Dane (Dana) White - biography, photo, martial arts, personal life, news 2021



Men's permanent president and co-owner of the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) - a sports organization that is engaged in the MMI fighting, that is, fights in mixed martial arts techniques (from English - Mixed Martial Arts). For an indisputable authority in the field of this sport, White is not different as the MMA king, implying him of great popularity worldwide. The biography of Dane White is the story of turning a little-known sport in international billions of dollars.

Childhood and youth

Dane Frederick White Jr. was born on July 28, 1969 in Manchester, Connecticut. Father Dane White Sr. Sr. early left the family, and mother of the boy, June (half Ireland by nationality), had to raise two children alone.

Dane White in youth

The family lived difficult, in search of the best life of Jun, Dane and his sister Kelly often moved from place to place. The childhood of the future magnate was held in Las Vegas, Texas and such small towns of Maine, as Levant and Hermon. In the last White graduated from school. And in 1987 he entered one of the prestigious Colleges of Boston.

Study, however, was the last in the list of priorities of a new student. The first points there were money, entertainment and sports. Dyne got a guard in the nightclub, and during the day the Aerobics and Boxing section attended. The college did not endure the absenteeism of White and expelled it on the 2nd course.


To make money on life, the ex-student worked as a doorman, bartender, parallel with amateur boxing. But, soberly assessing the chances, threw this venture.

"I have never been afraid to go into the ring and fight, but I knew that success in professional sports should be devoted to life. I saw the guys who were 35-37 years old, but the sport did not give them anything in return. And I realized that I don't want to be so, "he explained his decision.
Dane White

Then Dane got an aerobics instructor, but soon realized that they would not go far on these money. Then he developed a set of exercises that mixed boxing and aerobics techniques, and began to train women and adolescents on their own technique. There were many wishing, and Dane organized the first enterprise. In 1992, hiring and tracing coaches, he opened three gym working under the sign "Dana White Enterprises".

Having defined for myself a stable source of income, White went to conquer the world of big sports, took up the study of the Brazilian struggle of Jiu-Jitsu and boxing management, dreaming about the career of the promoter. But, as it was called, in the work of the gyms, interruptions were frequent due to problems with fiscal bodies. The entrepreneur closed the case and moved to Las Vegas.

Lorenzo Firthitta and Dane White

Here White found an old friend Lorenzo Firthitto, with whom he studied at school. Lorenzo, like his older brother Frank, were passionate boxing connoisseurs. White tried to enter a boxing management environment, but without money and connections to break into the elite of the promotional business was impossible. Then he drew a look at young, developing sports, holding the promotion of several MMA fighters. At the beginning of the manager, Dane did not disappear anything, even organized underground street fighting, which, in fact, were real battles without rules.

"Sometimes I made fading things. But money does not smell. Moral - the last word in the world of MMA. In business, it is necessary to discard unnecessary snot about honesty and justice. With such thoughts, nothing will happen ... "," White's words repeatedly pronounced in an interview.

Soon the guy began to learn in the world of MMA, he discouraged the authority among the fighters thanks to business qualities. Among his wards were such athletes like Tito Ortis - a champion with a huge number of won battles, Chuck Liddell and others.

Dane White

All of them consisted in the organization UFC, speaking under her auspices. But UFC did not pull the role of an authoritative promotion center. The manager brought editors and found out that Semaphore Entertainment Group, the founder of the UFC, close to bankruptcy.

With the idea of ​​buying a unprofitable company Dane, Lorenzo and Frank Firthitam, who by that time had already owned a casino network that was inherited from the Father. The initiator of the transaction convinced the brothers in the fact that the future in the world of martial arts - for MMA. And in January 2001, the owner of Semaphore Entertainment Group Bob Meirovits put his signature under the contract. The new UFC president brothers appointed Dane White.

President Ufc.

The first thing that White did in the post of head of the UFC was seriously engaged in a promotion. To do this, it was necessary to get a formal permission to carry out battles. However, state authorities refused to give a document due to barbaric rules. Then Dane introduced a number of prohibitions into their arch in their arch, in particular, on strikes in groin and shocks in the head of the underlying enemy. Also, the fights began to be limited in time.

UFC President Dane White

In order to popularize MMA, the UFC prescribed a wide marketing policy. And, above all, concluded an agreement with the SPIKETV cable channel to broadcast battles on the air. The first stars of UFC became Tito Ortis, Chuck Liddell, Matt Hughes. The affairs of the organization gradually went uphill, but not so much to cover old debts. Then White makes another promotion jerk.

In 2005, Dane, together with partners, the tricks of Firth, came up with and launched on the Spiketv reality show "The Ultimate Fighter" (the cost of Ether $ 10 million), in which 16 fighters live in the same house and participate in the fights, leaving after losing. The prize for the strongest - a contract with UFC plus $ 1 million. It was a real breakthrough in the mass: the final fight of the Griffin and Stephen Bonnar in live air looked at millions of viewers all over the world. UFC becomes a prosperous organization, and MMA is a trend sport.

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Dane White himself in 2005 declared a promoter of the year and wins in this category every year until 2013, repeating the result in 2015-2016. Secure success, the head of UFC began to methodically eliminate competitors: first promoted WEC, then pride. Now nothing prevented UFC to dictate your rules in MMA.

Strengthening authority influenced White's behavior: he gained unflattering glory as grubed and scandalist. There are cases of insults not only to the UFC fighters, but also officials. Among the loud scandals with his participation - the public insult of gays, for which he had to apologize to him, as well as a quarrel with a journalist SERDOG portal (MMA's thematic site) Loretta Hunt. Known conflicts with Japanese and Russian promoters.

"These Russians want too much," he said somehow in the cast.
Conor McGregor and Dane White

Since 2016, UFC has no longer belongs to the victitt brothers. The organization was sold to a group of companies WME-IMG for $ 4 billion White also received a percentage of the transaction and increased its condition that is now equal to $ 500 million. New UFC owners left White as president. The head of the organization itself promised to spend a few more years at the helm, stating that with the purchase of UFC "Sport will definitely come to a new level."

Personal life

His personal life promoter holds closed. It is known that with his wife Ann White businessman since 1996, they met in Las Vegas School. The couple grow two sons and daughter. By the way, one of the guys - Aidan White, who is a copy of the Father in his youth, in 2018 he made his debut in professional boxing.

Dane White and his wife Ann

At the head of UFC complex relationships with the mother. In 2011, she wrote the book "Dane White, King MMA", in which he said that the big money changed her son for the worse.

"He began to forget his relatives, but they are not even about me, but about the grandmother, which he threw to die in the trailer," says one of the book quotes.

At the same time, broad gestures of White are known - help with sick children and deductions for charity.

Dane White now

One of the latest high-profile projects White is a fight of the strongest fighters in lightweight weight: Russian Habiba Nurmagomedova and Irish Conoram McGregor, whom White puts in one row with Mike Tyson and Mohammed Ali.

The fight was held in October 2018 and ended with the victory of Russian.

Almost all fights Dane White commented in Twitter and Instagram, laying out numerous photos.

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