Doctor Who (Character) - Photo, Biography, Series, Appearance, Actors


Character History

Doctor who is "the most popular newcomer Britain" according to the version of the Mirliple Weekly Newspaper The Daily Telegraph. This is a character of a long-playing fantastic series broadcasting on BBC. The main role was time to play 13 people, which showed the nature of the lord of time in different ways.

History of character creation

The scientific fantastic series began in 1963. Conditionally, the project series is divided into Oldcul and Newskul. The first are those that came out until 2005, before restarting the series. The second - demonstrated on television after it. The creators of the project preferred to reset the series counting after 2005. Old-school version consists of 26 seasons, and Newskul includes a smaller volume of the footage.

In the era of innovation and development of technologies, the series became an educational project, but over time gained impressive popularity among the public, attracting viewers of different ages and interests.

In 1989, the rental on television ended, but in 2005 the creators of the project decided to resurrect it using modern computer graphics. In the plot, the doctor who constantly appears in new images. He acts as a lord of time, so it easily acquires a new appearance, regenerating the body when the hazard appears. This move allowed the scripts to justify the frequent shift of artists playing a major role.

The broadcast of the new version of the "Doctor Who" was also on the Air Force, and from 2005 to 2013 the audience saw 7 seasons of the project. In addition, viewers were injured by special Christmas issues and mini-episodes, among which the "adventures of the damned", "end of time" and "rain gods".

Biography and image of the doctor who

The doctor turned out to be an ambiguous person. Spectators are located to him because of mysterious alien origin, eccentric behavior and an extraordinary mind. The character falls into unpredictable situations in which the evil is forced to fight and resist the enemies of justice.

The biography of the character is connected with the universal tragedy and the peripetia of personal destiny. He became the killer of his native planet along with its inhabitants. The collapse of Gallifrey became the final of the War of Time.

The feeling of loneliness hero is dull, inviting the companions in the time of time, with which the friendly relationships builds. His first companion was the granddaughter of Susan Foreman, as well as two school teachers - Ian Chesterton and Barbara Wright. An interesting fact: Only in the same series, the main character preferred to travel alone - "merciless killer".

Information directly pointing to the worship of the hero is not so much. In the classic series, casual reported that his name was theta sigma and he studied at the Galliffrey Academy. There, he met his blood enemies - Masters and Rani, who were students. Moreover, with the first, according to the recognition of the Twelfth Doctor, they were best friends.

In the episode "Drumbal", the main character shared a bright memories of childhood. At eight years, all the lords of the time must pass the initiation rite - to look into the vortex of time. The spectacle is so striking that some cases occur (so happened with the master). The same doctor who "escaped and runs so far."

The third season is mentioned by the Hero family, but rather poorly. So, according to the quotation of the traveler in time to the question about the presence of his brothers, he replied: "No more." In general, in the descriptions of the biography and the roles performed (father, dad, son or grandfather), the hero is fragmentary mentioned in different episodes. Sometimes, after a while he contradicts his own words.

The topic of romantic relationships in the series is practically taboo. And at least kisses meet, love is not traced. The exception was the episode with the ninth doctor and his companion Rosa Tyler. But the longest participation in the picture belongs to Clare Oswald (7-9 seasons).

With the help of the telephone booth, the Tartis Hero travels in time and space. Therefore, the doctor calls himself a lord of time. A spatial spacecraft, reliably hidden under the familiar to the British appearance, provides alien access to any place in the universe. The hero saves the world and creates history. Its real name remains hidden from the audience, it seems to not exist. At the same time, each embodiment of the doctor has a funny nickname.

Doctor who is in the series

Doctor who has a lot of screen embodiments. Well-known, and little sought-after actors appeared in the popular image, which, thanks to the series, gained a chance to disclose before the audience.

According to the chronology, the first doctor on nicknamed the old man became William Hartnell, starring in the seasons of the series, published from 1963 to 1966. The artist left the project due to health problems, and the producers invited Patrick George Troton to his place. His called clown for seasons from 1966 to 1969, and then in the image of the doctor who performed the artist John Peters.

The fourth doctor from 1974 to 1981 was Tom Baker, and the fifth - Peter Davison. From 1984 to 1986, the role was performed by Colin Baker, and Sylvester made up the series on the series in the image of an aliens.

In the restored series of the main character, Christopher Eccleston played first. In the period from mid-2005 to 2010, the role of David Tennant, and from 2010 to 2013, Matt Smith was performed. Peter Kapaldi was invited to participate in the project in 2013. The thirteenth doctor for the first time became a woman. The usual role with an unusual perspective demonstrated Jodie Whitaker.

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Each artist brought a special person to the image of the hero. The appearance of the character of the character was complemented by an elegant scarf, a bright umbrella or a bow tie.

The series became a nominee and a medalist of several television premiums. The first award project was a reward for the scenario for the children's series, presented in 1975. In 1996, "Doctor Who" recognized the most popular drama at the Air Force, and in 2000 the project became the third in the list of the greatest projects of British television in the 20th century.

The series turned out to be in demand in the international market, but most of the awarded awards belongs to the judging of British television. So, Karen Gillan was repeatedly recognized by British critics of the best actress for the image of Amy Pond, in which the performer performed in the series from 2005 to 2010.

In addition to the serial version, the plot of the doctor who received a full-length embodiment. The television tape came out in 1996, when the shooting of the 26th seasons of the show went. FOX has acquired the rights to broadcast the picture, which worked with Universal Rictures, BBC and BBC Worldwide.

The plot of the third season lay on the basis of the cartoon "In Search of Infinity", the premiere of which took place in June 2007 on the BBC One channel. Cartoon characters are drawn from their prototypes, and David Tennant voiced the main role.


Want to know the reason why am I still alive? I always stand next to the door. Well, I saved the world, a whole planet ... already per million times, and for nothing. Yes, shoot me, I am in the same clothes. They Pond, there is something that you have to understand. This is important, and one day your life may depend on it. I am definitely crazy with the Booth. The risk in my work is inevitable.


  • 1963 - Present - "Doctor Who"
  • 1996 - "Doctor Who"
  • 2007 - "Doctor Who: In Search of Infinity" (cartoon)
  • 2009 - "Doctor Who: Dream Country" (animated series)

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