Anastasia Endaltseva - biography, photo, "house-2", personal life, news 2021



The well-known participant of the TV project "Dom-2" Anastasia Endaltseva, despite the young age, has a bright and rich biography. Appearing on the screens of televisions, the girl immediately fell in love with the audience of this show, especially men.

Anastasia Endaltsev

Nastya was born in the capital of Poland, the city of Warsaw, in 1994. About the parents and other relatives, the girl does not like to tell a lot, so little knows about her childhood. The girl went well at school, and therefore I liked teachers. Its teachers often praised, a combination of mind and an attractive appearance posted her to the center of attention among peers.

After graduating from school with good estimates, Anastasia is thinking about further development. For higher education, the girl chooses the prestigious Moscow State University. Friends have repeatedly noted her attractiveness and a slim figure and repeatedly advised to try themselves in modeling. At the same time, with studies in high school, Nastya works as a photo model, and at the same time exploring foreign languages.

Model Anastasia Endaltsev

After the completion of the training and receipt of the diploma, the Endalza appears more time to work, and it is even more immersed in the model business. At first, the girl was a simple model, however such work quickly bored Nastya. Seeing the offline of this business and the work of the designers, it also connects to the study of the basics of clothing design.

In the development of its own line of clothing, a novice designer helped travel to different countries of the world. There, Anastasia saw fashionable trends of this time, something took a note and embodied this. Since France is a recognized capital of world fashion, it was this country that became the second home for the girl. Permanent flights for photo shoots, work on new projects and fashion shows became an ordinary thing for her.

Realistic show "Dom-2"

The arrival of the project Anastasia Endalzova took place in March 2018. On the very first day, the girl stated that she came to conquer the heart of Roman Gritsenko. She noted his masculinity, attractive appearance and shape and even wanted to use a guy in professional purposes as a model. The girlfriend does not take confidence, so she convinced the participants that I was ready to click on the bow on the nose and switch the attention of the novel from the leading show.

Roman Gritsenko

However, staying at a project quite a bit of time, the girl refused Gritsenko, in her glance, he turned out to be arrogant. Since sympathies for other men who are at that time on the show, Anastasia did not have experienced, she decided to wait for the arrival of new guys.

Mondezir Light-Amur, a muscular cute guy with an exotic appearance, came to "Dom-2" shortly after Endalza and immediately took possession of the girl. He also noted an Anastasia for himself and asked the organizers to arrange a meeting with them, where he immediately admitted to the girl in the feelings. The rest of the guys of the project made it clear that interested in the model.

Anastasia Endaltseva and Mondezir Light-Amur

After that, the young man went to the Seychelles, where Endaltsev had stayed. The participant of the project was waiting for his prince on the "Island of Love". Arriving there, a man announced their relationship. Young people immediately settled into a separate bungalow, where they continued to build relationships and closer to know each other.

From the enviousness, other participants of the show, there were often provocations. For example, Elena Chromine tried to show sympathy for the guy, but did it too intrusively than and annoyed Mondezira and Nastya. At first, he tried to tactfully explain to Elena, so that she did not fit into their personal life, but since it did not act, the man was forced to react with rudeness to all chromine provocations.

Anastasia Endaltseva - biography, photo,

At the beginning of the summer of 2018, Mondezir was involved in a fight, which is prohibited by the project rules. The show organizers were forced to deprive the guy of the status of the participant. Some time, Anastasia experienced parting with him and dedicated to the chosen by touching posts on social networks. The young man suggested the Nastya to build relationships over the perimeter of the show, which she answered consent and left the Seychelles.

However, upon returning to Moscow, the couple did not reunite. As the argument Endaltseva put forward a charge that the guy did not restrain the promises, did not take the apartment in the capital and did not even meet her arriving at the airport. Therefore, very soon, the girl returned to the project, and when Mondezir still fulfilled the promise and called Nastya for the perimeter, he had already changed the project at all.

Irina Pinchuk and Anastasia Endaltseva

Staying in the status of a free girl, in October 2018, Endaltseva goes on a date with Zakhar Salenko. Their meeting ends with sex, which occurred at the hotel, at that moment they were not under the sight of cameras. However, returning to the perimeter of the project, the guy reported on this case to participants. This story wounded the former girl Salenko. Although then the guy was no longer in a relationship with Irina Pinchuk, though this act was bored than she shared with subscribers in social networks.

Seeing the suffering of Irina, the next day after this event, Endaltsev decided to "finish" the girl, bringing her a helmet with branches attached on it in the form of deer horns. After that, a fight occurred between the girls, in which, however, no one was injured.

Personal life

The girl tries to lead a healthy lifestyle, it carefully monitors the figure and appearance, and also pays attention to health. Silent homemade gatherings Nastya prefers outdoor activities, it cannot sit for a long time in one place, constantly developing in different directions.

Anastasia Endaltsev

Like any girl, Endaltseva is committed to the ideals of beauty. The project fans that carefully follow the favorite heroes, claim that the girl made a breast and nose plastic, and also increased her lips, but it is reliable if the girl's operations are reliable - it is not known to anyone exactly.

Anastasia Endaltseva now

Endaltseva and now remains on the project in the hope of building love, and at the same time and to reconsee among young people as a designer of fashionable clothes.

Anastasia Endaltseva in 2018

In "Instagram", Anastasia is divided with subscribers of a photo in a swimsuit with different beaches, short videos and film frames. The girl spends a lot of time to care for himself, the audience often celebrate Bright Makeup Endalza, it tries not to appear before the cameras without makeup.

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