Ilya Kormaltsev - biography, photos, poems, songs, cause of death



Ilya is known to the public mainly as the author of the texts of the Nautilus Pompilius group, but, in addition, he was also a talented translator, producer and publisher. The breadwinners tried to hold onto the side of the scandals, but his views did not make it easier for him. The actions of the poet left fans a lot of reasons for disputes - from the publication of scandalous extremist books and bold creativity before the adoption of Islam before death.

Childhood and youth

Ilya Valerevich Kormaltsev was born in Sverdlovsk (Yekaterinburg) on ​​September 26, 1959. He loved foreign languages ​​and studied in the English special school, but after her graduation made a choice in favor of the chemical faculty of the University of Leningrad. There Ilya spent just a year. On the 2nd course returned back to Sverdlovsk and transferred to the Ural University.

Ilya Kormaltsev in youth

The highest formation of the breadwinners graduated in 1981. While studying, he became famous among fellow students as a talented poet. Also Ilya was one of the organizers of fashionable then disco "220 volts".


In the year of the end of the university, the Kormaltsev began cooperation with the Sverdlovsk musical team of Urfin Jys. He made the author of the texts of almost all the songs included in the new album "Travel". Later, Ilya wrote poems to the magnetoalbums of the group "Life in the style of Heavy Metal" and "15".

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In 1985, the musicians broke up with the poet, but by the time the breadwinters had already become a full member of the local musical party and met Vyacheslav Butusov. Before you start a new page of life associated with work in Nautilus, Ilya managed to work with Nastya Field (Album "Tatsu") and Egor Belkin ("Near Music").

The second half of the name "Nautilus Pompilius" Group is obliged to Ilya - other participants planned to limit the "Nautilus". Together they worked for more than 10 years, and the breadwasters were not only a poet, but a full-fledged artistic director who participated in the decision of organizational issues. Its texts are used in 9 albums of the group - from the "invisible" to the "man without a name".

Ilya Kormaltsev in youth

In 1989, Ilya moved away from the affairs of Nautilus, waking up more interesting things for him at that time: he made one of the founders of the magazine "Mix", released his own compilation in which Butusov took part as an illustrator. The book was published with a small circulation and almost immediately became a bibliographic rarity.

The elimination of Kormiltsieva from work in Nautilus was connected not so much with fatigue as with internal disagreements. The turning point of the creative biography of Ilya was his refusal of the Lenin Komsomol Prize. She was awarded to the group, but did not agree with other participants with their decisive step, which caused strong irritation of Vyacheslav Butusov and Dmitry Skotsky.

Ilya Kormaltsev and Vyacheslav Butusov (Nautilus Pompilius)

Cooperation with the Nautilus Pompilius team resumed in 1992 and continued until 2006. At that time, Ilya, having moved to Moscow, helped musicians with the production of the project "Report for 10 years" and traveled with a group on tour in the country.

The path of the poet with the team finally separated for political reasons. Kormiltsieva outraged the performance of Butusov with a group on the kingdom of the movement "Ours." He splashed his emotions in an open letter, in which he called the audience of that concert "hired gopniks", which "delayed at the expense of taxpayers", and stated that he does not want them to listen to his poems written by "heart and blood."

Poet Ilya Kormiltysev

In 2003, Ilya became the founder of the publishing house "Ultra. Culture. " It specialized on the release of ambiguous books, from which other companies refused, in particular, the creations of Sergey Spider Troitsky (recognized by extremist), Leterter Grispeuna, Jay Stevens (seized then from the sale for the propaganda of terrorism and drug addiction). Also from Russian authors publishing house published Eduard Limonov. Later, the text of the book "Other Russia" was used in court as evidence of the writer's anti-state activities.

In an interview with the breadwasters, it was told that such materials would choose such because he considers illegal and incomparable restriction of access to such information - everyone should be able to familiarize themselves with the views other than the generally accepted. He himself, although he did not approve the current power, yet rejected extremist views. Preserved his quote:

"The idea that everything can be changed by some revolution, an uprising, this is nonsense ... The battlefield ultimately is the man himself. A man himself must be changed. "
Ilya Kormaltsev and his book

From the publishing market, the organization soon "issued": the tenant announced an increase in the board by 2.5 times. It was not dictated by the benefit - the owners explained that they would act against them, and even if they remained, the fee would grow further. "Ultra. Culture "replaced the room, and in January 2007 closed.

Officially announced financial difficulties; I hinted for political reasons, but did not voiced in the open. Ilya himself commented that it was simply for such work in the country "unfavorable weather" and "a protracted spiritual crisis" and he hopes to resume the activities of the publishing house, but does not know when can do it.

Ilya Kormaltsev in youth

Ilya Kormaltsev is known not only thanks to the texts of songs, but also by literary translations. He owned English, Italian and French and worked with the prose of Chuck Palanik (including his famous "Fight Club"), Jersey Kosinsky, Clive Lewis and many others. He became a nominee of the award of the journal "Foreign Literature" three times: such high critics were appreciated by the translation of the novel "While we didn't find people," the essay "Three Life Gabriele d'Annunzio" and the play "Travel".

Personal life

Ilya was married three times. From the first spouse Svetlana, he remained the son of Stanislav, who did not go through the creative footsteps of his father, but chose the profession of a programmer. The second wife Marina gave birth to him two children - Ignat and Elizabeth.

Ilya Kormaltsev and his wife Alesya Mankovskaya

The last marriage man concluded in 1998 with actress Alesi Machkovskaya. According to the testimony of loved ones, his personal life with it flowed smoothly and happily. Alsei was born the younger daughter Carolina.


In 2006, the breadwinners went to a working business trip to London and there I felt bad. When he was taken to Saint Thomas hospital, he was already in critical condition. Doctors diagnosed spine cancer in the 4th stage. Before that, Ilya often felt pain in his back, but did not pay attention, considering their cause of radiculitis.

Ilya Kormaltsev

Ilya was transferred to the London Hospice, and from there to the Royal Hospital Marsden. Doctors first offered to start chemotherapy and make an operation, but the state of Ilya worsened so quickly that they soon spread their hands and admitted that they could not do anything.

When the Motherland came to the Motherland about his illness, the musicians organized the collection of funds for treatment. In a large-scale event, rock bands, poets, Russian writers took part. The money was enough to pay part of the stay of Kormiltsev in the hospital.

Ilya Kormaltsev

The poet himself surprised the hype around his illness in his homeland. He did not consider himself a popular person and sincerely amazed that so many people tried for him. Gleb Samoilov, a close friend of Kormiltseva, handed over his words, spoke 2 days before death:

"Do not worry, around me so much love!"

In the hospice Ilya managed to write the last poem - "The World is a hospital for angels ...". On February 4, 2007, the breadwinners died.

In recent years, the poet was interested in the ideas of Islam and even publicly expressed religious ideas. After his death on the website of the Islamic Committee, a message appeared that he in the last watch

"Schagada said, repeating the Arabic confession of the Islamic faith."
The grave of Ilya Kormiltsheva

With the Kormaltsev at that time, his friend, Russian Muslim Iskander (Alexander), with whose words it became known. Close and friends from Russia denied the adoption by Kormaltsev Islam, but the funeral rite was organized on religious canons - Ilya's body was wrapped in Savan and buried face to Mecca.

The grave of the singer - at the Troochorovsky cemetery in Moscow. It costs not a standard granite monument with the photo, but an original monument in the form of a book with folded glasses, which is knocked out the quote from the song:

"This music will be eternal if I replace the batteries."

On the day of the 10th anniversary of his death, the tribute collection "The Illuminator" was published, where Russian musicians performed songs to the texts of Kormiltshev. In 2016, the Bi-2 group recorded the "Bird on the Window" composition on the basis of his old poem and removed the video, in which Diana Arbenina, Vladimir Shahrin, Nike Borzov and Nastya Polev, took part.


  • 2006 - "None of nowhere"
  • 1990 - "County with one chain. Poems"
  • 1997 - "takes up and falling a chumantic airship"
  • 2017 - "Collected Works"


  • 2002 - "Love and Death on Long Island" (Gilbert ADER)
  • 1999 - "Steps" (Kosinsky's hedgehog)
  • 1997 - "While we do not find people" (Clive Lewis)
  • 2001 - "Fight Club" (Chuck Palanik)
  • 1998 - "on the needle" (Irwin Welsh)
  • 2004 - "Glamorma" (Bret Easton Ellis)

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