Michael Mann - biography, photos, movies, personal life, last news 2021



Michael Mann is an American director, producer and screenwriter who gave the world of Cinema Aviator, "Battle" and "Hancock". For hard work and a unique look at the Frame Master of Shooting more than once received prestigious awards - "Emmy" and "Golden Globe", but the top, "Oscar" and was not conquered.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Michael Kenneth Mann originates on February 5, 1943 in Chicago, Illinois. The boy was born in the family of an American Esther and Jew Jack. Michael's father participated in World War II, and grandfather is a veteran of the First World War, emigrated from the Russian Empire.

Director Michael Mann.

Parents owned a grocery shop, therefore provided their son worthy education. Michael received a bachelor's degree in English in Wisconsin University in Madison, in parallel I was interested in history, philosophy, architecture.

The cinema craving woke up in Manna in youth - being a student, he saw the film Stanley Kubrika "Dr. Strainjlav" about the scientist of the same name, who in the years of World War II worked on the third Reich, and in modernity helped Americans helped to create a nuclear bomb for attack on the USSR.

Michael Mann in youth

According to an experienced manna-director, Kubrick this film wanted to show cinematograms that you can talk to any, even the most slippery topics, and it will be more honest than shooting pictures for profits.

In the mid-1960s, Michael moved to the United Kingdom and entered the London School of Cinema. In the next 7 years, he acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills. So, in 1967, the future director received a degree in cinema. In his free time, the time filmed commercials side by side with the titans of modern cinema - Alan Parker ("Evita", "Life of David Gale"), Ridley Scott ("Alien", "Hannibal"), Adrian Laina ("Nine and a half weeks "," Obscene offer ").


The first trial of the pen took place in 1968: Mann removed the video about the uprising in Paris, which entered the documentary "Rebells" for the NBC channel. Then there were short films "Dead birds" and "Jaunpuri", the latter was awarded the prize from the jury of the Cannes Festival in 1970, the awards of film festivals in Barcelona and Melbourne in 1971. Returning to the USA in 1972, Mann released a movie about traveling "17 Days Down The Line". None of the early works are submitted to the general public officially.

Director Michael Mann.

In 1974, Mann wrote a scenario for four episodes of the series "Starsky and Hutch". While working on the "Police Story" show, Michael collaborated with the writer Joseph Wembo, who became famous for novels and detectives about police officers. This experience has taught the director that reliable details are important for high-quality product.

In 1979, Mann released the debut full-length film "Mile Jericho", awarded three awards "Emmy". The main character of Larry Murphy is serving a life sentence for killing the Father. To distract from monotonous weekdays, a man runs around the prison building, developing incredible speed.

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A local psychologist is taken to train Larry to spoke at the Olympic Games. True, for this, the arrestant must earn early liberation, but the problem is that Murphy does not feel guilt for the perfect murder. To replace the film, Mann visited Falls Prison in California. In an interview, he recalled:

"I expected to see frightened prisoners and harsh warders, but in fact it was different: the arrestants were kept in the fear of guards."

The reason for the aggressive behavior of prisoners was explained by the fact that in the 1970-1980, in the midst of irritability, African Americans, Europeans and Asians were kept in adjacent chambers. First artistic work in the filmography of Manna-Director became the "Thief" (1981). For the accuracy of the scenes of robbery, the bulk consisted of professional pockets.

Mann was the first director who shigned the history of Thomas Harris on the serial killer Gunnibal Lecteré - in 1986 the film "Hunter for People". David Lynch ("Malkolland Drive", "Twin Pix") was to adapt the scenario ("Malkolland Drive"), but he left the project, anticipating cash failure. Lynch was right: at a budget of $ 15 million the film gathered only $ 8.6 million in the United States.

The film "The Last Mogican" (1992) was commercially more successful: a large-scale historical picture cost $ 40 million, and the profit was $ 75 million. When creating a picture, Mann relied not only on the novel of Phoenimor Cooper, but also for the first decree of 1936. As a result, according to the "The Washington Post", it turned out the "MTV version of the Gothic Roman".

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Films "Fight" (1995) and "His Man" (1999) melted the hearts of picky viewers, becoming the best in the work of Mann. In the "grip" met "the godfather fathers" of criminal cinema - Al Pacino and Robert de Niro, it is not surprising that the picture was doomed to success: invested $ 60 million, the director received $ 187 million cash charges. Al Pacino appeared in "his own man", this time - with Russell Crow. This film was awarded 7 nominations for Oscar, without receiving any victory.

In 2001, the Biographical Drama "Ali" was published on the screens about the Boxer Mohammed Ali, the main role was performed by Will Smith. The film covers the key 10 years from the life of an athlete, from 1964 to 1974: the conquest of the World Heavy Weight Champion title, the transition to Islam, refusal to service in the army and deprivation of the championship belt, a triumphal return to the box. Academicians "Oscar" reached on Ali in ovations, nominated Will Smith for a prize, but the audience did not remain the audience: invested $ 107 million, Mann received $ 87.7 million fees.

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The director collaborated with the best representatives of Hollywood: Tom Cruise ("Partner"), Leonardo Di Caprio (Aviator), Johnny Depp ("Johnny D."), Jamie Fox ("Kingdom). Loud names in one way or another provided cash charges. So, Aviator collected $ 213 million and almost won the long-awaited Oscar.

The film "Cyber" (2015) with Chris Hemsworth became a commercial failure: $ 19.7 million fees for $ 70 million investments. Despite this, critics placed Kibera on the first lines of lists of the best films of 2015.

Personal life

Michael Mann was married twice. Early marriage with the first spouse was unsuccessful, and the pair broke up in 1971. However, a child was born in the Union, whose name still manage to keep secret.

Michael Mann and his wife Summer

In 1974, Mann took the wife of Summer in his wife. Their personal life also remains a mystery, it is only known that a couple of four children, the oldest of which, Amy Kanan Mann (born in 1969), went in the footsteps of the Father and became the director. She participated in the creation of the TV projects "Black List", "Power in the night city", "Cloak and Dagger", "arrows". The names of the rest of the children are unknown.

Michael Mann now

Now the director works on a dream project about the creator of the "Ferrari" concern Enzo Ferrari. At the heart of the story - the events of 1957, when two riders crashed during Mille Miglia races, 11 viewers were killed. Then the blame for what happened was placed on the designer Enzo Ferrari.

Michael Mann in 2018

It was assumed that Christian Bale would fulfill the main role, but in 2016 the actor dropped out of the caste. Michael Mann saw Enzo Ferrari "Retented" Men. For Bayla, the weight set was not just complicated, but he was dangerous for health: he lost up to 40 kg for filming in the "Machinist", ate for the "American scam". Frequent changes in appearance caused irreparable harm to the state of Baila, and the doctors were forbidden to overturn organism.

The shooting "Enzo Ferrari" should have started in the summer of 2018. Main role approved Hugh Jackman. Film crimits, however, doubt the correctness of the candidacy: Jackman is not at all similar to the photo on Ferrari.


  • 1981 - "Thief"
  • 1986 - "Hunter for people"
  • 1992 - "The Last Mogican"
  • 1995 - "Fight"
  • 1999 - "His man"
  • 2001 - "Ali"
  • 2004 - "Partner"
  • 2004 - Aviator
  • 2007 - "Kingdom"
  • 2008 - "Hancock"
  • 2009 - "Johnny D."
  • 2015 - "Cyber"

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