Toby robbo - biography, photos, films, composition, news 2021



Star glory to this British actor brought shooting in fantastic films and historical series. After Fantasy Drama "Mr. Nobody", in which Toby Lieboy played the 15-year-old chief hero, the actor called one of the 10 discoveries of the year. The film brought the British career to a new orbit, where the guy was waiting for success, recognition and main roles. One of them is the King of Francis in the series "Kingdom" - the audience was evaluated especially high.

Childhood and youth

Toby was born on October 18, 1991 in London. Mama Actor, Chiara Hyggne, - a native of the British capital with Italian roots, Father Voltbo - Norwegian by origin. About the emergence of the name of the Libo is a curious family legend: the real name of the ancestors of Father - Hansen. However, in Norway, Hansen in the passport is every second, and, "charter" from such popularity, the great-grandfather or Prapraded Father changed the surname to the rare - Regby.

Actor Toby Rabbo

Creative genes The guy may inherited from the mother whose parental (australia) was a ballerina, subsequently married the captain of the Italian vessel. Toby grew up a cheerful boy, together with the younger brother Louis, they often spun in the park, watched cartoons and documentaries about the wildlife of David Attenboro.

With the beginning of study time on leisure and games it became less. The boy went to Latimer school in West London. Here for the first time the child's interest in the acting craft was manifested. Although the first experience, as the actor himself was told in an interview, was not pleasant: the teacher put Tobi in front of the mirror and punished - to portray the plant. It first outdated the boy, but he remained standing.

Toby Rabbo

Soon, Toby began to engage in a weekend trip. At first, the student did not like the study:

"You give you words, you need to somehow beat about 10 minutes. You have to think very quickly, but this is a good way to learn to react instantly."

The actor is also recognized that the first difficulties on the creative path helped to overcome the mother, who supported the Son in everything. The woman was delighted when her older child noticed agents from the theater company "The Young Blood theatre Company" supporting young talents. And soon, Toby appeared on the television screen in the debut role in the British television film 2006 "Test of the Royal Arrow".


In 2007, the young man played in one episode of the television series "M.I. HIGH. " And at 18 years old, an unexpected luck fell on the guy - Toby approved the role in the existential drama Jacob Vana Dormel "Mr. Nobody". He played the main hero of the Nemo aged 15 years. Appearing in such an ambiguous film with a complex plot, a philosophical meaning and a thin acting game, Toby "Scribed" in his own talent. Critics sang difishers gifted debutant, breaking a great acting future.

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And it did not slow down. A year later, Toby played in a franchise about the adventures of Harry Potter - a young Albus Dumbledore in the film "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" (Part 1). The actor was terribly worried, realizing all the responsibility for a new job, because Pecterian will watch billions of fans from all over the planet.

"In my address sent hundreds of letters, the content of which varyed from" I hope that you will all get "before" do not leave, otherwise I will kill you, "- remembers the artist.

In 2012, the British film screening of the famous novel Robert Lewis Stevenson "Treasure Island" in the format of the mini-series. Toby Larbo plays the main character - Jim Hawkins.

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Removed in Puerto Rico and in Ireland. Celebrity enthusiastically responds about this work. Although I had to endure a lot of tricks and action scenes:

"I was killed. From the start and to the finish line ... I had kick my legs, beat the fists, shot and hit the knife strikes, I almost drowned. "

In 2013, Toby returns to the drama genre, playing in the picture "Do you want me to kill him?". Unlike "Mr. Nobody" this work received not only a high assessment of critics, but also an honorary reward. In 2013, for the role of John, the actor received a prize of British film in the category "Best Performance in a British Feature Film Award" at the Edinburgh International Film Festival.

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At the same time, Toby debuts on American TV in the large-scale historical TV series "Kingdom", describing the events of 1557-1559, the time of the Board of the Scottish Queen Maria Stewart. Briton played Queen's spouse - Prince Francis, Son Ekaterina Medici. For the romantic relations of the brilliant acting actor tandem, Tobby and Adelaide Kane (Maria) against the background of the events of the XVI century, millions of fans were observed.

"This is a youth show with a bias in history. The creators wanted to show that, despite the royal aspect, Maria and Francis are simply children ... ", - so speaks about the project by the leading role.

The series was successfully walked for 4 seasons (2013-2017) and brought an actor a nomination for Teen Choice Awards. Regbyly felt so organically in the Middle Agent Anature, which in parallel agreed to participate in another historical series. This time the proposal was received by British cinematographers.

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In the project "Last Kingdom" (2014-2017) about the era of the early formation of the English statehood (IX century), Toby played the king of the mercury of ETELRED. On the attitude to this role, the actor spoke fun and frankly:

"I always played the roles of exceptionally good guys. And here for the first time I depict an evil and bad guy. It's fun. This is a new experience, and what else. "

However, in the acting biography of Toby there is not only a movie. In 2009, the guy made his debut on the stage of the London Theater Royal Court as Eliota in the play "Klyk".

Personal life

The British fans disappointed: their favorite immediately becomes closed when the conversation comes on his personal life. Therefore, fans can only guess, whether the actor plans to make his wife and children, and whether rumors are true about the novel by Toby Garbo and Adelaide Kane. At least, none of them confirmed, but not refuted information.

Another unconfirmed rumor about Toby is an actor orientation, more precisely, gay status. Think about this forced artist's posts in Twitter and Instagram, in which he actively supports the LGBT community. In one Tetility (in April 2012) he determined homophobia as

"Fear that gays will treat you as you feel about women, and the lesbian will treat your woman better than you."

Toby robbo now

In 2018, the filmography of the actor replenished the picture "Fantastic Creatures: Green-De Wald Crimes", which continued a series of films from the Ptterian cycle.

Toby Parbo in 2018

Now the British actor tries himself in an animation project, reports Fan Group of Regby in VKontakte. From time to time, a young man lays out a photo in "Instagram".


  • 2006 - "Tests of the Royal Arrow" Sharpe "
  • 2009 - "Mr. Nobody"
  • 2010 - "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows"
  • 2011 - "One day"
  • 2012 - "Treasure Island"
  • 2013 - "Do you want me to kill him?"
  • 2013-2017 - "Kingdom"
  • 2014-2017 - "Last Kingdom"
  • 2018 - "Fantastic Creatures: Green De Wald Crimes"

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