Georgy Poltavchenko - biography, photo, politics, personal life, news 2021



Georgy Poltavchenko - the ex-governor of St. Petersburg, which lasted on the post 2 of the term and leaving a controversial opinion about himself. On the one hand, he opened new metro stations, on the other hand, he tried to hang in the city, survived the blockade, a memorial plaque in memory of Carla Mannerheim and called the townspeople "Rugs".

Childhood and youth

Georgy Sergeevich Poltavchenko was born in Baku on February 24, 1953. The father of the future governor was an officer of the Navy, the mother is a native of Leningrad, which buried his mother, father, grandmother and her older brother. When the boy turned 7 years old, the family moved to Leningrad - the Father because of the Khrushchev Reduction of the number of military personnel decided to leave the army.

Georgy Poltavchenko in childhood

In the city of Poltavchenko lived in a communal apartment, however, the family, according to Soviet standards, occupied a good position. Sergey Poltavchenko in the 1970s worked as director of the river port, later became the secretary of the partycom. Mother was engaged in the management of the Aeroflot Cass.

Until 8th grade Georgy studied at school №210 on Nevsky Prospekt, then moved to physico-mathematical school №211, one of the oldest in the city.

George Poltavchenko in youth

In 1970, after the release, Poltavchenko entered the Liap, which graduated from the 1976th engineer of the mechanical mechanic of aviation-space medicine. In the student years, in the framework of the 3rd labor semester, the young man even managed to participate in the construction of the Kama Automobile Plant, subsequently began to produce the famous KamAZ.


After graduating from the Institute, George distributed to work with an engineer in the Leninetwork Scientific and Production Association. In 1978, after receiving Poltavchenko's office of the Instructor of the VLKSM of the Nevsky Raykom, the KGB became interested in how the Kompan became interested. A year old man studied at the highest courses of the State Security Committee in Minsk, and in 1980 he arrived in Moscow - to ensure the security of the Olympic Games. In 1984, a man supplemented education, graduating from financial technical school.

Officer Georgi Poltavchenko

Poltavchenko served in the bodies until 1992. During this period, the biography managed to work in ensuring the security of Pulkovo Airport and personally get acquainted with Vladimir Putin, at that time, I also had an employee of the KGB. Working in state security The future governor completed the head of the Vyborg urban office of the Ministry of Security.

Georgy Poltavchenko and Vladimir Putin

In 1993, completing his career in the bodies, Georgy Sergeevich became the head of the FSNP management. Working in the tax service, he reached the title of Colonel-General. During this period, Poltavchenko organized a service for surveillance of alcohol turnover


The deputy of the Leningrad Regional Council Georgy Sergeevich became back in the period of service in the KGB, in 1990. In 1998, he was a candidate for the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg in the 43th Electoral District, but the elections lost in the 1st round.

In 1999, the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin made Poltavchenko his herself in the Leningrad region, but a long-term politician did not work in this post. Already on May 18, 2002, the new president Vladimir Putin appointed Georgy Sergeevich to the authorized representative in the Central Federal District. It is believed that the position of Poltavchenko received thanks to the experience of working in the tax police.

Soon after appointment, a man had to deal with the scandal in the subordinate area. Alexander Mikhailov, the newly elected head of the Kursk Region administration, allowed himself frankly anti-Semitic statement to Alexander Rutsk. After the public perturbation, Poltavchenko was forced to collect a press conference and publicly condemn Mikhailov, as a result of which he was forced to bring Rutskomo apology. In May 2000, a man entered the Security Council of the Russian Federation.

Alexander Mikhailov and Alexander Rutsk

During the work, George Sergeyevich by President of the President in the Central Federal District in the district significantly fell significantly the effectiveness of the Communist Party of the Communist Party, and the members of the Communist Party at the posts of the governors came more loyal to the official government of politics.

After the election by President Dmitry Medvedev Poltavchenko retained his post. It was rumored that after the departure of Yuri Luzhkov, from the post of mayor of Moscow, Georgy Sergeevich will take his place, but they were not confirmed, and the position received Sergey Sobyanin.

Georgy Poltavchenko

Shortly thereafter, on August 22, 2011, Valentina Matvienko left, and Medvedev appointed Virio Governor of St. Petersburg Poltavchenko. His candidacy was nominated by the party "United Russia", despite the fact that Georgy Sergeevich was not her member. On August 31, the policy was approved for the position of the governor, and later the president took him off the post office in the Central Federal District.

Governor of St. Petersburg

During his work, the governor Poltavchenko repeatedly repeatedly with his actions and decisions caused an ambiguous reaction from citizens. Starting for the post, he canceled the projects started at Matvienko: the construction of a new-Admiralty bridge, "terrestrial express" in Pulkovo, an Oryol tunnel under the Neva.

Governor Georgy Poltavchenko

In 2012, the governor was outraged by the tolerant layer of society and supporters of the LGBT movement by the signing of the Law on Administrative Offenses in St. Petersburg. Among other things, it was a ban on the propaganda of homosexuality and pedophilia, but did not contain clear instructions, which can be considered a manifestation of this propaganda.

The next scandal was the consequences of travel around the city of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Petersburgers were unhappy with the corks formed because of this, the trips with numerous automobile clocks signals. The governor in an interview with the channel "100 TV" sharply commented on the incident, accusing the townspeople in the "job" and stating that he was ashamed for them.

George Poltavchenko and Dmitry Medvedev

The townspeople were indignant to such a relationship, and a member of the Federation Council Vadim Tulipov in his account at Twitter called Poltavchenko to apologize to people. An apology did not follow, and only a spokesman for Georgy Sergeyevich answered Tulipanov, specifying the statement of the governor - he stated that Poltavchenko called "Rugs" only those who were signaling and showed obscene gestures to the Corut.

In response to this Zenit fans during the game team with "Kuban'a" under the drum fraction, a few minutes sang the phrase "Governor - Zhlob", after which I was remembered by Poltavchenko and the scandalous long-term stadium "St. Petersburg", wanted "selling cottage - Stadium "

Governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko

In 2014, Georgy Sergeevich won the election to the post of governor of the city, but there was no alternative as such in St. Petersburg residents - the main opponent of Poltavchenko, Oksana Dmitriev, did not pass the municipal filter.

In 2015, in St. Petersburg, Karl Gustav Emile Mannerheim was planned to establish the memorial plaque. The idea aroused the perturbation of citizens due to the involvement of Mannerheim to the Leningrad blocade, and did not establish the board. The second attempt was made in 2016, however, due to lawsuits and regular vandalism, it was removed after 5 months.

Marner Gustav Mannerheim Memorial Plank

In 2016, Poltavchenko decided to assign the name of Ahmat Kadyrov to the bridge through the Dudugofan Canal. In protest, 4 participants of the Toponimical Commission came out of its composition. The "Apple" Party tried to apply for a referendum on this issue, but first rejected it twice, and then the discussion of the referendum was excluded from the agenda.

Another controversial decision of the governor was the transfer of one of the main city attractions, St. Isaac Cathedral, to the ROC. In response, the trial was initiated, and the transfer process was frozen.

Saint Isaac's Cathedral

The construction of 5 stations of the St. Petersburg metro was the unequivocal achievement of Poltavchenko as the governor. The metropolitan in the northern capital is built at a slower pace than Moscow, and requires large cash investments.

Personal life

With his wife Catherine, the future politician met in the youth, during the years of student. Spouse Muscovite, graduate of the institute of culture, translator and art historian. For some time she worked in the police, left the service senior lieutenant. Georgy Poltavchenko does not advertise his personal life, so there is very few photos of the ex-governor's spouse.

George Poltavchenko and his wife Catherine

In 1985, the son of Alexey was born, who after graduating from the gymnasium No. 631 went to Moscow and entered MGU. In 2014, Poltavchenko Jr. became a millionaire, being a co-owner of two large companies. Son's share of Georgy Sergeevich in them amounted to 4.2 billion rubles.

George Poltavchenko and his son Alexey

Poltavchenko is famous for its deep religiosity. It not only adheres to Orthodox posts and attends the service - for the period of his governorate in St. Petersburg, the number of churches for the recent history of the city was built in St. Petersburg. In addition, in 2002, Georgy Sergeevich became a member of the Board of Trustees on the revival of the Valaam Monastery.

The declared income of Poltavchenko according to data for 2017 is about 5.5 million rubles.

Georgy Poltavchenko now

On October 3, 2018, Vladimir Putin sent Georgy Sergeevich in resignation from the governor's office.

Georgy Poltavchenko in 2018

The reason for the dismissal was the translation of the policy to another job: Poltavchenko received a proposal to become the head of the Board of Directors of the Joint Shipbuilding Company.

Temporarily acting Governor of St. Petersburg was appointed Alexander Bulkov.


  • 2003 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree
  • 2005 - the Order of the St. Burd Great Prince Dimitry of the Don I degree
  • 2008 - Order "For merits to the Fatherland" III degree
  • 2008 - Order of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh I degree
  • 2011 - the Order of the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow I degree
  • 2012 - the Order of the Serbian Flag I degree
  • 2013 - Order of Alexander Nevsky
  • 2013 - the Order of the Reverend Seraphim of Sarovsky I degree
  • 2013 - Cross "For the perpetuation of the memory of the Patriotic War of 1812"
  • 2015 - Honor Medal named after D. I. Mendeleev
  • 2017 - Honor Citizen Simferopol
  • 2018 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" II degree

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