Sergey Bondarenko - biography, photos, songs, personal life, cause of death



Sergey Bondarenko - Son of the founder of the popular group "Nancy". The young man was almost the same as a team, whose peak was fell in the 1990s. Together with the Father Anatoly Bondarenko, the musician performed at the concert venues of Russia and the CIS.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Bondarenko was born in 1987 in a creative family from the Donetsk region. Anatoly Bondarenko was a producer and a soloist in the unsolicited musical team "Nancy", and Elena Bondarenko's mother is a concert director of the ensemble. The couple met when Elena was 15 years old. The meeting took place in a restaurant where the team was opposed. The fan "Nancy", visiting this mini-concert, found a spouse, and later a talented son.

Sergey Bondarenko and Anatoly Bondarenko

Sergei's childhood was held in a unique atmosphere of maintaining parents on tour, concerts and corporate events. As a teenager, he began to get involved in professional activities, followed from an early age. At first, Sergey helped his father in setting up musical equipment, putting the light on stage, then began to participate in the shooting of clips.

Gradually, the young man learned to play keys and began to develop vocal abilities. Sergey graduated from the state conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky in the class of musicology and composition. He defended a diploma, putting a concert for piano performed by the State Symphony Orchestra.


The Nancy group founded in 1992. The name was born due to the accidental acquaintance of young Anatoly Bondarenko with the girl named Nancy. Their meeting occurred in the camp in Slavyanogorsk and produced a strong impression on the musician. Anatoly invited Krastenko's keyboard player and soloist to cooperate, planning activities in Moscow. Thanks to the metropolitan studio "Union", the team was promoted in the territory of the entire post-Soviet space.

Sergey Bondarenko in the Nancy group

"Smoke Cigarettes with Menthol" is the debut album of the Nancy group. In 1994, the team entered the rotation of the most popular radio stations of Russia, and already in 1995 the ensemble released the first CD. Musicians regularly became the guests of the TV shows of the central channels of Ukraine and Russia.

Once in a group with a history, over time, Sergey became a backstagist, and later began to fulfill het "smoke cigarettes with Menthol." It seemed symbolic because Sergey was an almost peer composition. The whole country sang it when the boy was 5 years old. In 2007, the musician officially accepted as a soloist.

"Nancy" turned into a trio consisting of Anatoly and Sergey Bondarenko and Andrei Kostenko. The musician's father was incredibly pleased that it was possible to clearly demonstrate some continuity of generations in the profession. Sergey gained the opportunity to work with the basis created by his father. A loud name retained the interest of the public to the group.

By that time, when Bondarenko Jr. replenished the composition of "Nancy", the main hits of the group have already compiled its constant repertoire. Compositions "Girl of Dreams", "I painted you", "Please read my letter" threatened from all the radio and were learned by fans by heart.

Sergey Bondarenko on stage

The group did not stop at reached and worked to create new arrangements on well-known songs. Periodically, "Nancy" produced new albums. In the discography of the musical team, you can find plates called "New and Best Songs".

Demonstrating the public a new sound of familiar compositions, the musicians pleased fans with new songs. But they were no longer so famous and popular as the main hits of the team. Gradually, the demand of "Nancy" was declining. The group began to perform on small sites, closed and charitable events, as well as at concerts in the framework of marketing actions.

Sergey Bondarenko

Sergey Bondarenko was not regulant of music premiums and thematic parties. Together with the creative team, the artist did not create bright shows and was not known for shocking actions capable of re-attracting the attention of the fans of the musical industry. "Nancy" had a small circle of permanent listeners for whom continued to work.

Personal life

Professional activities of Sergei Bondarenko forced him to cooperate with his parents, but none of the participants in the team did not have discomfort. The biography of the artist, as in the case of his father and mother, was closely connected with the music. Creative people, Bondarenko easily found mutual understanding and proud of the successes of their brainchild. Sergey's personal life was inseparable from professional.

Sergey Bondarenko on a motorcycle

Cheerful artist shared photos and information about his weekdays on the personal page "Instagram". He loved her ride on a motorcycle, spent his free time with Jack-Russell Nick and did not apply to details on relationships with chosen in the personal account. The musician had no wife and children.


Sergey Bondarenko died suddenly on October 18, 2018. This information on social networks confirmed his father. The reason for the death of the musician remains unclear, as closest do not apply to it.

Sergey Bondarenko in 2018

From the comments, Anatoly Bondarenko follows that the Son died in the hospital because of the rapidly progressive disease, the dynamics of which was difficult to track. Doctors failed to help artist. For the family of Sergey Bondarenko, his departure from life was sudden. The funeral of the musician took place on October 20 at one of the Kiev cemeteries.


  • 1993 - "Smoke Cigarettes with Menthol"
  • 1997 - "Wedding"
  • 1997 - "You are far away, or a magical world"
  • 1998 - "Fog, fog"
  • 2000 - Romeo
  • 2001 - "Moon"
  • 2001 - "Iva"
  • 2002 - "My Ogonok"
  • 2003 - "Nansimusik Point RU"
  • 2004 - "Read, please my letter!"
  • 2005 - "Santanavi"
  • 2008 - "Smoke Cigarettes with Menthol 15 years"
  • 2012 - "# Emerid" "

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