkish", "Killer Diary", "reflections", "Icon hunters", "Wedding", the "best film" and "very Russian detective."

Having broken from the game on stage, Elena left the dramatic theater as an actress and took up teaching, and in 2005 he made a player "Galk Motalko" on the play Natalia Sparbit. Events develop in the era of the USSR. Galka Motalko, girl-athlets, lives in a sports boarding school.

Like her "classmates," she trains, laid out at competitions, but still remains lonely, without friends. It is also difficult to establish contact with the surroundings of Galka and because around uncompatible adolescents who snap glue, swear by mat, behave sex. Together with them, the girl will experience the first love, try alcohol and know the betrayal.

Tape "Galk Motalko", the premiere of which was held on the stage of the center of dramaturgy and director, was not happy with theatrical critics. They noted that "not any enthusiast actor to the director is suitable", referring to the insufficient experience of Novikova as a director. After a long break, in September 2016, the actress was starred in the series "Olga". Elena performed the role of Tatiana, Mother Andrei Malysheva (Sergey Romanovich), her husband's husband of the heroine of Yana Trojanova.

Elena Novikova - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Female Stand Up, Actress 2021 13506_1
"To see me in this series, you have to watch not blinking. In the 2nd season of my heroine, there will be more bigger, the role will grow, "then I noted in an interview with Novikov.

In November 2018, the 3rd season of the series Olga started, and Elena Novikova remained among the actors of the second plan.

"I am shooting to make money, but I get pleasure from this!" - Comedian is recognized.

In addition, Novikova worked for a long time as a director of the series on RTR and TVC channels. For participation in one project, it received up to 1.5 million rubles.

Stand up

Disappointed in the actor's game, the sharp of Elena and colleagues decided to create something among the theater and the humorous club. So in 2015 on the basis of the center of them. Vsevolod Meyerhold appeared "Stand Up Cimmerman". Novikova became not just an ideological inspirer of the project, but also a bright participant. At the same time, the humorist does not believe that the female Stand Up is something significant differs from the work of colleagues-men.

From year to year, Elena gained experience, telling jokes of Muscovites and residents of the regions, and in January 2017 it came to the casting of the project "Open Microphone" on the TNT channel.

According to the actress, on the way to Comedy Club Production, she repeatedly tried to roll - so afraid to be on stage. But the television debut as a humorist turned out to be successful: Novikov got into the team of the mentor of Julia Ahmedova.

In an interview with Youtube-Channel "Last minute heads", Elena shared that he had previously watched the work of the "only girl in Stand Up", as Ruslan White Show calls Ahmedov.

"Julia took a special niche - she remains hard and does not run on the hall. She helps me to write monologues - do not go there, try to move in this direction, take this topic. She sees how to be interesting, "Novikova responded about Ahmedova.

After the victory of Elena in the 1st season of the "open microphone", Ahmedov stopped being a "only girl": Novikova fell into the constant composition of the Stand Up show on TNT. Its sharp monologues are devoted to the relationship between the family, the acting past, but the main topic is age.

After coming to the world of humor, the life of Novikova, according to her, radically changed, there was no time left for theatrical and film projects.

"Now my life is a continuous writing of jokes and performances. I have attendees to do something except, but the stedap is very jealous: when you are doing something besides him, the quality of humor is declining, "said Elena once.

In August 2018, the 6th season of the Stand Up show was released on TNT, in which Novikov took a solid position. According to the actress, it is worth the task once a month to write a monologue for at least 10 minutes. In the subject of the comedian adheres to a familiar course: Standap about children, age and relationship, prefers not to concern what it does not know, politicians for example. According to Elena, her target audience is spectators from 25 to 35 years.

Personal life

The celebrity characterizes himself as a very fellow man. Personal life is one of the main topics for jokes in the monologues of Elena. She passed 2 divorces, since 2002 he lives in marriage with a third husband. Together they raise two children - Daniel and Vasilisa. There is no accurate information about their birth dates, however, from the planaps of humorous, it is known that in 2018 the Son graduated from school, and the daughter went to the 1st grade.

In the photo that the comedian lays out on the "Instagram" page, only Vasilisa appears. Daniel works "behind the scenes" - helps mother write performances, adjusts jokes. She has an apartment in the queen, but to live with children falls on removable apartments in Moscow. According to Novikova, the purchase of its own metropolitan housing is her dream number 1. The humorist chose the Kuzmini region. In her opinion, this is the only place in the metropolis, where the neighbors communicate with each other as it was in her homeland in Donetsk.

One of the favorite classes of the standper - travel. Together with his family, Elena visited the Crimea, the mother showed Suzdal and Vladimir - the city of the Golden Ring of Russia, it later plans to master the route to Montenegro.

Elena Novikova now

Over time, interest in Elena Novikov increased. There were various shows with a humorist. In December 2020, she visited Dmitry Romanov Studio Internet project "Interview with comic". On the air, the celebrity said that she was now preparing his own teleproject, which plans to replenish the filmography. While all his details of the actress keeps secret.

In addition, in 2021, work on the program for a solo concert "Surrogate Father", which Novikova planned to show once a month in a Cime, on the theater site. In his speech, Elena raises the topic of paternity, and also devotes a monologue to his father.

Also in 2021, the premiere of the comedy "I am not joking" took place. In it, Elena got the image of a 49-year-old Muscovite, which becomes a space comic.


  • 2000 - "Wedding"
  • 2002 - Marsh Turkish
  • 2002 - "Killer Diary"
  • 2004 - "Reflections"
  • 2005 - "Icon hunters"
  • 2008 - "Very Russian Detective"
  • 2009 - Churchill
  • 2010 - "General Therapy-2"
  • 2011 - "Group of Happiness"
  • 2012 - "without a trace"
  • 2013 - "Sklifosovsky"
  • 2016-2018 - Olga
  • 2021 - "I'm not kidding"


  • 2015 - "Stand Up Cimmerman"
  • 2017 - "Open Microphone"
  • 2018 - Stand Up
  • 2021- "Surrogate Father"

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