Moon Knight - character biography, image and character, ability


Character History

In the biography of the lunar knight, many epithets with the word "former": the former son of Rabbi, a former military, former CIA agent. Perhaps thanks to the constant change of status, the hero found his own place in life. And it doesn't matter that the calling almost a man is crazy. It is much more important that the lunar knight saved many lives.

History of creation

The first advent of the lunar knight became a comic dedicated to the night island ("WEREWOLF by NIGHT №32", 1975). The authors of the character Doug Monh and Don Perin created an image of a mysterious antagonist who confronts the Wervolf.

Lunny knight

Suddenly, a slight hero caused a deep interest from the fans of the comic. To figure out the phenomenon, the editors of Marvel introduced a knight in a series of spider man. The hero once again became a secondary participant of the comic, however, this time the adventure of the character was stretched into two releases.

The interest in the lunar knight did not subside, but the creators of the image were in no hurry to distinguish the hero with a separate series. The man has not yet appeared on colorful pages, but the full history of the hero fans found out only in 1980.

Over the next years, interest in colorful character alternately and fought again. The only thing remained unchanged is the status of an important hero in comics about a spider man.

Moon Knight and Spider Man

Another restart of the character editors Marvel organized in 2010. The man appeared in the Heroes for Hire comics, which are actively working by Brian Bandis and Alex Maleev. It is concerned that the next personal series appears on the light, dedicated to the insane adventure of the superhero.

Similar rumors are easily explained - according to official data, the film "Marvel" plans to replenish the list of serials. At the turn of the film by Blade, a ghost rider and a lunar knight.

Comics "Marvel"

Mark Spector was born in the family of the Jewish priest. Hero's father, together with his family, fled from Czechoslovakia to America shortly after the birth of the Son. Mother's mother died when the boy had not yet reached the ripe age.

Lunar knight without mask

The child grew together with the older brother Randall under the care of an excessively passive father. Since childhood, the family relationship was tense. A boy who is fond of boxing, delivered rabbi mass of trouble. To avoid further confrontation, Mark left the house and joined the ranks of the marines.

Hero's biography step in step repeats the life of an older brother. He served some time in the troops, Mark, after Randall, goes to the service in the CIA. The work delivered the spectrum. Alas, after the girl Mark was killed, the hero's life went under the slope.

The first blow to the spectrum was the news that the elder brother is not at all a superhero from a fairy tale. The man has long been smuggling for a long time, and after the beloved brand figured Randalla, the senior director killed a girl. Without coping with emotions, Mark executes brother and leaves the CIA forever.

The image of the lunar knight

A man who dedicated himself to the work of the military does not represent himself in a peaceful life. The only way out, which finds Mark is to become a mercenary, industrial part-time students on terrorists and dictators.

The work brings the hero to the Egyptian city, in which many centuries stands the untouched sanctuary of Pharaoh. During the disassembly with his own boss, Mark receives a fatal injury. To save the man entangled in his own feelings and actions, local residents include the body of the spectrum to the statue of the god of the Moon Honshu.

The influential deity cleared over the dying and offered a brand deal. If the Spector is ready to be repeated justice over the villains in the name of God, Honshu raises a man and give the hero of supernatural forces. Mark agrees to offer and soon comes to himself. The man is confident that the story that happened is just a dream who inspired local legends and legends.

Moon Knight and other comic book heroes

The only thing that the Spector is confident is the work of the mercenary it is time to tie. Man returns

In America, grabbing accumulations made during the service. This money is enough to exist calmly and rehearse in the modern world. But the inner thirst for messenger, which woke up in a hero, does not give the speaker to relax.

A man creates two individual identities. Now Mark is named Stephen Grant and rotates in the Higher Society. To learn more about the criminal world, the Spector acquires a taxi and begins to live under the name of Jake Lock. In parallel with the new names, Mark creates a superhero-suit, in which hesitates justice over the villains. Now, in the face of one man, three absolutely different characters get along.

Moon Knight in comics

Intense existence in the form of a three-person immediately had the consequences for the psyche of the hero. Mark often experiences overvoltage and is often subjected to nervous breakdowns. The spectra saves the girl named Marla, who will accidentally find out about the peculiarities of a man. Beauty returns a man into reality and does not allow a long to Handing.

In the first years of the superhero existence, the Lunar Knight managed to fight with a black ghost, a midnight man and a fly. But the most cruel battle was the battle with Zohhar - a student of his father, who kidnap the Body of Rabbi after death.

Fighting with evil, the Spector improved its own abilities. After the revival of the dead, the man gained superhuman speed and strength. The hero mastered the skills of shooting from any weapon, learned to drive a variety of vehicles and studied torture technology.

Moon Knight - Art

Even more abilities, the Spector acquired after the defendant's bite. In the heat of the battle, the mystical creature was injured by the lunar knight, but instead of reincarnation, the man only increased his own strength.

An ominous past has a property to return. This happened to Mark. The older brother of the hero returned to life, who was waiting to revenge the younger speaker. To make it hurt, Randell abducts the lover of the lunar knight. The brand helped the punisher and spiderman who rebels from hell of the smuggler.

Another resurrection from the dead, but already the very lunar knight, took place shortly after the battle of infinity. The powerful goddess arranged a crusade, whose goal was all sorts of evil. The Lunar Knight entered the Operation group participating in the battle. During the battle, Mark collided with a computer virus, which blew up the tower where the hero was.


Honsho did not leave his own ward. God again resurrected Mark, and a man with new forces rushed to help people. The new operation on the rescue of the world was the battle against the punisher, with whom a friendly relations in the past had a friend. This time the Lunar Knight joins the Sorvigolone and even has a newly formed team of sponsorship.

Alas, men underestimated the supporters of the enemy. Cloak, taped and tombstones were separated by the heroes base and wounded the knight. The defeat sufficiently tired brand. A man breaks the contract with God and tie with a risky life.

But peaceful existence was not so interesting. Mark, who is now not pretending to be in three individuals, carried away by alcohol, beat his beloved and stopped watching the news.

The weapon of the lunar knight

The civil war, unleashed between superheroes, has come to the life of a lowered man quite on time. Mark took himself in his hands and returned to the post of a fighter with injustice. But both sides participating in the battle did not want to see the lunar knight among the supporters. The heroes frightened the instability mark, which gradually overwhelmed into the split personality.

By choosing the side of the Iron Man, the Lunar Knight forced the government to take himself in the ranks of superheroes. Alas, work in the team did not become a healing spectrum. In addition, the black ghost - the old enemy of the man - the hero is talented before friends. The facts that the ghost presented seemed convincing. The Lunar Knight turned out to be the enemy of the state and soon left America, moved to Mexico.

iron Man

Return to the Motherland was marked for a marcue shift. The man no longer wanted to kill in the name of God. Now the Spector has seen his task in preventing crimes.

A similar strategy collided the foreheads of the lunar knight and the other no less than the gloor superhero. In a fight against Dadpool, who attacked the Mafia boss, the lunar knight won. True, finding out the enemy's motifs, the man himself inflicted a lot of injuries to the saved villain.


Over time, the avengers and other superheroes had to recognize the truth - yes, the lunar knight is madman, but the benefit that a man can bring is much higher than the potential danger. Well, Mark Spector won his own place among brave wrestlers with evil.

Interesting Facts

  • The lunar knight is often opposed to another famous character with a similar biography. To find out whether Mark will be the Spector against Batman, you can in a computer game of the Champions Battle.
Moon Knight and Batman
  • In the game "Spider-man: Web of Shadows", a former mercenary helps a spider person to defeat symbiot (fictional parasite race).
  • Without mask, Mark does not stand out from the crowd. The masking means is needed that the rich friends of men do not recognize in the Spector of Superhero.


"In short, you can call me psychos." In my war there is no time to the toilets. "" I am the Lunar Knight, the carrier of the Honshi mantle, the tipper of justice. I am revenge. "" People ask me how I can live like that. To risk? So many times to give in madness? Die so many times? How can I live like that? And how can I live? "

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